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I'm In!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:29 am
by Bobbie-Jo
Hello Chaplain Mike and all,

Thank you so much for starting this challenge. This is perfect timing for me, and I'm happy to join you all in success.

God Bless,


Count me in!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:36 pm
by slimkat
I'm new to the boards, too. I've been a vegan for a little over a year and a half, with some slip ups, and I've read many of the McDougall books.
However, I have struggled MIGHTILY with the flour/sugar issues.
I'm one of those passionate people -- one bite, and I can go off the rails...

I think Mary's mini is a great way to go, and I'm snacking on a baked potato w/a sprinkle of salt and lemon as I write this!
I am going out of town tomorrow for a long weekend and would like to begin officially on March 5th.
I'll weigh in then, create a weight goal ticker and such.
My goals:
1. be fit and trim to be healthy!
2. be trim so that I can jog on healthy knees.
3. be trim for my wedding -- in December in Hawaii -- want to wear a bikini!
4. be as fit -- and have as much energy as possible -- to have children (I'm thirty-six and I need my sleep -- LOL!)
5. tentative weight goal: 135, current weight, probably 200
Best wishes to you all!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 3:30 pm
by momof4
I'd like to join this as well. Not sure exactly what mygoals will be, but like slimcat, I'm going to Hawaii next year and I will NOT be a fat surfer girl! I've waited my whole life to go there and I want to enjoy my time there with my family and not look back with regrets.

And, like Losing Linda, I'm 157 with a goal of 125, and my birthday is also in June. Now wouldn't that be the best gift we could give ourselves!

go vegan march 2

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:44 am
by govegan
yesterday I ate hashbrowns throughout the day
asparagas, corn, and salsa


wst 37.5

on to day two
go vegan

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 9:43 am
by ReneeK
I'll be starting the Mary's Mini Challenge on Monday. I've learned from experience that Sundays are never good commitment days for me. They're too unpredictable in my opinion.

first day!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 8:11 am
by Bons52983
B-potato+creamed corn (homemade)
S-fresh carrots+cucumber
L-celery+salsa+ veggie of opportunity
D- veggie stew + zucchini

I am going to an indian PowWow today and am hoping they have roasted corn on the cob.. made without butter for lunch. Otherwise I will just go hungry til I get home or maybe there will be something else that will fit into mary's but I don't have much hope.

I plan to take a cooler w veggies etc.

Exercise: 1-2 hour stroll + 30 minutes water aerobics
Waist- (if you can call it that ) measurement is 43".

Off and to the Races

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 4:49 pm
by jmgoforth



I will have a baked potatoe

I weighed myself and took my waist measurement-
Will give the run down in the morning.

We started a spring revival and had an 1" of snow. But all melted this afternoon.
Chaplain Mike


PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:19 pm
by Bons52983
Hey Chaplin Mike, Did you say Mary's mini begining today or MWL begining today?

No beans, grains (?) or breads on Mary's mini I am pretty sure. 1 kind of starch and multiple veggies only. Looking for food boredom. Well whatever, I am doing Mary's mini begining today.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:45 pm
by Sunny
My weight this A.M. 187 lbs. waist measurement 37"

B- hash browns

L- baked potato w/veggies

D- mashed potatoes w/ spinach and corn

Snack- banana

Drink- water

I'm so sorry.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:19 pm
by jmgoforth
I retyped Mary's insrtuctions and and will study for tomorrow.
I honestly thought beans and oatmeal were allowed.
But I will do better toworrow.
Thanks- :eek:

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 6:56 am
by Bons52983
B-potato+creamed corn (homemade)
S-fresh carrots+cucumber
L-celery+salsa+ broccoli
D- veggie stew + fresh cabbage

I did not have fry bread!!!! whoopie!!!
I also did not go swimming

planned exercise for today is
Walk to laundry room & do my own laundry
30 min water exercise.
3 15 minute dog walks

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 7:23 am
by Sunny
What I will be eating today :

B- potatoes O' Brien

L- baked potato w/veggies

D- mashed potatoes w/ corn

Snack- banana / grapes

Drink- water

Exercise will be Gazelle, weights and crunches :-D

Starting today

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 8:58 am
by ReneeK
This is the perfect challenge to allow me to regroup after a very chaotic weekend. Here I am ready to join in the challenge.

B: Hashbrowns with a dab of A-1 steak sauce; glass of grape juice; coffee (trying without soy creamer)

L: Baked potato; steamed squash medley

D: Mashed potatoes; tomato onion gravy; large green salad

S: apple; veggie sticks; lots of water

Forgot waist measurement this morning so will do that tomorrow morning.

Activity today: long walk with dog; housecleaning; YBB dvd

On my way with Mary's Minni

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:58 am
by Losing Linda
Well let's pray we can all stick to it and lose the extra baggage we carry! :) Are we eatting mostly potatoes? My treat will be a sweet potatoe once in a while.
B-hash browns with ketch-up, 1/2 bannana, tea
L-mash potatoes, salad, steamed vegetables
D-Bake potates, salad, mushrooms and greens

This menu will be mostly what I eat but I will vary the vegetables and maybe winter squash instead of potatoe because I want the orange to get needed A vitamin. My DH wants to see me get all the vitamins which we used supplements for before so it will make him not to worry. I bought hiking boots to break into for future hiking so with the extra 2 lbs each boot I will walk my hour walk.

I'm so sorry!!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:48 am
by jmgoforth
I have never done the Mini Mary correctly. I thought it just had to be any starch food.
So today I weighed myself at 320 which means I lost two pounds yesterday.
I have biked for 30 minutes and will bike this evening.
Breakfast, I slow cooked a potato on the stove without grease.
1 banana

Micro Wave Potato and green beans.

I will get back this evening!

Huge question- My job requires that I eat out with my officers. They always eat Mexican. My only choice is to eat salad and beans. This is only once a week. This is life and the best I can do.
If that is a problem please let me know and I will drop out. I will continue but just on my own. I don't want to be a stumbling block.