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Re: February 2016 McDougall Weigh in Group

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 8:50 am
by Kerstinro
Happy February, folks!

I lost one pound this week. I think I've been splurging a bit on tofu. I usually don't have it too often, but our supermarket has the marinated tofu cubes back in stock and my daughter loves it so it's been in the house and I've been taking some to work.
So next week, out with the tofu, back in with a nice salad to go with lunch.

I've also been having one or two hot chocolates, made with almond milk and a fruit/carob syrup. It's not very high in calories, but I guess it all adds up over the course of the week and makes a difference in the end.

Here's to next week and to avoiding vegan temptations :crybaby:

Kerstin :D

P.S.: I found those lovely little tracker bars online that some people have, but how do I get it to show up in my messages?

Re: February 2016 McDougall Weigh in Group

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 8:51 am
by Kerstinro
Jeepsterhound wrote:I decided I did not want a new knee and got back with the program. My knee is fine now and I hike and bike and have even run a few 5Ks.

I love it! You educated yourself and took responsibility. Why would you want a new knee, anyway? :D


Re: February 2016 McDougall Weigh in Group

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:39 am
by memkat
Not a happy camper this week I gained 4.5 lbs. :eek: I think it is mostly fluid retention from the antibiotic I have been on but I did succumb to some whole wheat homemade biscuts this week and any flour type food usually has a weight gain associated with it. I am going to do a Mary's mini this week with potatoes and hope that it will reverse this trend. Sorry I am ruining the group stats but hope to do a lot better this week!


Re: February 2016 McDougall Weigh in Group

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 11:52 am
by TnFirefly
I'm new to the group and the plan, although I've read the books in the past. I weigh in this morning at 449.8. This is my first week so no weight change. I hope for a drop next week. I'm giving this 2 weeks. It makes sense intellectually, but the emotional aspects of eating these foods is a whole other story. That adjustment will require some time. It's hard to trust after years of low carb and paleo attempts.
Thanks, and away we go!

Re: February 2016 McDougall Weigh in Group

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:03 pm
by Debbie
All three of these threads are stickys at the top of this forum, But in case you missed them, I am linking them here.

MWL guidelines from the Maximum Weight Loss book

Calorie density resources

Can you eat as much as you want?

Re: February 2016 McDougall Weigh in Group

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:10 pm
by Debbie
I am a zero this week. Im fighting whatever is going around, all 3 of my kids got it, my hubby now has it and fingers crossed I dont go more down hill than I am.

Re: February 2016 McDougall Weigh in Group

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 2:37 pm
by VeggieSue
Kerstinro wrote:P.S.: I found those lovely little tracker bars online that some people have, but how do I get it to show up in my messages?

Grab the HTML code from the tracker - the site usually has one already made for you to just copy - and place it in the signature. Find where to write in your signature files by clicking the Control Panel - Profile - Edit Signature:

Be sure to press save, and it should now appear in all your messages. You can try it out in The Sandbox forum:

Although the board messages themselves use BBCode, the signature, IIRC, used the HTML code.

Re: February 2016 McDougall Weigh in Group

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 2:59 pm
by Nstep2live
I am still at 191. It seems I have stalled again. Gonna try to eat more potatoes this week. Dr. Mcdougall says 90% of the plate should be starches. I have been doing about 75% fruits and vegetables and 25% starch.

Re: February 2016 McDougall Weigh in Group

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 3:02 pm
by Kerstinro
Thanks, VeggieSue, I'll give that a shot :thumbsup:

(Edit: It works, it works :D )

Re: February 2016 McDougall Weigh in Group

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 3:04 pm
by Debbie
We started February on a gain. :( Hopefully next week we can reverse that. Use the links I posted above as resources. I tried waiting a little longer to see if anyone else had a loss to report...Remember, weight loss isnt a straight line down, but and active line that goes up and down as we learn what works and what doesn't work.

Welcome to our new members. Looking forward to having you all post here too.

February 2016 Weight Loss Group :: Weekly Weigh In Results
Total group loss reported in 2016: 82
Total group loss reported in Feburary: +1.7
Week ending 02/05/2016: 10 participants reported a total gain of +1.7 pounds.

**Reminder, all gains count towards the total.**


Tatjana- +4
Memkat- +4.5

Total gains = + 8.5

Debbie- 0
Jeepsterhound- 0
Nstep2live- 0
Reni- 0
Kerstinro- 1
Catherine1305- 1.2
Wpkrats- 1.7
Wanderluster- 2.9

Total losses = 6.8

Total group loss in February 2016: +1.7
Week ending 02/05/2016: 10 participants reported a total gain of 1.7 pounds.

Total group loss in January 2016: 83.7
Week ending 01/29/2016: 10 participants reported a total loss of 1.4 pounds.
Week ending 01/22/2016: 15 participants reported a total loss of 14 pounds.
Week ending 01/15/2016: 16 participants reported a total loss of 15.5 pounds.
Week ending 01/08/2016: 23 participants reported a total loss of 41.5 pounds.
Week ending 01/01/2016: 05 participants reported a total loss of 11.3 pounds.

Total loss in 2015 was 631.6
Total loss in 2014 was 72.9 (from Oct 31)

Re: February 2016 McDougall Weigh in Group

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:55 pm
by Rebecky
Day 1

Re: February 2016 McDougall Weigh in Group

PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 8:56 am
by Mayflowers
I'd like to try too! :) I need a post holiday detox. I'm following the Starch Solution and alternate with the Maximum Weight Loss.
I have 50 lbs to lose.

Re: February 2016 McDougall Weigh in Group

PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 10:33 am
by catherine1305
Hey I lost last week 1.2 not gained wow not a good sign

sorry figured it out

Thanks Debbie

Re: February 2016 McDougall Weigh in Group

PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 1:20 pm
by Debbie
catherine1305 wrote:Hey I lost last week 1.2 not gained wow not a good sign

sorry figured it out

Thanks Debbie

I did not put you in the gain column, but the loss column. Hope that helps. :-D

Re: February 2016 McDougall Weigh in Group

PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 1:21 pm
by Debbie
Rebecky wrote:Day 1

Looking forward to seeing you next week and beyond. Welcome!! :-D