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Re: Potato Challenge: Spudnik vs. Vegpedlr

PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:37 pm
by vgpedlr
Borscht it was. Potatoes, beets, cabbage, celery/onion/carrot.


Tomorrow I will lift like an Eastern Bloc beast in the gym.


Re: Potato Challenge: Spudnik vs. Vegpedlr

PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 9:19 am
by roundcoconut
Oh God -- BORSCHT!

I worked with a guy who for some reason went way out of his way to have delicious and compliant food for me (uh, who also tried to kiss me once, so mystery solved), and he would make the most delicious plant-based borscht. Good gracious was that good!

He ran the kitchen in the restaurant where I worked, so he would also slow-roast a humongous sweet potato for me sometimes. Well, that was a few years ago, and I am stalker- and creeper-free now, but GAAAWWWWDD you brought back memories.

Hope potato challenging continues to go well for you guys! I'm "root"ing for you both. Ha ha. Lame root vegetable jokes! :)

Re: Potato Challenge: Spudnik vs. Vegpedlr

PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 1:01 pm
by spudnik
BORSCHT!!! indeed! That sounds delicious. Stay curious and eat your beets, as Tom Robbins tells us.

Today I had a hankering for pesto so I threw some white beans, basil, garlic, and lemon in the food processor and tossed my taters in 'em. VERY TASTY RESULTS. So that's breakfast and lunch, and dinner will be warm taters of some type...either hash browns or more schweddy balls.

Not even a little bit tired of taters yet. And I've definitely dropped a couple of pounds.

Re: Potato Challenge: Spudnik vs. Vegpedlr

PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 1:19 pm
by ForestGoddess
Spudnik - Those mashed potato balls look really good! Do you have a recipe for them? I was loaughing at the link, I had never seen that before.

How long are you two doing the challenge? I have been toying with the idea, but having a hard time committing!

Re: Potato Challenge: Spudnik vs. Vegpedlr

PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 1:24 pm
by spudnik
No recipe, just mash some taters up with whatever you like and roll up little balls and bake. These just had some chives and a little mustard but they would be great with curry powder and peas, or "cheesy" with nooch and onion powder, or whatever! I just baked them for maybe 15 minutes at 400 or so to warm them up and make them a little crusty on the outside. As schweddy balls should be. :lol:

And I don't think we've set any kind of time limit....I don't know about VP but I'm going to keep potato-ing for quite a while I think. It's cheap and delicious and working well for me. :)

Re: Potato Challenge: Spudnik vs. Vegpedlr

PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 2:31 pm
by vgpedlr
Borscht over potatoes for lunch. I can feel the nitric oxide working . . . by the time I hit the gym this afternoon I will be strong like bull. :D

White bean pesto potato salad is one of my favorite summer lunches.

I'm going to try to keep going until Xmas eve, when I'm making posole for the family. Xmas morning we traditionally have . . .
Potatoes! A dish my sister calls "lard potatoes" because of the truly unholy amounts of fat: cream soup, sour cream, mayo, and cheese. I will make my own version, which will be rich, but nothing like the original.

Then, maybe hack some more before New Year's, where our traditional dinner is fondue. As a cheese addict, I stay away. Fortunately my niece doesn't like cheese at all, so we make our own vegan version made with POTATOES!

Hack on spud-folk

Re: Potato Challenge: Spudnik vs. Vegpedlr

PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 10:53 pm
by vgpedlr
Dinner: Curry,
Cauliflower potato curry and red lentil dal w/ potato

Re: Potato Challenge: Spudnik vs. Vegpedlr

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 11:53 am
by spudnik

Today's a little different, with some "fancy" spud tricks. I'm hacking for the long-term now. :D

Breakfast: baked hashbrowns
Lunch: roasted red taters with roasted brussels sprouts all tossed in lemon and herby goodness
Dinner: oven fries with potato "cheese" sauce


Re: Potato Challenge: Spudnik vs. Vegpedlr

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 12:23 pm
by vgpedlr
And I go minimal. Hacking today, not MM.

1 lb. oven "fries" with salt and vinegar. (malt)

It's tater-ific!

Re: Potato Challenge: Spudnik vs. Vegpedlr

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 12:54 pm
by sirdle
I'm sure you are both aware of the song "Potato" by Cheryl Wheeler, sung to the tune of "The Mexican Hat Dance"...

... but just in case you're not:

Lyrics and Background
YouTube Video


Re: Potato Challenge: Spudnik vs. Vegpedlr

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 3:18 pm
by JuicerJohn
sirdle wrote:I'm sure you are both aware of the song "Potato" by Cheryl Wheeler, sung to the tune of "The Mexican Hat Dance"...

... but just in case you're not:

Lyrics and Background
YouTube Video


+1 Hilarious!

Re: Potato Challenge: Spudnik vs. Vegpedlr

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 3:36 pm
by vgpedlr
Oven fries w/ dipping sauces, cocktail sauce and steak sauce, both with a little extra hot sauce.

Giving ip on the 49ers today to watch the Raiders instead.

May the Potato be with you, always.

Re: Potato Challenge: Spudnik vs. Vegpedlr

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 4:22 pm
by spudnik
Sirdle, I love that song! It's my current theme song clearly. :D

Went for a long coooold hike with Hyper Dog and earned my lunch (and possibly dinner now too because I'm stuffed): some hot potato-on-potato action (the "cheese" is just more potatoes and carrots with nooch and a few spices.)

Yup yup. Potato on, good people.


Re: Potato Challenge: Spudnik vs. Vegpedlr

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 4:33 pm
by sirdle
spudnik wrote:Sirdle, I love that song! It's my current theme song clearly. :D


I have a question for the potato experts:

I am rediscovering the baked potato. But it's a pain to turn the oven on for an hour each time I want one. Can I bake more than one potato at a time and store the ones I don't eat? And if so, how do I prepare the next day's potato? (Won't the skin get all soggy if I put in the refrigerator and then microwave it?)


Re: Potato Challenge: Spudnik vs. Vegpedlr

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 4:42 pm
by spudnik
I'll yield the floor to Vegpedlr on that one--I think he's more of a baked tater expert than I am. I don't really mind a slightly soggy baked potato, and I also tend to eat more boiled/steamed than baked. Maybe warm it up in the crockpot instead like suggested earlier?