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Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 3:57 pm
by Linda Dorrill
Oops. I'm looking at my McDougall Program for Women. I'll go find the MWL book.
Linda Dorrill

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 4:15 pm
by eaufraiche703
Count me in!

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 5:06 pm
by ColoradoHiker
Hi! I really want this to be the year that I get rid of the extra pounds. My husband and I have been WFPB for almost 4 years but I have not lost any weight. I have read Dr McDougall's book for Maximum Weight Loss and Chef Aj's Ultimate Weight Loss book. I know where I go wrong but my very slim husband starts to lose weight when I do. I need to work on sneaky ways to amp up his calorie count without doing so myself.

I've been a fan of the McDougalls for many years. I have every cookbook that Mary has written and most of John's books. When my husband decided he would like to get off the cholesterol medicine - I said, "I know the way!" His cholesterol is now lower than it was on the meds. He immediately lost about 10 pounds (while I stayed the same) - life just isn't fair!!

I'm not sure how this forum works. I see some tickers. Should we have a ticker for the weigh-in? Do we just post our weight or weight change on Fridays?

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 5:17 pm
by Artista
Hi everyone, Happy New Year! I would like to join you all. I've been eating WFPB for almost 2 years now. I really like the WFPB way of eating and I feel better but I'm still overweight. I'm looking forward to trying the MWL. Wishing everyone all the best in meeting their health and weight loss goals in 2019!

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 6:56 pm
by Merwoman
It'll be nice to have support going through the process of changing my way of eating in order to lose weight and feel great. I need to get into the habit of eating a salad, fruit or soup before each meal. I like this way of eating because there's lots to eat and we don't need to count calories. My body and head are so ready for this. Here we go. Wish you all great success! I'm 5'2" and 175 #. So looking forward to being closer to 115#.

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 7:23 pm
by Ellen N
I was wondering where we enter our weight on Friday. Do we just respond to any post?

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 7:38 pm
by amandamechele
Anne - Glad to see you back for January! We can totally do this.

Rosey - I’d say you made the perfect amount of progress. :) We can make even more this year. Good work on your losses so far.

Deirdra - Welcome and nice to have you.

Moonlight - That is some great math! Great losses last year. I know we all hope for very quick weight loss and just want to get it done, but I count making any sustained progress as a win because we all know how difficult this is, to not just do, but maintain over the long term. You have a very reasonable goal for this year.

Angela - Welcome and we are glad to have you. I love your spirit, it will be a great year.

Hi Sherri - Oh wow, congratulations on your very dedicated efforts this past year, and I’m thrilled to have you travelling this next part of your journey with us.

Moonchick - You’ve done it exactly right. We just all post under this thread for the next month to communicate with each other. Best wishes this week, going through the material and figuring out where you can tweak what you are currently doing.

Laura - Hi and Welcome! Sequencing your meals is a great way to become unstuck. Start with soup or salad, then move on to your main meal. You are correct that popcorn is not reccomended as part of the MWL program because its calorie density is quite high and it isn’t always very filling for everyone, so you may indeed want to keep it to a limited amount. Whether you eat it or not will be your choice, and you can base that on how satisfied you feel with your weight loss progress. It is a lovely gift and you can definitely enjoy it.

Thanks Idgie, please don’t be a stranger, we’re all McDougallers here. Let us know how your month goes. XO.

Welcome Humberto! It is great to have you join us, and it’s great to know that you have familiarity with the program. This is the place to come and figure out your own way to apply the guidelines that will work for you over the long run. Let’s start working towards your happy zone!

Jadiece This is it and please don’t be scared (though I understand how making big changes can feel). Even if you have to restart and pledge to be re-accountable every single week, we will welcome you and support you through whatever process you take to get you losing weight and moving towards your goal. I have been trying to finish losing the last of my weight for quite some time, it is a different journey for everyone. Good luck to you too this week.

Domino - Woah... first internet board... cool! Together we can totally help each other.

Linda - I love all these firsts. You did it just right. :) A new day is dawning and you can figure out all of the little changes to how you are currently eating that will bring you closer to an MWL style of eating and you will start to lose weight. I see you’ve found the book and a little re-read is a great idea ... and you are correct soy is not recommended due to its higher fat content for MWL. But remember appropriate brands, like Westsoy are perfectly fine for the regular McDougall program... so if a little soy milk in the soup helps your family enjoy it, then don’t sweat it. You can focus on your program and yourself and add little things to their food to make it more palatable if that helps.

Polly - Awesome, see you Friday at the weigh-in. Just post either a 0, if it’s the first time you are weighing yourself or the amount lost/gained for the week. :) (I love your signature line! Sadly, Scooby snacks are not McDougall approved ...LOL)

ColoradoHiker - Welcome! Congratulations on your husband’s cholesterol coming down. That’s what I love about eating this way... it’s not just great for weight loss. My husband loses weight way faster than me too! Lucky ducks! You do not need to have a ticker, but some people really like to have them. On Fridays you can post your weight change (and you are welcome to post your weight too, if that helps... but it is not necessary).

Artista - Welcome and best wishes to you too. :) This can be a great experiment, to see if adjusting your current calorie density just a bit lower will get your weight loss started.

Merwoman - Yay, great to have you here.

Ellen - Hi, yes, just post your loss or gain here in this thread. I create a tally list at the end of each week to show how we are all doing.

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 10:28 pm
by Raquel1002
Hi all,
I only have a few pounds to loose but my reason for joining this program is to get back to 'clean' eating so I can be relieved of the obsession and craving for foods from the SAD (been increasingly indulging in since start of holiday season!), as well as for foods Jeff refers to as 'vegan junk food'. Plus I have a lot of belly fat I'd like to lose, that makes me feel really uncomfortable in my clothes. So far, totally on track!

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 10:29 pm
by cbritten101
Happy New Year! I'm looking forward to good health and positive change this year. Thanks everyone for the encouragement!

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 10:43 pm
by Patricia17
I just joined this group and am excited about it. I am 80 years old and have health issues but still have a full time job in the medical field caring for an elderly lady with Alzheimer’s. I need to lose about 20 pounds to get to my goal weight. I am a big fan of the McDougals. Can’t wait to hear from everybody. Happy New Year

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 12:00 am
by Dr10or
Good evening. I'm excited to join you all on this journey. I have read Fuhrman's Eat To Live, McDougall's Starch Based Diet, and The Healthiest Diet in the Planet. Looked at intermittent fasting with Dr. Fung's The Obesity Code. Haven't done any 100%. I am hoping with the accountability of this group and seeing you all succeed, I will be inspired to do the same. Here's to you!

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 12:49 am
by Dark Blonde
I am a 57 year old woman who has to lose half my body weight. I’ve always been active and strong but I’ve hit my high again and this time it’s exhausting and I just want to sit and snack.

I’m here for accountability and to adjust to the lifestyle. I’ve always been able to drop 30-70 pounds with draconian measures but I always gain it all back. I have to learn to say no to myself and be grateful for the health and wisdom this program offers for the long haul. I look forward to getting to know you all in the weeks months and years to come.

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 2:55 am
by agissell
Hi All!
I was looking for a way to go back to the right track and keep myself accountable, and I think I just found it!!
My name is Gissell and I tried the McDougall program in 2017, I lost some 15 pounds, but since then I'm either stalled or up and down (of course, because I haven't follow it as I should). I know that if I start again in full and commit I can achieve my goals (which will be to loose some 50 lb) and fell and look great in the process. So here we go!! happy to be in this forum!

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 3:22 am
by Kerrilyn2
I’m in.

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 6:02 am
by alishana
I'm in ! By going vegan and following some of the McDougall's guide lines, I lost about 28lbs in 1 and a half year. I still have some weight to lose (about 15lbs) but I mainly want to be healthy and to have a lot of energy :D
(I apologize for my english, I'm french!)