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Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 11:15 am
by desertwind56
Still here and on plan. However, exercise has been non-existent for a few days. :crybaby: I have a nasty cold that is not going away this time. *sigh*


Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 1:21 pm
by starryeyed32
I started a MM. I would like to weigh in thsi Friday. Will you be continuing into March?

Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 4:56 pm
by debable
Starryeyed,the weigh in thread is started again each month.

I am just checking in.
I think I have myself back on the straight and narrow after a miserable month. I will weigh in on Friday. I am determined to do this and I will never give up, I just dust myself off and carry on. I can't imagine ever going back to meat,dairy and oil.Now sugar is the next thing to conquer. I have to keep reminding myself that sugar is wrapped up with fat,dairy and egg. It is funny that I would never add oil to a pan or eat an egg but when it is mixed in with sugar and flour, watch out.
I have watched my pleasure trap dvd again and I ordered doug lisles other dvd plus jeffs latest and a couple more of mcDougalls. I hope to eventually get the whole collection. :nod: Even when I don't post I read these boards everyday to get inspiration from like minded people and that support is what makes doing this program possible for many of us.

Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:05 am
by NatureRabbi
Hi - just checking in
I feel bloated and heavier this week -- had a salad at a restaurant with a vinaigrette that I think had more oil than I bargained for, and also stir fried veggies at a Japanese restaurant -- not MWL and I feel the difference.

I really notice that I feel better when I avoid oil, and of course, sugar.
I hope to get the weight down before weigh in.

need to be more careful even with vegan choices.


Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:38 am
by Mommylut
I am having computer issues, so if 5 posts get put up, please excuse me. What I have been trying to say is that i don't know why I suddenly changed and I could handle the refined carbs? Staying at my daughter's house was a challenge. I kept eating the bagles, bread and cereal and telling myself I could handle it. WRONG!!. By yesterday afternoon, I was eating everything in sight - including meatballs (really???? meatballs???) I have only been back to being a vegan since Sunday but that didn't stop me from getting the worst case of McDougall's revenge. However, on the positive side, I am ready to commit. As I type this with swollen fingers - I am going to participate full tilt. I have weighed myself this morning and will participate in the Friday weigh ins. Before I came home yesterday, I stopped at the market to fill up on what i NEEDED. Good thing since we are in the middle of a snow storm that will probably result to at least a foot of snow. This morning I had oatmeal. Lunch will be hash browns and salad. Dinner - potato and salad. Snacks will be rice cakes.

Starting weight - 160lb.

Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:53 pm
by starryeyed32
I am starting a MM tomorrow! So excited.

Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 7:38 pm
by Love the Lorax
Can you believe that tomorrow is the last weigh-in for February? Wow, this month has flown by! We've made some good progress. I'm excited to see how the month finishes up, and start in for March. I think I might make the goal of 8 lard-birds flying away happen, not sure. If not, it will be fairly close. I've worked hard, definitely getting in more exercise than last month, so it will be nice to see some numbers to back it up. Yes, I know - the goal is improved health, and my BP numbers are definitely getting better. :nod: A little less muffin-top is also much desired. :wink:

Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 6:14 am
by Sierra
I lost 1.5 lbs for the week, being 100% MWL. I am exercising each day, and besides not only feeling better, it seems to help me stay on track.

Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:54 am
by Love the Lorax
And for the last weigh-in of the month.... I am down 2.2 pounds for the week. Very good, especially with some indiscretions last weekend involving Bugles. So, taking the last 4 weeks total weight loss I made it to 7.8 lard birds flown away. SO CLOSE to the 8 pound goal, but since my scales are up from a couple of days ago, I think I'm dealing with a touch of water weight.

Despite some problems last weekend, the rest of the week I've been good, so I've give myself a 95% MWL. I have had a few nuts here and there.

My weight loss may slow down as I am getting closer to my goal. Plus, I really need to gain some muscle mass! While my body weight overall is improving, my fat% is still too high, so I'm becoming a "skinny fat" person. I've been exercising, but wow it is hard work building up muscle!

Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:57 am
by Yomom
Zero loss for me this week, due to transgressions involving almonds, and eating out (some oil). Increased activity this week saved me from posting a gain.
Cheers to everybody else who lost weight!

Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:26 am
by Vegeloon
Checking in...
I lost .2 pounds - not much but it is better than a gain, so I'll take it. Was on plan for only the last half of the week so I'm okay with that. I feel like I have my head back in a good place to stick with the plan from now on. Congrats to the losers this week - and let's all plan to stay on plan next week (month, year, life)!

Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 11:28 am
by Jackie J
Lost 3 pounds so I'm at 153-- the same 3 pounds I lose and gain - I hope this is the LAST time I see this weight and can get at least another 2 off by next Friday.
Started the day with an hour walk, hitting some steep hills to get the ol' ticker pumping.
Best of luck to everyone this coming week.

Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 12:06 pm
by dkwig
I did not post my weight last week as I was upset about my high blood pressure after seeing my doctor, ugh!

But it was a wake up call and I jumped on the MWL band wagon!! no more cheating and no more salt/sodium! I lost 4 lbs of weight in three days - water weight!! So I show a decent weight loss but that is why.

So 4 lbs for the week :) and the month
(and 6 lbs. since the beginning of the year)

I am now 100% McD forever!


Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 12:20 pm
by debable
I am down 2.8 pounds this week :D

Re: MWL FEB 2010!! On plan and planning to stay that way!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 12:42 pm
by vickidau