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PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 11:35 am
by Vanilla Orchid
I just looked back at this thread after being off it for a while. Star, I've been thinking about you. You were so close to your goal! I, too was getting near, but not doing well this last month, and it's because I've been eating various kinds of sweets--entirely my own fault. I've been baking cookies and stuff. Mostly the kind made from butter, eggs, flour, sugar and nuts in endless variations. Could I have found something healthier? Of course. I just didn't want to.

And I've attended several parties with good cheeses and other rich snaks appeared, and I ate just a little, but there were so many kinds to taste. Nobody made me do it. Gave me heartburn. And, well, here I am, up a few pounds. But, I'm still happy with the way I look and how my clothes fit.

But, anyway, I'd sure love to start a new Mary's mini or variation on that theme to begin in January. Anyone up for that?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:51 am
by wendysmiling
I'm brand new and am up for this! I like "simple" ! :D

Mary's mini

PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 12:09 pm
by janeellen
I'd sure like to start Mary's Mini. What do we do to officially start?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 1:36 pm
by Vanilla Orchid
How about we start January 1, 2009 (whenever we wake up). I'm disgusted at how much I've gained over the last month after doing so well since August. I need a jump-start to get back on track. Shall we start a new thread, or just continue on with this one?

Mary's Mini

PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 1:58 pm
by janeellen
January 1 sounds fine, and it seems simpler to continue with this thread, since it already exists and seems to be working. I'm going to adopt the approach described by MichaelBluejay last week -- train for a race and limit myself to five foods for a month. He ate brown rice, chickpeas, potatoes, broccoli and bananas.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:34 pm
by bigdoglover
HI, Sounds good to me. You can count me in. Lost 29 lbs since I started on Sept. 1 but really need to loose 25 more. So, over half way there but a bit more to go. My son is getting married Sept 12 so I want to get smaller for those pictures that will be around forever.
Thinking: potatoes, tomatoes, corn, bannanas, spinach. (or mabye green beans) I have a few das to decide. I did fall off the wagon last week for a few meals but nothing drastic but I have been eating too many different starches in one day. I really do better if I stick to potatoes.
So, count me in Jan 1, 2009 (whenever we wake up!)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:57 pm
by bigdoglover
Just been thinking aobu this and want to change my 5 choices to: potatoes, tomatoes, beans, greens (lettuce) and corn. and that's that. I'll stick to it too.. Need to get the rest of this weight off!

Mary's Mini

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:27 pm
by janeellen
Hi bigdoglover!

Your food list got me to rethink mine, especially the corn. Do I really like chickpeas? I do, but I don't really love them. I want to love evrything. I may change my chickpeas to corn, so the big 5 would be brown rice, corn, broccoli, bananas, and potatotes. I want to love everything. Does your "beans" refer to green beans or the black, kidney, garbanzo variety?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:39 pm
by bigdoglover
HI, Just beans. I usually eat black beans but don't think it matters. I rethought the bannana thing. I like them but don't know about a month of them.