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PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:38 am
by cynthiak
Hi All
Sorry I missed last week I was on vacation camping at Disney. No internet and no scale. I was so afaid to get on the scale this morning. My foods were fine that i was eating (because I was camping I was cooking my own meals) but it was the lack of eating on schedule. For me its all about staying satisfied. But I'm home and back on schedule and I have stayed the same so I'm very happy.
Good luck everyone and keep at it.

Still Working the Program

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:58 am
by txjack
Hi, all.
I had a good weigh in today. 271.6
4/1/09 283.5
4/7/09 277.0
4/16/09 271.6
total loss 11.9 lbs

I ordered and received the Celestial Seasonings "Roastaroma" tea which is kind of like a coffee substitute. It is ok, but not my idea of a real cup of coffee. Barley, chicory, carob all roasted. It's dark.

Coffee seems to be my only non-program item. I used to drink a couple cups per day and use the Krueg cups. My wife started ordering the Kenyan AA which is awesome. My blood pressure needs to drop, so I have cut back to 1 cup in the morning, with an occasional cup of decaf. Now I am trying the Roastaroma. Again, coffee, it ain't. Even decaf it ain't. :-(

****doing an edit here*****
Forgot to mention my blood sugars. This morning my reading was 107. I am now off all my diabetic pills, and the insulin has been dropped by about 45%. I am now going to start cutting back 5 units to see what happens. Since my morning readings have been dropping I don't want to start crashing like I was when I first started, having readings sometimes at 70. That's when I started cutting the pills. My doc wanted me off those pills pre-program but my almost 500 readings stopped that plan.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:01 am
by Mommylut
I haven't been posting, but that is because of some health issues. For the sake of my sanity, I have been following the regular program. I am under a great deal of stress and realize that I need to take a breather from trying to do MWL. I did, however, want to share this article that was in yesterday's NYTimes.

Enjoy ... ref=dining

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:59 am
by Starchyme
Gosh, everyone seems to be doing great! I won't be weighing in till Saturday, so guess it'll be too late for this week's tally and too early for next. So, I'll just report it and then weigh in Thursday or Friday or next week's.

Keep up the great success everyone. Happy McDougalling!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:12 am
by Terry in FL
This will be quick. I'm up 1.6 but I expected that because I had the flu last week when I weighed in.

My mom is in a nursing home with bone cancer. Not doing well at all so heading up to see her for the next several days. Hubby had hernia surgery yesterday. The Doctor said he could ride but looks like I''ll be doing the driving. It is an 8 hour trip.

Good luck to everyone in their battle with the scale today.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:15 am
by Starchyme
Terry, so sorry to hear your news. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
We are all here for support.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:58 am
by Letha.
Terry in FL, Sorry to hear of your family’s difficulties. I’m glad you’re sticking with us. Best wishes my friend.

HealthE1, Please consider simply reporting your Saturday weigh-in on the following Thursday. While not absolutely accurate for that day, over time it would accurately reflect your results week by week. Same goes for anyone else who regularly weighs on a different day of the week. You can report your weekly results on Thursday even if you took the measurement on Tuesday.

Good morning all . I’m on plan and planning to stay that way. Had a larger than usual loss this week but I’ve been ill and I also stopped using salt last Saturday so I think that explains it. I’m off to change my ticker.

April 16th, 2009: Weight 443.8 (-4.4 )
April 9th, 2009: Weight 448.2 (-1.6 )
April 2nd, 2009: Weight 449.8 (-2.0 )

March 26th, 2009: Weight 451.8 (-1.4)
March 19th, 2009: Weight 453.2 (-1.8 )
March 12th, 2009: Weight 455.0 (-1.6 )
March 5th, 2009: Weight 456.6 (-1.2 )

February 26th, 2009: Weight 457.8 (-3.6 )
February 19th, 2009: Weight 461.4 (-1.8 )
February 12th, 2009: Weight 463.2 (-1.4 )
February 5th, 2009: Weight 464.6 (-1.6 )

January 29th , 2009: Weight 466.2 (-3.4 )
January 22nd , 2009: Weight 469.6 (-2.2 )
January 15th , 2009: Weight 471.8 (-1.4 )
January 7th , 2009: Weight 473.2 (-3.4 )
January 1st , 2009: Weight 476.6 (-1.8 )

December 25th , 2008: Weight 478.4 (-1.8 )
December 18th , 2008: Weight 480.2 (-5.0 )
December 11th , 2008: Weight 485.2 (-1.8 )
December 4th , 2008: Weight 487.0 (-2.8 )

November 27th , 2008: Weight 489.8 (-1.8 )
November 20th , 2008: Weight 491.6 (-4.6 )
November 13th , 2008: Weight 496.2 (-2.6 )
November 6th , 2008: Weight = 498.8 (-2.6 )

October 30th , 2008: Weight = 501.4 (-3.4 )
October 23rd , 2008: Weight = 504.8 (-5.2 )
October 16th , 2008: Weight = 510.0 (-1.4 )
October 9th, 2008: Weight = 511.4 (-2.0 )
October 2nd , 2008: Weight = 513.4 (-3.4 )

September 25th , 2008: Weight = 516.8 (-5.8 )
September 18, 2008: Weight = 522.6

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:07 am
by catherine1305
Good Morning:
Weigh in was a shock 4/16/09 = 203

I'm hoping I can get this under control. I got a note from my doctor about my lab reports and she wants me to continue on heart healthy habits LOL. I'm not sure she knows what I'm doing. With a HMO they don't want to see you unless you are dying.

I'm happy to see all are doing well.

Terry sorry to hear about your mom. I will keep you in prayer.

On Plan and loving it dispite what my husband says. LOL

Have a great day!
Cathy :-P

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:07 am
by Starchyme
Thanks, Letha. Will do.

Feel better!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:16 am
by Letha.
catherine1305 wrote:Good Morning:
Weigh in was a shock 4/16/09 = 203

Hi Cathy,
Are you up/down/same for the week? :)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:51 am
by mairead11
Terry, sorry to hear about your mom, I wish you a safe drive.

Weigh-in this week was par for the course: I stayed the same [185]. I did very well food choice wise—my freezer is now empty of all beans, rice and veggies! Plan on spending a lot of the weekend catching up on restocking [I prep dried beans in bulk].

My setback this week was not exercising. I got out for a few walks, but I'm used to a much higher level of activity. I am going back to my kickboxing class tonight...and take it from there!

Have a good week!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:31 am
by cowgirrlup
Hi all!

I am only down one pound this week..a bit disappointing, but I can deal with it.

I have an old scale that only weighs whole pounds, no fractions, so I assume its closer to two pounds since its wiggly.. :lol: but I will take the one pound loss and be happy with it. :D

I had my zucchini, strawberry & pineapple oats this morning and I am ready to face the day.

WE can do this!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:47 am
by Felini
I am down .6 lb this week. I was very happy to see this small change considering my feast day on Easter.

I hope everyone has a healthy week.


PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:25 am
by catherine1305
I have been on for a week but had not weighed in. I was hoping my blood pressure and labs would provide some feed back. When I did weigh it was up. I'm sure as long as I stick with it everything will fall in place.

Time will tell.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:28 am
by Letha.
catherine1305 wrote:Letha
I have been on for a week but had not weighed in. I was hoping my blood pressure and labs would provide some feed back. When I did weigh it was up. I'm sure as long as I stick with it everything will fall in place.

Time will tell.

OK Cathy, then I’m listing you as a participant with zero lost this week. Is that OK?