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PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 10:15 pm
by LauraA
Hi everyone - I'm still down under, and having a great time. The eating is a challenge, but I did find a vegetarian restaurant today and a health food store! It is Sunday here, so I thought that I'd report in on my exercise. I've walked miles and miles each day. I brought a walking DVD, but haven't used it yet. I think that I'm getting plenty of exercise. Even though I brought you all with me on my little lap top, I still miss being on line more, weighing in with everyone, and posting more personal comments. Letha, hang in there with your program (I know you will) and everyone else- I'm thinking of all of you, and especially welcome those who are new. I'll be back in the states on Tuesday, but I still won't be home. I'm going to babysit a couple of wonderful grandkids in Seattle. I'll check in again soon. Take care, LauraA

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:02 am
by catherine1305
Good Morning all:

It has been easy to say no to most of my husband's teases. It has been a great weekend. Today is my challenge when we have the grandkids my husband like to take them to breakfast on Sunday. I have been reading the MWL book on eatting out. I feel better just eatting here and drinking water at the resturant but hubby wouldn't like that LOL. I will make my decision and stick to eat.

Have a wonderful day all.
Cathy :-)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:19 am
by Letha.
Checking In. I’m on plan and planning to stay that way.

Sunday Exercise Report: None.

I suspended my 12 week exercise plan when I started having severe pain and burning in my feet and to a lesser degree in my hands. I’ve been to the doctor & I’m waiting for the results of the basic blood work. I don’t really think the symptoms are related to the exercise but I did read on-line that peripheral neuropathy can be caused by repetitive stress, similar to the causes of carpal tunnel syndrome. So until I get a diagnosis I’m just going to hold off. This set back had me kind of depressed last week as I was proud of my exercise progress. But I’m back to being hopeful that this will eventually be resolved and my health will continue to improve by following the McDougalling program. :)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 7:02 pm
by beanie
Exercise Report
Monday - Nothing much, just usual daily life activities
Tuesday - Nothing much (again)
Wednesday - Nothing much (yet again - ugh!)
Thursday - Ran 5 miles
Friday - Rested, took a short walk at lunch time
Saturday - Ran 6 miles, hiked 2
Sunday - Ran 4 miles

Overall Report
I'm getting into the swing of things. I just joined the group earlier this week and have since dusted off my MWL book, alerted the family to my plans and shifted my eating habits back from the dark side pretty well. It's good to read everyone's posts and to start to get to know you all.
A little background... I'm not new to McDougalling, but haven't been doing the MWL plan for a couple years now. When I did do it, I experienced great success.
After meeting my goal weight, I remained vegetarian but occasionally let dairy and some fried foods sneak back into my life.
Now I'm back and rededicated to the program. I'm thankful for you all and to Dr. McDougall and his work. My plan is to clean up my eating habits, loose the extra pounds I've found and get back to feeling good again.

This week, I'm going to enjoy my first full week of MWL with you all. My goals are to stay on-plan all week by planning ahead, packing my lunches and to exercise more consistently.
Challenges this week will be on Monday, when I'm working from home and have ready access to all the food, all day long, on Thursday when we are having a potluck lunch at the office and this coming weekend when I expect some added stress in my life due to the final paper for the class I'm taking being due.

Good luck to you all this coming week!

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:13 pm
by MaryW
Whew! I worked two 16 hour days in a row, so today has been a day to rest and recuperate. Usually on a day off, I eat everything in sight, starting with all of the bad stuff. But I have been surprising UN-hungry today. I had some rice cakes with salsa, then an apple. This evening I made some more of my cousins black bean salad. It is so good! I've been eating it almost every day. I also like it cuz it's quick and easy to make. I think I might try some more veggies in it, like chopped carrots or some frozen green peas.

I'm proud of myself for handling my food well over this busy and stressful week. I ate a lot of nuked potatoes and lots of the previously mentioned black bean salad. But I stuck to McDougaling! Woo hoo! In fact, I think the only time I went off of MWL was when I stopped at Subway for a veggie sub. The Subway I go to is across the street from one of my jobs. I go there at least once a week. The guys behind the counter are started to recognize me. Always a bad sign, kinda like Thoreau wearing a path through the woods at Walden pond. But a new guy helped me that day. I asked for all the veggies as I always do. I didn't pay attention to what he was doing. I was running late to the second job and I tried to move things along by paying for my sub while he made it. When my break came, I opened up my sub and it looked rather anemic. He had only put lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, and sweet and green pepper on it! Oh well.

All, in all, I feel like I had a good week. And sticking to my eating plan is one less thing for me to stress about.

Hope everyone has a good week this week!

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 7:21 am
by topview1
Checking in... coming off a feast weekend and needing to jump back to my exercise routine.


oatmeal, cherries and honey
more cherries
veggie soup with quinoa and sweetpotatoes
barley bake and veggies
lots of water
fit 10 & newo
a brisk 10 minute walk to come

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 7:46 am
by catherine1305
Good Morning all:
Well I was energized this morning and figured instead of laying in bed I would get up and ride my exercise bike. So I did. Then made some Potatoe hash for breakfast.

We have friends who have a garden and gave us some turnips, beets and swiss chard. HUMMM I saved the green tops for salads and mixing with my potatoes.

Off to work have a great day all!
Cathy :-D

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:37 am
by Letha.
Checking in. I’m on plan and planning to stay that way. I’m on day 10 of the elimination diet and still really craving all things salty. It’s got me thinking about when I was a kid. We had some cows and I remember once my Dad picked up a salt lick to put out in the field. It was a big red brick if I recall correctly. And both my brother and I had to have a lick before it went out into the field. I remember another time when my brother and I were eating little pieces of rock salt – cannot remember why. Where the heck were my parents when I was up to all these shenanigans? :)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:37 am
by Faith in DC
Oh Letha you are on the downhill slide. Soon you can add something. I wonder if celery would help the salt cravings. I get them too sometimes.

New Dawn - Welcome. if you are in NoVa check out the lounge. Some of us are getting together.

Exercise - we had a rainy week. So I only got in three walks, but Saturday I worked for hours outside. My hamstrings still hurt. I got my garden in. So soon I should have radishes, snap peas, lettuces, arugulas, swiss chard and turnip greens. One evening this week I'm putting in some green beans and more lettuce and regular turnips.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:38 am
by cowgirrlup
Hi everyone. Had a good MWL weekend but I feel terribly bloated today and I have major heartburn, so I am not sure what brought this on, unless its stress....spelled M-o-m.

I will take an antacid and do some deep breathing and plan a bland day. :D

I had a baked sweet potato for breakfast and only managed 1/2 of it, so the other 1/2 will be lunch with some veggies.

Dinner will probably be brown rice and some veggies.

WE can do this.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:15 am
by New Dawn
Just checking in as I missed yesterday. I slept in way too long, but ended up having an industrious day in spite of it. I fixed all of the family's meals for this week. This should be a boon since I'm feeling under the weather.

I saw where folks were mentioning exercise. . . .I really need to get back in the swing. I used to walk daily. I'm committing to walking again. Ok, you all have heard me, so hold my feet to the fire. . .or rather the treadmill, pavement, etc. :D

Faith: Thanks! I'm about four hours from D.C. but will still see what's happen' in the lounge. (I didn't know celery helped salt cravings. How awesome! I'm going to try it out.)

I made Becky's Split Pea Soup. I really like it. However, I could not finish my portion at dinner two night's ago. My little dog Dixie was begging, and I thought a little pea soup would not hurt her. Wrong! :shock:
Don't feed your dear little pups pea soup. Poor baby has had explosive tummy troubles since. I feel horribly guilty. If she isn't better by tomorrow, I'm taking her to the vet.

Everyone have a fabulous day!

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 11:46 am
by beanie
Faith in DC wrote:New Dawn - Welcome. if you are in NoVa check out the lounge. Some of us are getting together.

I'm new to the board. I live about 15 minutes from The Vegetable Garden. Is the invite open to anyone? I'd love to get to know more people that are McDougalling and lunch at the VG is always a pleasure.


PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:43 pm
by txjack
New Dawn wrote:I saw where folks were mentioning exercise. . . .I really need to get back in the swing. I used to walk daily. I'm committing to walking again. Ok, you all have heard me, so hold my feet to the fire. . .or rather the treadmill, pavement, etc.

I am just getting back to the swing of things. A number of years ago, I had a back injury so still take it kind of slow, but am looking for some exercises that a baked couch potato can do. I checked online and don't really find anything, but saw Rip Esselstyn's book with a lot of pics and stretches and liked that. It was expensive, though.

Anyone have a website they would recommend for stretches or exerciese for the out of shape? I mowed my front lawn yesterday, and really liked it. I have almost felt anxious since, wanting to do something physical.

I'm not Faith, but -

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 2:15 pm
by Starchyme
[/quote] Faith, I'm new to the board. I live about 15 minutes from The Vegetable Garden. Is the invite open to anyone? I'd love to get to know more people that are McDougalling and lunch at the VG is always a pleasure. Ann[/quote]

Hi, happy you want to join us. Getting a nice response and hope more people will want to attend. So far it's at 11:30 a.m. at the Vegetable Garden. I guess next week we'll have to make a reservation. We'll reserve in the name of "The McDougall Bunch".

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:37 am
by Letha.
Hi Faith, I am having some celery with my plain boiled potatoes, carrots, green beans, & yellow squash. I had also heard that it can help with salt cravings.

New Dawn, I love your new avatar. Hope Dixie is feeling better now.

Checking In. I’m on plan and planning to stay that way. Day 11 of the elimination diet. I could not do this diet for life but knowing its temporary is making it barely doable. :cool: My IBS has calmed way down and my sinuses are very clear – so I was able to get improvement on two chronic conditions. Starting Saturday I’ll be adding foods back into my diet to test which ones cause IBS and sinus symptoms. No change on the foot pain – still waiting on results from my blood work. I’ll check back tomorrow.