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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 3:29 pm
by Starchyme
Laura, I'm one of the 'Baltimore folks' as Faith mentioned. There are a couple others, I believe. What dates will you be in Baltimore? We have several vegan-type restaurants in different areas of town. It would be nice if we McDougaller's could manage to get together. If not, I could give you a run-down of some places you might want to try.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 3:50 pm
by Letha.
Welcome Sulross , Marlie, & MaryW. So glad you could join us in our April thread. I look forward to hearing a lot more from each of you.

Hi Txveggie, The nutrition info for the Popeyes menu is available online.

I'm happy to see all my McDougall friends from the March thread are signing up for another month. :)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 3:51 pm
by LauraA
marlie wrote:I know you are a big group.. :-D Is there enough room for me?

The light finally clicked on overhead and who knew if one really stuck to the program, it works!lol I've been following the MWLP with no falling off for about a week now and am already seeing progress.

I finally got Dr. McDougall's MWL book and also got The China Study.
I've been trying Mary's mini diet off and on for quite some time and then fell off completely.
But I'm here and I'm sticking with MWLP as exact as I can.

So far I'm focusing on the MWLP and then will get to adding in my exercising. I'm waiting for my treadmill to be delivered, so it will be great to get started on it when it gets here!
I do like that I am able to focus on the MWLP first though. I tend to better that way. (one thing at a time :-D )

Marlie - There's plenty of room for you, because we've all gotten so much smaller! Welcome, and I'm glad that you are doing so well on the program. Take care, LauraA

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:57 pm
by brilliantchaos
Hello. I am very new here - and very new to McDougall's program, and MWLP. I would love to join your April group!

I have been struggling to loose weight for years but never seem to be able to. I have been vegetarian for years and recently turned vegan. Over the weekend I was searching the web for vegan friendly 'diet' (I hate that word!) and came across MWLP. Of course I was absolutely ecstatic to see a program that I would not have to adjust to be vegan! So on Sunday - I started. I feel great already and have even already seen the scale drop a little (even though I am sure it is water weight - it still feels good to see the number change!) I am having to find time to cook on my busy schedule (I lived for so long on boca burgers and Amy's Breakfast Burritos!) but I believe I can do it. There will be much I will miss though (Veganaise, olive oil, nuts (I eat alot of nuts), my tofu sauces) - but I am finding good replacements.

Well, I am starting to ramble. If it is not too late, I would love to join this months group!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:25 pm
by Letha.
Welcome aboard. We’re most happy to have you!! :)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:57 pm
by cowgirrlup
Ok, back on track after my minor chip detour. Mom had a better day today, too, as she let me tell my brothers about her Alzheimer' that they know, it takes some stress off of me...I didn't like keeping it from them, since it felt like lying. I know they won't help at all, but at least now they know what is going on.

Back on topic...I had a good MWL day. Some fruit and potatos and salad and beans...did my shopping today and bought more potatos and more dried beans..and lots of veggies...I had to buy some frozen ones, too as they were on sale and I could not resist a good veggie sale. :D

WE can do this!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:44 pm
by LauraA
HealthE1 wrote:Laura, I'm one of the 'Baltimore folks' as Faith mentioned. There are a couple others, I believe. What dates will you be in Baltimore? We have several vegan-type restaurants in different areas of town. It would be nice if we McDougaller's could manage to get together. If not, I could give you a run-down of some places you might want to try.

Thanks HeathE1 and Faith! My niece is starring as Maria in a production of The Sound of Music, done through a church in Baltimore. Her daughter, my great niece, is also in a school play that same weekend, and is an understudy for one of the children in The Sound of Music. I'll only be there for two nights to see both plays. We'll have a big family group, and I don't think that we will eat out. Also, I won't even have a car. They are healthy eaters, but do eat meat. I'm sure that I can find what I want or need at their home or a nearby store. I just don't like to be extra trouble or not want something that a relative has prepared. I may even get there and make my veggie soup! I'd love to meet other McDougallers - I don't think that I know of any in Savannah or Jacksonville. I guess I won't be able to meet anyone on this short trip, but maybe in the future. Thanks so much! Take care, LauraA
PS I'd love to know of the vegan places in Baltimore - I know of many in New York.

Daily post

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:14 pm
by luvdachiess
So for April I am going to start posting in the evening instead of the morning. Morning just was not working for me. And then if messed up during the day I did not want to post and change what I had done. This way I think about it all day and that I don't want to post a bad post. Although I may have to, but I am planning to post both good and bad. =)

So on track today!

Breakfast - Strawberries

Lunch- Potatoes, grapes

Dinner - Veggie Paella

Snack - Mixed berries with soy milk

It looks like to many fruits, but really it was only 2 sevings. The Strawberries were only 2 or 3.

I also walked 3.3 miles today. =)

Thanks for everyone being here for me!

goal for this thread

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 11:22 pm
by Riva
One of my goals was to keep track of who is who on this terrific thread. So I took a piece of paper and wrote down everyones name who posted today and maybe an identifying note or two. I love how Letha says: " I read every post every day on this thread." I was inspired by that.

Welcome to the new people. You will love the support and friendliness. No one get crazy or mean here at all!

Letha: I am going to try the congee. I would like a change from oatmeal.
Have you worked out a cooking method that works for you and if so could you share or point me to your blog place?

Mommylut: I would suggest taking rice cakes with you at all times. Also I have learned on this forum to remind myself: I will not die if I don't eat until I get home. Ha ha!! funny but true. Today I left work to bring some lunch to my 23 year old daughter who was sick. In my haste of leaving and going to the deli to get what she wanted and running to the bus in the rain I forgot, totally forgot about myself. When I got to her apartment I had a bowl of dry cereal and it was really good! Later, back at the office I had my rice and spinach.

[size=9]Tx Veggie[/size]: Did you pop into the Popeye link Letha gave you? Mindboggling isn't it. I think imagining that there couldn't be much oil in something is the single biggest reason for people thinking this diet doesn't work. I did this for YEARS. There is no reason on earth for that restaurant to put 19 grams of fat into the rice and beans. Even one teaspoon would give it lots of flavor and that would be only 3 grams of fat. Ridiculous.

Brilliant Chaos - Since you are very busy you could consider eating really really simply. Oatmeal, potatoes, rice and frozen vegetables,canned beans and fruit.
Just whole foods, no casserols or fancy stuff. You can do this very simply that way.

I have done every wrong thing, lied to myself, tricked myself...For awhile I even said I ate mcdougall except I cooked with oil. HA HA HA HA!!! That's a good one. Anyway, I am into facing myself squarely in the mirror and living the truth in all this. So, I am a little extreme, probably a little annoying. I try to soften that by cheering us all on!!

Here is to a good night sleep and a happy weigh in day tomorrow.


PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 4:51 am
by Starchyme
Lost 1 pound this week. This coming week, and for the full month of April, I'm focusing on not only staying McD regular program, but reving up my fitness program......3 times a week strength-training at the gym and 5 times a week walking for at least 30 minutes, preferably outdoors.

Wishing everyone a great McDougalling week.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 5:18 am
by toadfood
Welcome to all the newcomers! Yay new people!

LauraA, I'm sorry you won't be in Baltimore longer. A MWL get together sounds like fun. I hope you enjoy your time here.

Well, I guess I can't put the bad news off any longer. I gained 5 pounds this week. I am stunned. I had some slip ups and was figuring on not seeing a loss, but I can't believe I slipped up THIS much. I adjusted my ticker up, because I want to be really honest with myself and with the group.

The good news is, my blood sugar this morning was 88, which is the lowest fasting number I've EVER had since being diagnosed with diabetes 5 years ago! And this morning I woke up early and exercised. So I'm doing well, getting healthier, and that's more important than a number on the scale.

I know that, but I'm still upset.

This is the first setback I've had since starting MWL on January 1. I need to just move on, focus on the program and let the scale do what it will.

I won't be able to be 100% MWL this week. Passover is coming, and there are some foods for the seder that are not MWL. I'm going to keep it to a minimum, though -- no dessert, and just eating matzo and charoset at the seder, not all week like I usually do. I bought way too much stuff if that's what I'm going to do, but so be it. I'd rather waste money than gain weight.

So that's the plan for this week -- strict MWL except for the seder. Exercise 6 days. Add some beginner and pre-Pilates exercises to my routine on the days between classes. And see what happens.

I'm cross-posting this in my journal.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 5:35 am
by Starchyme
toadfood wrote:Welcome to all the newcomers! Yay new people!

LauraA, I'm sorry you won't be in Baltimore longer. A MWL get together sounds like fun. I hope you enjoy your time here.

Well, I guess I can't put the bad news off any longer. I gained 5 pounds this week. I am stunned. I had some slip ups and was figuring on not seeing a loss, but I can't believe I slipped up THIS much. I adjusted my ticker up, because I want to be really honest with myself and with the group.

The good news is, my blood sugar this morning was 88, which is the lowest fasting number I've EVER had since being diagnosed with diabetes 5 years ago! And this morning I woke up early and exercised. So I'm doing well, getting healthier, and that's more important than a number on the scale.

I know that, but I'm still upset.

This is the first setback I've had since starting MWL on January 1. I need to just move on, focus on the program and let the scale do what it will.

I won't be able to be 100% MWL this week. Passover is coming, and there are some foods for the seder that are not MWL. I'm going to keep it to a minimum, though -- no dessert, and just eating matzo and charoset at the seder, not all week like I usually do. I bought way too much stuff if that's what I'm going to do, but so be it. I'd rather waste money than gain weight.

So that's the plan for this week -- strict MWL except for the seder. Exercise 6 days. Add some beginner and pre-Pilates exercises to my routine on the days between classes. And see what happens.

I'm cross-posting this in my journal.




PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 5:43 am
by cynthiak
No change for me this week. Seems like I'm stuck at 139. I knew it would get harder when I was down to the last 5-10 pounds. I guess I need to step up the exercise.
Keep up the good work everyone I love reading about all your successes.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:03 am
by Mommylut
I am not weighing myself, but I did want to put down my success. I was 100% adherent yesterday. More importantly, as planned, I wrote an email to my daughter and my husband telling them of my strict committment to this and how I need their support and not their criticism. It worked. They are totally behind me.

What really struck me as "fate" -- as I said my mini goal is my doctor's visit April 22. Well, I bought a Shape magazine yesterday that has as its theme a 3 week make-over. The premise is that it takes 21 days for something to become a habit. Well, my goal period is exavctly 21 days so by then this should be a habit as well.

Toad - I too observe Passover. My theory is that, if I don't eat bread it isn't a stretch not to eat the Matzoh.

Re: goal for this thread

PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:50 am
by Letha.
Riva wrote:Letha: I am going to try the congee. I would like a change from oatmeal.
Have you worked out a cooking method that works for you and if so could you share or point me to your blog place?

I have done every wrong thing, lied to myself, tricked myself...For awhile I even said I ate mcdougall except I cooked with oil. HA HA HA HA!!! That's a good one. Anyway, I am into facing myself squarely in the mirror and living the truth in all this. So, I am a little extreme, probably a little annoying. I try to soften that by cheering us all on!!

Here is to a good night sleep and a happy weigh in day tomorrow.

Hi Riva,
I love your passionate recommitment to the McDougall plan. Good for you. I’m still working on the cooking method for Congee but here are links to my blog.

Brown Rice Congee With Sweet Potato
Brown Rice Congee With Bananas & Raspberry Jam