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Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 8:53 pm
by ajhondrngal
Welcome, Tamcam!

Day 5
B: rice, rice milk, tiny bit of sugar/cinnamon, banana
L: Potatoes, red pepper, onion, carrot
D: Today was my monthly girl's night. Two friends and I get together, eat out and then talk while crocheting (or other project). I did the best I could for dinner, but no rice was available.

Back on track tomorrow.

And I've lost 2.5 pounds since I started.

Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 9:16 pm
by tamcam
Thank you Katy! I read the links! Great help!

Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 7:22 am
by mahami
Yesterday's meals:
B: none
L: sweet potato
D: pint of grape tomatoes and a bowl of aloo bhortha (boiled potatoes mashed with tomato, cilantro,onion, ginger, shredded purple cabbage and chat masala).

I love the simplicity of it.

Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 9:17 am
by luvmyveggies
I am so encouraged with everyone's involvement in this Mary's Mini. I fell off the bandwagon Friday/Saturday. I don't even know how I justified this. But I so.....want to do this, and desperately need to do this. I am back on and feel grateful that this team of Mary Mini's is going strong!

This morning's weight: 164.4
lost so far: 3.6 pounds

I am planning on continuing with potatoes as my starch. I have a family birthday party today, but will make sure I eat before I leave.

Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:57 am
by HeidiH
Today is Day 6.

I've been really busy with work, and unintentionally eating 2 meals a day, but definitely sticking to the plan.

I'm going to switch things up a little bit, because this wonderful Mini-McDougall diet has made me realize it might be a good idea to do an elimination diet since I wake up with a sore stomach, and still have a bloating. I figure with this diet, I'm already halfway there!

I've lost some weight, but digestive health a primary goal for me too. I want to look good yes, but I want to feel GREAT! :D

Dr. McDougall's protocol for an elimination diet involves sticking to the following foods:

Starches (all cooked), including:

brown rice
sweet potatoes
winter squash
taro (or poi)
tapioca rice flour
puffed rice

Most Green, Yellow, or Orange Vegetables (all cooked), including:

beet greens
summer squash
string beans

Fruits (all cooked), Most non-citrus including:


I'm going to be supplementing with sprouted brown rice protein powder (plain and gluten free) to ensure I'm getting enough protein. I'll probably only need a little bit, but my main concern is when I don't get enough protein, I get more hairs in my hair brush than I'm comfortable with! :shock:

Any hoo, I'm very excited about taking this a step further and experience even more healing for my body....though I'll miss my regular potatoes!

Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 6:09 am
by HeidiH
Welcome to the newcomers!! :-D

Lummyveggies, you might appreciate this, in light of your persistence despite a little slip up!


Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 6:24 am
by Katydid
I've switched things up a bit. After three weeks of strictly brown rice, I've decided to switch my starch to whole oat grouts. They behave exactly like brown rice in the rice cooker, but are a little less calorie dense and have more soluble fiber. I found that the brown rice was a bit constipating (I know, TMI :lol: ). And it occurred to me the other day, that when I did the elimination diet protocol, I didn't actually test rice. :\

So my three meals remain the same just with whole oats instead of brown rice: berries with oats, steamed greens and vegetables followed by apple and oats, stir-fried (water-fried) vegetables and cabbage followed by peaches and oats. Weight-loss so far is 6 pounds.


Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:06 am
by SpudInTheBuff
Hello there~ so i started my MM Challenge on Sunday. Grazed on potato wedges that I sprinkle with S & P and nooch through out the day as well as a potato salad which included potatoes, tomatoes, and peas. Weighed myself this morning and found I had gained 1.8 lbs. Is it possible that I gained a bit from running a mini 5k mud run? Maybe my muscles have retained fluid? Anywho, will continue on.

B: Banana, half a potato
L: Potato wedges, potato salad (with kale & cauliflower this time)
D: Potato wedges, potato salad, grape tomatoes

I haven't had any cravings for anything just yet. I'm really enjoying the potatoes. I find it helps to eat potatoes in a variety of textures.

Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:49 am
by HeidiH
Spudinthebuff, YES to possible fluid retention! I experienced the same thing after doing a new tough workout. My muscles were sore, and the scale showed it! :eek:

Kate, congrats on losing 6lbs!

Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:19 pm
by HeidiH
Day 7

B: brown rice, butternut squash, blueberries
L: Amy's Gluten-Free Rice & Beans Burrito :oops:
S: sweet potato, a green drink with: baby spinach, brown rice protein powder, flax seed, carrot (to have on a quick break at work)

Regarding Amy's Burrito -- there's was just one in the freezer, and I knew that if I left it there it would taunt me for the next month or so as I go through an elimination diet! :duh:

Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:24 am
by mahami
Two words: McDougall's revenge.

Yesterday breakfast was a small potato and lunch was a grapefruit, but my sister ordered indian food last night. I had a small amount, but the greasy spicy food did not agree with me at all and I paid for it around midnight. Lesson learned.
I think it was the grease and not the spice that made me sick. I have been putting plenty of spicy chat masala in my mashed boiled potatoes and I've been feeling fine.
Oh well, today is only sweet potatoes and bananas to help my stomach recover from yesterday's abuse. On the bright side, sometimes a little negative reinforcement is just what we need.
Have a good day all.

Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:46 am
by luvmyveggies
Heidi, I love Ziggy! Great Reminder! I have decided that I need to change my starch to Brown Rice. I think my motivation for potatoes is falling! Everyone is doing great and so encouraging! Congrats Kate on the weight loss, that's wonderful!
Welcome to all newbies, we can do this!

Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:53 am
by ajhondrngal
Sundays are my hardest days and last Sunday was on the stressful side, too.

Sunday...I think was Day 6
B: rice, rice milk, sugar/cinn, banana
L: restaurant leftovers
D: Rip Esselstyn brownies

Monday...Day 7
B: rice, rice milk, sugar/cinn, banana
L: lost track of time so we ended up at the dentist's without eating lunch first. So we stopped at Chipotle on the way home. I had salad with rice and beans. Half the dressing. Next time I'll just stick with salsa.
D: Potato tacos (corn tortillas)

I'll be back later to report today.

Today...Day 8
B: rice, rice milk, sugar/cinn, banana
L: Chickpea and Rice soup (chickpeas, rice, carrot, celery)
D: Stew (potatoes, carrots, celery, corn) w/rice

Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:13 am
by luvmyveggies
Here is yesterday's menu:
B: 2 rice cakes/pear
L: Rice, broccoli and miso soup
S: brown rice tortilla
D: Spanish rice(My homemade no oil spaghetti sauce with brown rice and rotel tomatoes)
Oops: Some chocolate

Re: Mary's Mini Challenge-would you like to join me?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 1:14 pm
by SpudInTheBuff
I'm continuing to eat my potatoes, but can't seem to overcome my craving for chocholate mid afternoon. I may have picke the wrong time of the month to start. :? However, I am going to keep plugging on!