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PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:32 am
by Della Street
I made a mistake yesterday reporting that I had completed 4 days of MM. On checking my calender, I see that I have now completed 6 days of MM with one slip up (wine on Friday night). We attended two social functions yesterday and both times I sipped on sparkling water instead of the wine that was offered.

I feel like the weight is just falling off. At this rate, I will easily be down another dress size by the end of the month. :-D

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:36 am
by sksamboots
Della: I'm so happy for your, your doing great!~

I think if you only eat potatoes, that you are doing great! That's all I eat and I'm on plan

I'm doing great. Today is Day 12 for me on MM. I'm finding that I am losing my appetite. I read in the Mary mini article that people can do this and it's not a bad thing.....So I'm all for it....I'm waiting for my time of the month to end and then I will weigh myself. I'm eating the same old stuff I have been eating.

Breakfast: Sweet potatoes, all I can eat
Lunch: Russett potatoes, all I can eat
dinner: russett potatoes, all I can eat

I haven't been exercising, which I hope to start soon. I've just been catching up on some much needed sleep. Hopefully in a week or so I will start to exercise. Alright, Hope you all have a relaxing Sunday :-D

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:15 pm
by MaryW
Just wanted to check in. Tomorrow will be one week for me. Things are going well. I had that one day last week where I ate out for 2 meals, but other than that it's just been me and taters. And a few veggies too. I don't have much luck with fruit. I'll buy a few apples or something. Then I'll forget about them for a week or two and then wonder where the fruit flies are coming from. Oh yeah! :shock:

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:50 am
by janluvs2heel
Well, I had my first horrible weekend. It wasn't planned, just kind of came out of nowhere. See, that is what always seems to happen to me. I am doing great then whammo!!!!!!! And the really sad thing, did I enjoy what I was eating, no, it really didn't taste good & I didn't feel good afterwards but did that stop me, NO!!

But-I am back on track & planning on staying that way as of today. My resolve is even stronger now.

I also ordered the Pleasure Trap. My daughter has been telling me for a long time I need to order that book & I have also seen here a lot of people have had more success after they have read it, I just never got around to ordering it until now.

Glad to see you all are doing great. I hope to finish off the last 1/2 of this MM strong, then go on MWL afterwards. Have not weighed myself yet, hopefully I didn't do too much damage but what is done is done, now I need to go forward & put the weekend behind me.

Checking in

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:17 am
by kirstykay
Good morning!
I am on plan and planning on staying that way. Today is my last day for MM. It was a good weekend...BEAUTIFUL weather her in Chicago!!! Sunshine and 70! We got all the outside winterizing done.

Had friends over to watch the Bears game (very sad), so I made vegetarian chili and served it over brown, not MM, but still MWL. It's the first time I've served anything vegetarian to anyone other than my own family. It was a big hit! I also made cornbread, but I didn't have any of that.

We are taking our son to visit colleges this week, so I'll be on the road...hopefully it won't be too hard to stay on track. I'm determined, though!

Jan- You have a great attitude about your slip-up! Just get right back on plan, and learn from it. One weekend isn't going to ruin everything if you don't let it! Good job not letting it!

Hope everyone has a great week!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:16 am
by sksamboots
Everyone is doing so great and finding the path that works for them!

I'm on Day 13 and plan on keeping on. I'll check in later. Have a good day :)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:31 am
by janluvs2heel
Good Morning, I am pretty much on plan. Saying that, I have eaten a few things that were not MM legal, but MWL, but it helped me get back control.

sksamboots-Day 13, wow!! You are doing great.

Kristykay-That vegetarian chili sounds so good. I have also made veg. chili & served it to friends, they dont seem to miss the meat. Thanks for the words of encouragement.

So, I feel somewhat back in control. When I have these slip ups, I always worry it is the beginning of the end but I have been down that path before so I am choosing a different path this time.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:31 am
by Della Street
I have now completed 8 days on MM and starting Day 9. I am fortunate that I work from home and that I have plenty of things to keep me busy so I don't focus much on food. Being at home allows me to throw my diced potatoes and veggies in a crock pot and in about 2 1/2 hours on high, a hot meal is ready.

Today is a good day because it's quite mild here for November and I just got my hair cut this morning (aka good hair day :D ). Looking forward to my Thursday weigh in.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 11:39 am
by tshirtartist
I have been doing a slightly expanded version of MM for about a week now and have been doing really well. I was struggling to stay on the MWL plan and kept falling off after about a week. Now that I have restricted my foods I seem to be doing way better. I'm Down 2lbs this week but want to get even more focused so I am going to do MM by the book now. Is it too late to join you guys?
I'm doing steel cut oats, and green smoothies made with spinach, apple and banana. What really helped me stay on plan last week was the steel cut oats. I love them and they totally satisfy me and get rid of cravings. Anyone else do MM with steel cut oats? It's Really a miracle food for me. Anyway today is day one of MM for me.


PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 1:55 pm
by Bambie113
Goodmorning, I normally do MWL but since the holidays have come my family and I have been making a lot of mcd pastries and desserts. So I'm going to do MM on and off through the holidays to try to keep the weight stabelized/under control. I'm starting today and then will have next Monday as Regular plan. Then Tuesday the 17th through the 25th I'll do MM again allowing regular plan for Thanksgiving and then do MM until Xmas w/1-2 days off inbetween that months time, thats the goal at least!!

So I'm starting today to go through Sunday! 6 days. I weighed in this morning at 128.2 (1.2lbs higher than my ticker shows I've lost..)

You all are doing great! Keep up the great work!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:06 pm
by sksamboots
Glad to see everyone doing so good. Just wanted to remind you all of the Mary's Mini guideline or where to find them incase you don't know. So here are the 2 links: ... 0marys.pdf

I'm on Day 14 and I plan on continuing. Keep on keepin on :)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:46 am
by ef78
Thanks for re-direction! Does anyone eat baked fries? I make my own, but am looking for a brand with NO oil... is there such a thing?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:51 am
by MaryW
Today is day 10 for me. I had lost a couple of pounds, but I had a potato chip disaster on Monday, so that loss is gone. I'm at the same weight that I started from, so I guess I should be glad that I didn't gain weight over the course of the 10 days. But I think I am going to add in some more regular McD foods. I won't be giving up potatoes, cuz I love 'em! But I do miss my lentils. Congrats to everyone who is sticking with it! You are doing so well!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 8:46 am
by Della Street
Today is Day 10 for me. Yesterday I ate more potatoes than usual. By the end of the day I was quite full and felt heavier. I was sure I must have gained a pound or two but when I stepped on the scale this morning, I was down a pound. I guess you just can't eat too many potatoes. :)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:35 am
by sksamboots
Glad everyone is doing great!

Today is Day 15 for me. I did step on the scale but I'm not going to post it. I hate to get scale focused...I'm trying to think of long term health. It's hard sometimes.

Deb: I don't think my stomach has shrunk --I think I'm just eating foods that get me fuller quicker..Maybe someone else has some other kind of input..I dunno..

Keep on keepin on everyone!! :D