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Re: April 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 8:45 am
by Belana
Hello All,
My weight loss has come to a screeching halt. :-(
Seems like the my only recourse is to go back on the Fuhrman ETL diet since the MWL isn't doing it for me anymore, unless anyone has any ideas for me?
Weight: 110.9
Loss: 0

Re: April 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 9:10 am
by sirdle
Belana wrote:Hello All,
My weight loss has come to a screeching halt. :-(
Seems like the my only recourse is to go back on the Fuhrman ETL diet since the MWL isn't doing it for me anymore, unless anyone has any ideas for me?
Weight: 110.9
Loss: 0

Belana wrote:Good morning MWL People,
I may have needed a little vent last week, but this diet is working and it's a lot easier for me to stick to it than Joel Fuhrman's 'Eat to Live' diet. Fuhrman's diet needs to be renamed to 'Eat to Live While Suffering.' :lol:
Glad I found MWL! :nod:
I've got a little over a month left to go to hit my goal weight. Once the weather gets nicer an I'm able to start cycling, my main sport that I've been doing for decades, the weight will come off a lot easier. I'm looking forward to getting back into my favorite shape that allows me to ride (peloton/group ride) with fit people.

I've got a little over 5 lbs left to lose, but at this rate and if the weather gets better, so I can start cycling outdoors, I may even reach the weight I got down to when I did Fuhrman; 102. That'd be cool. I'm pretty unstoppable riding uphill at that weight. :D
Please forgive the bragging, but I'm excited. Being lean and fit again is well within my reach. :)
Weight: 110.9
Total loss: 1.5

Morris wrote:Follow

Weight fluctuation is natural. My advice (since you asked ;-) ) is to stick with the plan. Some weeks you'll see improvement... some you won't... and some you may even see regression, but the principles are well established.

If you have truly hit a road block, take a hard look at exactly what you are eating... review the Maximum Weight Loss Guidelines... and review Jeff Novick's fora: "Can You Really Eat as Much as You Want?", "Calorie Density: How to Eat More, Weigh Less, & Live Longer!", "The Ultimate Guide to Free Calorie Density Resources", etc.

Good luck! :-P

Re: April 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 12:03 pm
by Rosey
286.7 lbs last week 283.4 lbs this week going right direction 3.3 lb loss this week.

Re: April 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 3:16 pm
by OOnaOwl
I lost 1/4 of a pound this week. :) I am adding more raw fruits and vegetables and more soups & stews to fill up on. I was eating all cooked food so far (with the exception of a few carrots).
I think this will increase the rate of weight loss over the coming weeks, it has worked for me in the past.

Re: April 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 3:24 pm
by OOnaOwl
Belana wrote:Hello All,
My weight loss has come to a screeching halt. :-(
Seems like the my only recourse is to go back on the Fuhrman ETL diet since the MWL isn't doing it for me anymore, unless anyone has any ideas for me?
Weight: 110.9
Loss: 0

Are you doing MWL 100%? How much raw produce with your starches? How many processed starches/grains? Like you, I lost tons of weight before on ETL but was never satisfied. This way of eating is super satisfying but the weight loss has been slow for me too-but I have also not been eating raw produce, everything has been cooked. I am going to try adding in more raw produce to see if the fat is shed more easily, I am guessing it will be. Like you, I am petite, so that makes weight loss slower also because the margin of error is also very petite! I hope you will keep trying this way for a while. Hope my response helps in some way. Wishing you health & happiness!

Re: April 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 5:21 pm
by Linda Dorrill
Hello from TN,

I've not been able to post in about 6-8 has gotten in the way. But, I'm happy to report I've stayed the same.

So, zero for this week. Still holding at 167.

Happy Easter,

Re: April 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 6:08 pm
by moonlight
amandamechele wrote:Moonlight - I admire your tenacity. XO.

As an aside, I’ve been fighting with myself to stay out of the pleasure trap for awhile now - with periods of success followed by longer stretches of difficulty. While I enjoy having a chance to celebrate the successes and efforts of everyone here each week, I’m embarrassed at my own lack of progress. I try not to compare and I am genuinely happy for everyone, but I’m only human.... and this has me not checking in here with you all as often, and I apologize for that. In the long ago past, when I consistently struggled to stay on plan, I would just fade away. Stop posting, stop checking in, stop reading and stop lurking in the lounge enjoying all the banter. That’s actually how I dealt with a lot of problems...fade away. I’m trying not to do that anymore, but sometimes I slip back into old patterns when feeling particularly stressed. This is Dr. Lisle’s ego trap, and it sucks too. I’ll figure it out, but I wanted to share where I’m at right now. Feeling battle weary. This one’s for me:

Hi Amy,
I feel your pain! This road is difficult, mainly because it could be so simple!!! Right?! Well, I love your warrior pic and reference. Just this morning I was reading about relating to a warrior and how in our personal growth we can consider ourselves warriors in training. It applies to this too, I think. Here's a little bit from this morning:
Bodhichitta training offers no promise of happy endings. Rather, this "I" who wants to find security --- who wants something to hold on to --- can finally learn to grow up. The central question of a warrior's training is not how we avoid uncertainty and fear but how we relate to discomfort. How do we practice with difficulty, with our emotions, with the unpredictable encounters of an ordinary day?
Somehow, this passage gives me strength with my MWL lifestyle goals. We can be warriors!! Show up for the hard stuff, right?!
Then we can finally learn to grow up!

Good luck coming to terms with your food related demons. You are going to be the winner! Hey, I got back on track this week. I've lost a pound!! Down to 172 yet again. :) Focus, determination - these are the tools of the true warrior!!


Re: April 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 7:02 pm
by sirdle
amandamechele wrote:In the long ago past, when I consistently struggled to stay on plan, I would just fade away. Stop posting, stop checking in, stop reading and stop lurking in the lounge enjoying all the banter. That’s actually how I dealt with a lot of problems...fade away. I’m trying not to do that anymore, but sometimes I slip back into old patterns when feeling particularly stressed. This is Dr. Lisle’s ego trap, and it sucks too. I’ll figure it out, but I wanted to share where I’m at right now. Feeling battle weary.

I certainly understand the desire to fade away. I've 'dealt' with many, many problems like that, too. But I hope you stick around... it's lovely to have you here!

I wish I could help with the pleasure trap. I understand how awful it is. The last few weeks have been very challenging for me as well. I've managed to hang on, but only by sheer force of will and excellent planning. Last night my planning ran out. So today, I took a vacation day rather than go to work and what was destined to be certain failure (with all the free, super-fat, processed food).

Instead I managed chores around the house and made a rice/kale/butternut squash/salsa dish for breakfast that turned out great.

Hope you weekend is productive and full of good food choices!

Cheers, :-P

Re: April 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 1:38 am
by amandamechele
Shelley - I think it was an amazing week for you. Congratulations and thank you. XO. All good decisions do count.

Dan - Nice work, enjoy the vacation. Let us know how it goes navigating the food situation.

Angela - Stellar week! The Boy Scouts got it prepared!

Sirdle - You’ve been doing so well, very consistently. Congratulations on getting into a nice groove, your dedication to yourself is very inspiring. Thank you for the kind words and the tiny push. Excellent planning does work. I just need to escape the cravings monster; which I will, hopefully without climbing too far back up the scale.

Belana - The best idea is the one you mentioned just last week. Patience. You are doing well. Try to remember 3 months ago to see how far you have come. Keep at it! You can play around with your plate to alter your veggie to starch ratio.

Connie - I miss calling you Rosey...LOL. Just thinking about flowers makes me smile. I’m glad to see the scale is cooperating. How is your Mcdougall plan going? Do you have Easter or Passover plans?

Oonaowl - Great plan. What kind of soups are you making?

Linda - Nice to see you back. Happy Easter to you too! I’m glad whatever life things were pulling you away, have let up a bit. :)

Moonlight - The line in your reading about how we relate to discomfort really resonates with me. I think this bears repeating How do we practice with difficulty, with our emotions, with the unpredictable encounters of an ordinary day? We shall keep showing up! You did great this week...focus and determination.

Re: April 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 12:53 pm
by Rosey
amandamechele wrote:
Connie - I miss calling you Rosey...LOL. Just thinking about flowers makes me smile. I’m glad to see the scale is cooperating. How is your Mcdougall plan going? Do you have Easter or Passover plans?

Laugh. Call me what ever you want. I chose Rosey because of it being so upbeat. For most part I'm sticking to it better. I don't really do anything special that day food wise. It's just another day for me. Same with all holidays. Holidays for me are about the people not the food/gifts which really makes my sister just younger then me mad at me.

Re: April 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 12:31 am
by amandamechele
Hi All,

Happy Passover and Easter!

Thank you to everyone who took the time to weigh-in on this potentially very busy weekend. Are you all celebrating or going to family/friend events?
We are hosting Easter dinner for the small amount of family we have out here on the best coast. The next door neighbours are coming too; maybe even their dog.
It will be decadent, but all of the recipes make the cut to qualify as a McDougall Feast Meal. I’m posting my menu, which is not a MWL menu. All of us have to decide on a plan of action for how to navigate holiday social events, this isn’t one-size-fits-all. I’m half-way in the Pleasure Trap, as I may have mentioned :eek:, so I figure this is not the day to try and hack my way out. Best to ensure I stick to the regular program. If you’re on a good roll, close your eyes and don’t open any of these links. Keep your meal simple, just like any other day.

Quinoa Garden Salad
Cathy Fisher’s Fettuccini Alfredo
Caesar Salad
Steamed Green Beans and a precut bagged salad (because I am lazy).
Cut fruit for my dessert (and store bought pumpkin pie for everyone else... I think the neighbors may be disappointed that I didn’t end up making these, like I did last year - without the oil, of course).
For more ideas from the McDougall Kitchen have a look at Revive Your Easter Sides and
Holiday Meal Planning & Recipes.

Have a lovely weekend everyone. Happy Easter.

Amy :)

PS. I forgot to weigh myself this morning...chickened out would be more accurate.

Here are the results for the third week in April:

Next Weigh-In is on Friday, April 26th, 2019

Total group loss reported in 2019: 254.92 pounds

April 2019 Weight Loss Group :: Monthly Weigh-In Results
Total group loss in January 2019: 140.53 pounds
Total group loss in February 2019: 78.64 pounds
Total group loss in March 2019: 7.4 pounds
Total group loss in April 2019: 28.35 pounds

Week ending 04/19/2019: 9 participants reported a total loss of 28.35 pounds

Total gains: 0.0
Shelley Crockett - 1.4
Dpascar - 0.4
Anelson108 - 2.4
Sirdle - 1.8
Belana - 0.0
Rosey - 3.3
OOnaOwl - 0.25
Linda Dorrill - 0.0
Moonlight - 1.0
Total losses: 10.55

Total group loss in April 2019: 28.35 pounds
Week ending 04/19/2019: 9 participants reported a total loss of 10.55 pounds
Week ending 04/12/2019: 10 participants reported a total loss of 13.1 pounds
Week ending 04/05/2019: 10 participants reported a total loss of 4.7 pounds

Re: April 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 12:37 am
by amandamechele
Rosey wrote:Laugh. Call me what ever you want. I chose Rosey because of it being so upbeat. For most part I'm sticking to it better. I don't really do anything special that day food wise. It's just another day for me. Same with all holidays. Holidays for me are about the people not the food/gifts which really makes my sister just younger then me mad at me.


Ha! I’m sure your sister can’t stay mad at you. Enjoy your day with all of the people you love, enjoying some simple and nourishing whole foods. XO.


Re: April 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 11:53 am
by Yomom
Hi Amy,
I have been lurking at this thread. If you don’t mind, (as I do not want to derail or trigger anyone) would you please tell me how you adjusted the creamy pumpkin bar recipe from minimalist baker, that you made last year without oil?
(also, alas temped by the Pleasure Trap recently)

Re: April 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 2:56 pm
by alishana
Sorry I'm late ! But i'm down 1 lbs this week.

Re: April 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 3:38 pm
by amandamechele
Yomom wrote:Hi Amy,
I have been lurking at this thread. If you don’t mind, (as I do not want to derail or trigger anyone) would you please tell me how you adjusted the creamy pumpkin bar recipe from minimalist baker, that you made last year without oil?
(also, alas temped by the Pleasure Trap recently)

Hi Kathy!

Happy Easter. :) That darn Pleasure Trap...LOL.

I tried making the crust 2 ways, and both turned out dry and crumbly but okay. I left the oil out in one recipe and in the other I used aquafaba (leftover chickpea liquid from a salt-free can). The aquafaba version was slightly better. I recommend making the crust very thin. The pumpkin filling is so delicious that we found that it tasted great anyway.
