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mcdougall sedar

PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:47 pm
by Riva
This is the first year I am going to sedars for Passover 100
% adhereing to plan. I am kind of scared....We will bring our own casserole but its an emotional thing...oh, I am crying...can't even eat the charoset because I am not eating nuts. AND I AM REALLY NOT EATING NUTS SO don't try to dry up my tears by saying nuts just one time are ok.
I will just have to cry! (I am not really crying.....)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 4:36 pm
by topview1
Checking in late today, I had internet issues this morning and some wonderful friends over for the day.

On Plan and planning to stay that way.

I lost 2 lbs this week, which puts me within .5 of my original (arbitrary) goal. I think at this point, I'm going to keep MWLing, and let my weight stabilize where it naturally will. I am 5'0 and this puts me a a bmi of 20.8 and I'm still carrying more around the middle than is good for me. I weigh less than I did in middle school!

I feel great, and am planning on posting to this group for a long time, because I can't maintain this level of health alone! I've tried many times before! Today, my friend said "I didn't know your eyes were so blue"... I went and looked in the mirror and they look like my grandfathers - he had the bluest eyes ever, and I know from a foray in to raw from several years ago that when my body is in cleared of all junk and maintained on healthy food, they "go blue" too! Yay, I forgot about that neat side effect.

My day:
Fit 10 and NEWO first thing this morning.
Steel cut oats with flax and cherries for breakfast
morning snack of pear, kale, ginger green shake with a friend
Lunch, a Jeff SNAP and rice with veggies in it
Snack - some fruit smoothie that the neighbor made for the boys. All fruit, but lots of sweet
Supper - tacos, without the shell for me, rice, refried beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, red pepper - yummy!!!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 8:30 pm
by CarolWL
topview1, that is fantastic! Congratulations on reaching your (original) goal!

Riva, I hope this isn't heretical to suggest, but couldn't you make the charoset without the nuts? Yes, I know, it's tradition: Both of my kids are allergic to nuts, so I have always left the nuts out. But then, we also have an orange on the Seder plate. (Can you tell I'm an old '60's feminist?)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 8:56 pm
by LauraA
Hi - I had a pretty small loss today. I actually thought that it was going to be no loss at all, so I'm happy with it. I'm still on plan, and following it well. I guess that some weeks just have bigger losses than others. I've had a busy day, and haven't read all of the posts for today, but I'll catch up tomorrow. I hope that everyone is doing well. Take care, LauraA
PS No time to work out today, and pouring rain, so tonight I did a Walk At Home DVD for the first time. I really likes it - it was called Walk This Way, and was a two mile walk.
April 2, 2009 - down .5 pound
March 26, 2009 - down 1 pound
March 19,2009 - down 2.5 pounds
March 12,2009 - down 2 pounds
March 5, 2009 - down 1 pound
Feb 26, 2009 - down 2 pounds
Feb 19, 2009 - down 1.5 pounds
Feb 12, 2009 - down 1.5 pounds
Feb 6,2009 - down 1 pound
Jan 22, 2008 - down 2 pounds
Jan 8, 2008 - down 1.5 pounds
Jan 1, 09 - down 1.5 pounds
Dec 25, 08- down 3 pounds
Dec 18, '08 - down 2.5 pounds
Dec 11, '08 - down .5 pound
Dec 4, '08 - down 2 pounds
Month of Nov, '08 - down 10 pounds

April 2

PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:09 pm
by Riva
Hello all. I enjoyed everyones posts today. My favorite Hint came from CarolWL who suggested making a certain ritual passover dish called charoset without nuts. Great idea Carol. Wine, apples cut up tiny, raisins and sugar....not exactly pure but since I allow sugar in my life I think this will be super fun. and CarolWL I put an orange on the sedar plate too. For the uninitiated - The sedar plate has a series of ritual foods and each one has meaning for the holiday. The story goes that in the 60s as the second wave of the feminist movement was growing a mean old male Rabbi said, (and you have to know that women were not allowed to be Rabbi's or it was just starting to happen) "A woman belongs on the pulpit like and orange belongs on the sedar plate." and the congregation knew what he meant because there is NO orange on the sedar plate! But all of us that believed in a woman's right to be anything started and continue to put a big beautiful orange on the sedar plate!

LauraA[size=12][/size] I was just reviewing your weight loss history and it is always down down down. You have done a wonderful consistent healthy job. and half a pound is half a pound down.

Stormie lost SIX pounds in March. That is terrific. Sometimes I think this weekly weigh in can be demoralizing. If you look at your month as a whole you did so great. Most people in America are gaining every month and you are losing. If you lost 6 pounds a month you would lose 72 pounds in a year (I can still do my times tables!).

Which leads me to remind myself and everyone that we have to A-PREE-SHE-ATE how we are eating just for the healthy fact of it sometimes. Forget about the weight loss progress or not for just a few moments every day. Because some day we will all be at our weight goals and still we will be eating just like we are eating today. So, if we are in compliance we are already achieving our goal...the weight loss will come...but our eating will remain the same.

Mommlut Great that you wrote the letters AND that you got a positive response from husband and daughter. Good for them. Now I think the way people respect you and stop coming at you is if you are consistent. If you give in here and there they will find that crack and start sticking a wedge in there.

Here is what I ate today:
oatmeal with banana and sugar
cooked mushrooms and green beans
1 lundberg rice cake
1 1/2 cup brown rice with soy sauce
one green salad with carrots
1 serving steamed broccoli
bunch of Finn whole wheat no oil crackers
small bowl of fruit - blueberries and cantelope
shredded wheat with soy milk and sugar

We're doin' it!!!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:52 am
by Mimosa Forsyth
So i'm new to the MWL, i've been looking for the book for about 4-6 weeks now, so i finally gave in and got it off the website today (i was hesitant to start off with because of the international shipping)... I'm in for April, i think i have enough information to get me going without the book. But any additional words of encouragement or advice would be greatly appreciated!! Also any additional tips on how to stick to it (that's always been the hardest part for me)??
Wish me luck! :-D

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:40 am
by CarolWL
Mimosa Forsyth wrote:So i'm new to the MWL, i've been looking for the book for about 4-6 weeks now, so i finally gave in and got it off the website today (i was hesitant to start off with because of the international shipping)... I'm in for April, i think i have enough information to get me going without the book. But any additional words of encouragement or advice would be greatly appreciated!! Also any additional tips on how to stick to it (that's always been the hardest part for me)??
Wish me luck! :-D

Welcome, Mimosa! Feel free to ask whatever you need to stay on the plan; that's why we're here.

What works for me is to figure out what is allowed, make a list of my favorite foods within that framework, and always keep them on hand. For instance, I always have oats, apples, bananas, salad greens, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and, in the summer, cantaloupe. I always have garlic, onions, carrots and celery, so that I can make the basis of almost any veg stew or soup. I also make huge salads for dinner so I have leftovers for the next day.

I plan three days' worth of meals in advance. (I would plan for a week, but I live on the third floor, and I can only carry so many groceries up the stairs.) I make sure I have all the ingredients for those three days.

The great thing about this plan, of course, is that, as long as you're eating what's on the plan, you can eat until you're full. That is my favorite part of this plan.

And a last tip: I also make sure I eat salad and a steamed veg before I eat my starch-based entree. I'm not sure that's required of McD, but if I don't do it that way, I tend to eat more starch than vegetables. I've learned that, for my body, at least, I have to remember to eat those vegetables!

Riva, I also put tiny bits of chopped dates instead of raisins in my haroset. It's a Sephardic version, and it's really good. I think I'll be buying one of the Joan Nathan Jewish cookbooks this week and see what I can adapt!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:44 am
by LauraA
brilliantchaos wrote:Hello. I am very new here - and very new to McDougall's program, and MWLP. I would love to join your April group!

I have been struggling to loose weight for years but never seem to be able to. I have been vegetarian for years and recently turned vegan. Over the weekend I was searching the web for vegan friendly 'diet' (I hate that word!) and came across MWLP. Of course I was absolutely ecstatic to see a program that I would not have to adjust to be vegan! So on Sunday - I started. I feel great already and have even already seen the scale drop a little (even though I am sure it is water weight - it still feels good to see the number change!) I am having to find time to cook on my busy schedule (I lived for so long on boca burgers and Amy's Breakfast Burritos!) but I believe I can do it. There will be much I will miss though (Veganaise, olive oil, nuts (I eat alot of nuts), my tofu sauces) - but I am finding good replacements.

Well, I am starting to ramble. If it is not too late, I would love to join this months group!

Hi, and welcome to our group. One idea that I like is fixing huge pots of things that I love, and then freezing in small containers. For me, that includes Paul's Two Cup Veggie Soup ( I eat it everyday for lunch), sloppy lentils (sort of like sloppy joe's, but not on bread), butter bean soup and a few others. You can find these and many many more recipes on Letha's MWL blog. Anyway, welcome, and we're glad to have you! Take care, LauraA

Re: goal for this thread

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:48 am
by LauraA
Riva wrote:One of my goals was to keep track of who is who on this terrific thread. So I took a piece of paper and wrote down everyones name who posted today and maybe an identifying note or two. I love how Letha says: " I read every post every day on this thread." I was inspired by that.

Welcome to the new people. You will love the support and friendliness. No one get crazy or mean here at all!

Letha: I am going to try the congee. I would like a change from oatmeal.
Have you worked out a cooking method that works for you and if so could you share or point me to your blog place?

Mommylut: I would suggest taking rice cakes with you at all times. Also I have learned on this forum to remind myself: I will not die if I don't eat until I get home. Ha ha!! funny but true. Today I left work to bring some lunch to my 23 year old daughter who was sick. In my haste of leaving and going to the deli to get what she wanted and running to the bus in the rain I forgot, totally forgot about myself. When I got to her apartment I had a bowl of dry cereal and it was really good! Later, back at the office I had my rice and spinach.

[size=9]Tx Veggie[/size]: Did you pop into the Popeye link Letha gave you? Mindboggling isn't it. I think imagining that there couldn't be much oil in something is the single biggest reason for people thinking this diet doesn't work. I did this for YEARS. There is no reason on earth for that restaurant to put 19 grams of fat into the rice and beans. Even one teaspoon would give it lots of flavor and that would be only 3 grams of fat. Ridiculous.

Brilliant Chaos - Since you are very busy you could consider eating really really simply. Oatmeal, potatoes, rice and frozen vegetables,canned beans and fruit.
Just whole foods, no casserols or fancy stuff. You can do this very simply that way.

I have done every wrong thing, lied to myself, tricked myself...For awhile I even said I ate mcdougall except I cooked with oil. HA HA HA HA!!! That's a good one. Anyway, I am into facing myself squarely in the mirror and living the truth in all this. So, I am a little extreme, probably a little annoying. I try to soften that by cheering us all on!!

Here is to a good night sleep and a happy weigh in day tomorrow.

Hi also need a way to keep track of everyone. I was wondering if we should all reintroduce ourselves on another thread- like "members of the MWL Plan" and just tell how long we've been McDougalling and a little about ourselves. What does anyone think of this idea? Not personal stuff, just the kind of stuff that we share here. Take care, LauraA

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:55 am
by LauraA
cowgirrlup wrote:Big hugs to you CarolWL. I am dealing with issues with my Mom, too and I know how hard it is. Hang in there and do what you can. I figure any healthy meal I eat is a good thing and I will eventually get back to healthier eating when I can.
To Cowgirl up and CarolWL - I feel for both of you! My mom is 89 and has alzheimer's . It's so hard on her and everyone else. My stepdad is 92, so between the two of them they keep us all hopping. Luckily, they have some help. It's just visits, getting problems solved etc. My mom is also blind, which makes everything more difficult. Anyway, I wish everyone the best in trying to stick with your plan and care for aging parents. Take care, LauraA

Intro, etc.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 8:08 am
by Love the Lorax
My user name is Love the Lorax (yes, from the Dr. Seuss book). I've been on the MWL challenge for several months and lost about 30 pounds. Then I had surgery and it took awhile for me to get back in the groove, but I'm pretty much there now.

I'm married, but my hubby/kids are NOT McDougallers at all. My parents have many health problems, and I KNOW McDougalling would fix many of them, but they have no interest. Sigh...

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:08 am
by luvdachiess
Good week! Back in the groovy and down 2 pounds Yeah!

Forgot to post last night!

Yesterday breakfast - Apple
Lunch - veggie burito
Dinner = Spring Veggie paella
Snack - soy latte decaf

Walked 3.3 miles

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:19 am
by marlie
I haven't started exercing yet and I'm worried it's going to lead me to messing up if I don't see results.. I'm waiting on my treadmill that is suppose to be delivered. It's seeming to take forever! (walking is my favorite thing but the weather hasn't been all too well for me to go out with my 3yr old)
I do like to work on my diet before I start exercising, so that's good but so far I'm not seeing results like I had hoped.

I know it's only been a little over a week and I'm probably whining
I weighed myself two days ago and was down 4lbs for my first week. I then weighed myself yesterday and weighed 2lbs more. Today I'm still the 2lbs more.

I feel like my scale is teasing me. I know I shouldn't have hopped on the scale but I just felt heavier and decided to hop on.
Usually when I go full force into a better eating pattern, the weight comes off more. When I see results like I'm thinking I will see, I do better and keep to it longer.

I think I need a kick in the rear to remind me why its good if I don't mess up here.
I really want to keep with it for the whole month and give it a chance. I don't want to mess up here just because the weight isn't flying off.

This is for life.. The weightloss is just an added benefit, right? 8)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:33 am
by 141 by 41
Count me back in it for April!


Weekdays: MWL 100%, minimum 3 liters of water, morning cardio
Weekends: Regular plan, minimum 3 liters of water, something active (biking, hiking, etc.)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:42 am
by Letha.
April 09 MWL Group
Weekly Weigh-In Results

Total group loss reported in 2009: 485.85 pounds
Week ending 04/02/09: 19 participants reported a total loss of 14.4 pounds

Participants reporting for week ending 04/2/09. If you reported a gain I listed you as zero lost.
Please post any additions or corrections sometime today and I’ll update the results this evening or tomorrow morning.

Bambie113: 0
CarolWL: 0
Cynthiak: 0
Faith in DC: 0
Mairead11: 0
Sulross: 0
Toadfood: 0
Txveggie: 0
LauraA: 0.5
Stormie: 0.5
Love the Lorax: 0.6
Cowgirrlup: 1
HealthE1: 1
Riva: 1
Felini: 1.8
Letha.: 2
Luvdachiess: 2
Marlie: 2
Topview1: 2
Total: 14.4


Total group loss reported in March 2009: 109.7
Week ending 03/26/09: 21 participants reported a total loss of 27.4 pounds
Week ending 03/19/09: 22 participants reported a total loss of 18.6 pounds
Week ending 03/12/09: 28 participants reported a total loss of 37.1 pounds
Week ending 03/05/09: 31 participants reported a total loss of 26.6 pounds

Total group loss reported in February 09 is 129.95 pounds
Week ending 02/26/09: 24 participants reported a total loss of 18.8 pounds
Week ending 02/19/09: 30 participants reported a total loss of 45.45 pounds
Week ending 02/12/09: 27 participants reported a total loss of 28.6 pounds
Week ending 02/05/09: 30 participants reported a total loss of 37.1 pounds

Total group loss reported in January 09 is 238.8
Week ending 01/30/09: 26 participants reported a total loss of 35.0 pounds
Week ending 01/22/09: 30 participants reported a total loss of 44.9 pounds
Week ending 01/15/09: 28 participants reported a total loss of 54.6 pounds
Week ending 01/08/09: 31 participants reported a total loss of 104.3 pounds

Total Lost in December 08 = 68.26 reported for the group
Week ending January 1, 2008 – 4 participants: 8.2 pounds lost
Week ending December 25th, 2008 - 5 participants: 6.96 pounds lost
Week ending December 18, 2008- 6 participants: 9.6 pounds lost
Week ending December 11, 2008 - 10 participants: 16.5 pounds lost
Week ending December 4, 2008 - 12 participants: 27 pounds lost