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Re: September 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 8:16 am
by LittlestTree
Loss of 2lbs

1. Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit. YES
2. Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals. Choose fruit for dessert. YES
3. Greatly reduce or eliminate added sugars and added salts. YES
4. Eliminate all animal foods (dairy, meat, eggs, fish, seafood). YES
5. Eliminate all higher fat plant foods (i.e., nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, soy). YES, apart from soy milk in tea
6. Eliminate any added oil. YES
7. Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods including flour products (i.e. bread, bagels, muffins, crackers, dry cereals, cookies, cakes), puffed cereals, air-popped popcorn and dried fruit. YES
8. Don’t drink your calories (especially from juices & sugar-sweetened beverages). 80% - the soya milk in tea
9. Follow these principles, eating whenever you are hungry until you are comfortably full. Don’t starve yourself and don’t stuff yourself. YES
10. Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily (i.e., brisk walking). YES

We celebrated my mother's birthday in the middle of August and had quite a few "treats" (I'll admit I baked most of them!), and I found myself a bit off the wagon for about a week after that. It was a good reminder that having one "treat" tends to make me want more, so I should really stay away from them. I'm used to saying no to non-vegan foods and I tend to not even consider them food, and I'm trying to apply that same mindset to non-WFPB foods.

In light of that, I count the past week as a success. I made a big pot of lentil and vegetable soup that I had for lunch all week - I might do something similar for the week coming. I had a jacket potato with salad/steamed veg for a few dinners, which is always a perfect meal. The temperature is cooling down here, so it's been particularly nice to go for a run or long walk before dinner.
I was also able to stay away from bread, which I'm quite glad about as I find that one slice can easily turn into three or four and leaves me still wanting to eat more.

My goal for the next week is to completely switch to drinking tea without soya milk. I've got a nice selection (green/oolong/puerh/jasmine/rooibos/ginger etc.), so it's just a matter of making it a habit.

Re: September 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 8:47 am
by Dot
Initial Weight: 150 lbs. Goal: 130-135 lbs.
July - 145 -5
Aug -- 142 -3
Sept 5/20 -140 Loss 2 lbs.

3.+5.+7. Long overdue outing with friends. Rural second hand shopping tour with lots of walking. Ordered takeout at Thai restaurant and ate in park. I ordered steamed veggies with rice, skipped the peanut sauce but I knew the rice would be white and soy sauce (salt) the alternative. I didn’t count on the chef either being generous or considering smoked tofu a veggie which I guess it technically is. So I managed in one meal to transgress three of the MWL principles! It’s just too easy when eating out.

As my social sphere widens coming out of the lockdown, I will have to be vigilant about “exceptions”. It’s not easy. I’m already considered a food maverick and I don’t want to be socially ostracized. Although, I’m not an easily intimidated person, I chuckle as I remember when I started the starch solution nine years ago, my daughter was “disgusted” and my normally considerate son told me at a restaurant that I was “an embarrassment”. He was worried about inconveniencing the waiter when I expressed my food restrictions. How things have changed! Now both my kids and grandkids think I’m cool being a vegan.

But it is still enormously difficult in restaurants and at friends homes when people go out of their way to accommodate me and they still offer food that violates healthy eating let alone MWL principles. I’m not an easy person to be around:<}
Ultimately I really don’t care, because I am losing weight, looking and feeling great and I now have this on-line group of like-minded people to offer support.
Minus two lbs. this week! Whupper, whupper roo!!

Re: Mark's Replies for September 4 - Part 1

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 9:09 am
by Growing a Pear
josietheschnauzer - I know for me, the longer I went without putting myself in the Pleasure Trap, the more powerful the effect felt when I did make non adherent choices. Considering how onerous it felt to drag myself back out each time, versus the dubious situational "benefits" of the deviations played an important role in my journey to strict adherence to MWL. :)

Net rolling weight for week: -0.2# (144# > 143.8#)

Have to do a quick post-and-dash, but this was my issue this week. Faced with a situation in which I could McDougall but not do MWL, I made the best choice I could and had a meal with bread. That set off cravings. Next thing I knew, I was dipping into an apple-cherry crisp I made my husband and that was taunting me every time I was in the kitchen. (It had a modest amount of added sugar.) No dry cereal, no Clif Bars, but it took a few days to rein myself in on bread after that.

The Pleasure Trap is sure pleasure-trappy. :roll:

This is probably an odd TMI, but while struggling to get back on track, my imagination conjured a choir of male voices: the Dr. McDougall, Jeff and Mark of my imagination, all chanting, "Respect the groove." :lol: Which I will endeavor to do this week.

Re: September 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 9:20 am
by Lucas
4/27/20: 203.2
5/1/20: 201.8
5/8/20: 200.0
5/15/20: 198.6
5/22/20: 197.8
5/29/20: 196.0
6/5/20 : 193.8
6/12/20: 192.8
6/19/20: 192.6
6/26/20: 191.8
7/3/20: 190.8
7/10/20: 188.8
7/17/20: 189.0
7/24/20: 187.4
7/31/20: 187.8
8/7/20: 186.6
8/14/20: 187.8
8/21/20: 184.6
8/28/20: 182.0
9/4/20: 180.8

Change: -1.2

Hi, I am happy to report another loss of 1.2 lbs! That much closer to the 170s! Thank you Mark for suggesting those spices. I was able to find the Members Mark spice and give it a try. I'll definitely be using that one. I like the flavor and of course I like that it is salt-free. I am going to order the others you mentioned to give them a try as well. Indeed, perhaps it is the fat and high sodium content of the bouillon that make it so "hyper palatable" addicting, as you have said. I can't help but think it also has a certain flavor that to me goes so well with rice. I pretty much grew up on eating Mexican rice flavored in this fashion so I suppose that could also have something to do with it as well. That being said, I have done away with it (bouillon).


1) Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit. Yes, for most meals.

2) Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals, filling half your plate (by visual volume) with non-starchy vegetables and 50% (by visual volume) with minimally processed starches.  Choose fruit for dessert. Yes, for most days.

3) Greatly reduce or eliminate added sugars and added salts.  This includes gourmet sugars and salts too.  If either is troublesome for you, you can eliminate them. Yes

4) Eliminate all animal foods (dairy, meat, eggs, fish, seafood). Yes

5) Eliminate all higher fat plant foods (i.e., nuts, seeds, avocados, tofu, soy). Yes

6) Eliminate any added oil. Yes.

7) Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods including flour products (i.e. bread, bagels, muffins, crackers, dry cereals, cookies, cakes), puffed cereals, air-popped popcorn and dried fruit. Yes

8 ) Don’t drink your calories (especially from juices & sugar-sweetened beverages). Yes

9) Follow these principles, eating whenever you are hungry until you are comfortably full.   Yes

10) Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily (i.e., brisk walking). Not everyday but every other day.

I still think there is definitely room for improvement in consistency, each day, each meal being consistent on some of the points. Soon, I’ll reach the lower end of the 170s where in years past, I would constantly struggle to lose weight. But back then, I did not know what I know now. I’m anxious to reach that point. :-D

I really appreciate this forum and all the people who participate. I especially would like to thank the moderators of this forum who give their valuable time to help us on our journey to good health.

Have a great week!

Re: September 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 11:25 am
by Pattyj115
This Week Loss: -1.2
Total Change as of July 3, 2020 -10.8

1 Start each meal with a soup and/or salad and/or fruit: YES
2 Follow the 50/50 plate method for your meals: YES
3 Greatly reduce or eliminate added sugars and salts: YES
4 Eliminate all animal foods: YES
5 Eliminate all higher fat plant foods: YES
6 Eliminate any added oil: YES
7 Eliminate all higher calorie-dense foods: NO
8 Don’t drink your calories: NEVER
9 Follow these principles, eating when hungry - stop when comfortably full: YES
10 Avoid being sedentary and aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise daily: Work in progress. Managed some pool time this week.

Comment: I focused on ‘what’ I ate this week, making healthy choices and it paid off with a nice loss. My Ho-Hum vegetable soup is getting pretty tasty, especially with a ½ cup of rice. I took your advice Mark and spruced it up with spices and herbs. A little something different each time so it is not exactly the same. It has become my favorite breakfast food!! I did splurge with some corn chips and lentils one day, but it was just one day, one meal and it satisfied the salty/crunchy for the week! So I can honestly say my will power is getting stronger, I have a reasonable goal in mind and I believe in myself that I can and will reach it! I am feeling so good about my progress and loose fitting clothes YaY!!! Thank you Mark for your weekly uplifting comments and support! :nod:

Re: September 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 11:43 am
by OrangeBird
cw 224.8
Change +1 lb

I did stick to the principles but had a lot of swelling post procedure. Actually went up 3lbs after so only 1 for the week is ok. Managed to walk at least 30 mins daily. Hopefully will see a loss for next week.

Re: September 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:16 pm
by texaslil
Another good week! followed the plan with a few minor deviations.

lbs lost: 2.4
lbs last week 181.2
lbs this week 178.8

I have definitely noticed a pattern of weight loss… it seems like I have two weeks of weight loss and then two weeks of weight gain/maintain. I think this is directly related to my cycle as the two weeks of gain/maintain are always right before my period (sorry for TMI). I'm assuming the gain might have something to do with bloating but want to ask if you have any insight on this? and is there anything I could do to alleviate the bloating?

Otherwise, this week I'll just go over the areas where I didn't quite adhere 100%.

Ate a minimal amount of avocado with a couple of my dinners, not more than 1/4-1/2 of an avocado. I find that this makes some of my meals so much more enjoyable!

I continue to eat fruit for desert and no smoothies! I'm probably averaging 2-4 servings of fruit on most days, so more than I should but in the interim, it's better than the smoothies.

There were a couple of meals that I overstuffed myself on, so this is still a work in progress.

6 out of 7 days of exercise, I tend to take Sunday off, but work in my garden instead, which could still be considered a day of exercise :)

Also, I discovered eating pearl barley as a breakfast cereal! and LOVE it! do you think that is ok to have a grain like that for breakfast?

Thanks for your feedback!

Re: September 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:18 pm
by Lachoffman
Weighed in at 187 for a net gain/loss of 0. Total weight loss since July 4, 2020 is 29 pounds. Regarding the 10-Point Checklist, I have had a couple of meals in restaurants that didn't meet the guidelines (3) and I have had a couple of adult beverages (3); however, I have been compliant with all other items. Am having a lot of success with doing a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise per day. I made the McDougall Marinara Sauce with Zoodles which turned out to be really good. Looking forward to a great week.

Reporting for September 4 Weigh-In is now CLOSED

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 1:00 pm
by Mark Cooper
The window for reporting this week's weigh-in and behavioral results has officially closed.

The remainder of my replies and the weekly summary will follow.

Mark's Replies for September 4 - Part 2

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 1:01 pm
by Mark Cooper
wavingwheat - Hello! It seems you have made a great start, Carol, and have a clear idea of where to focus your attention. Keep it up! :thumbsup: I think it can be useful sometimes to not view our efforts from the standpoint of "needing to eat less," but rather concentrate on eating the recommended foods, in the recommended fashion, whenever we feel hungry. Best wishes for days ahead with peaceful sleep free from interference.

laura_delao - I'm happy you decided to continue! As you so correctly recognize, you have made some important and beneficial behavioral changes already, adjusted your routine in support of your goals, and as you continue to put in the effort toward other appropriate changes, those new habits will continue to develop with time. I would imagine you'll adjust to exercise with less soreness as you go, but be careful not to overdo things - you wouldn't want an injury.

josietheschnauzer - I'm embarrassed by how many times I had to "relearn" that lesson before it stuck, but I do believe that with ongoing effort and attention these powerful, informative experiences can result in lasting changes for the better.

Reni - I'm very sorry to hear you were beset with vertigo and nausea this week; feeling poorly never makes things less challenging. I hope you are on the mend! Congratulations on those blood sugar levels in the non-diabetic range! Keep making the best of each opportunity to support your goals.

kirstykay - Welcome back, Kirsty! And talk about returning with a fanfare! Big congratulations on all those improved biomarkers and on losing 10 pounds since the last July weigh-in! I'll record your loss of 2.6 pounds for this week so that everything is current. Achieving the outcomes we are seeking through our changes in behavior isn't an easy path, but with perseverance and time (and adherence) those results are obtainable. You can do it!

Kelly140 - Nice loss! You have some clear, tangible ideas about where improvements can be made, and otherwise that looks like a pretty solid week. Awesome work continuing to build that exercise habit! Carry on sticking with it, adhering more closely to the guidelines where you can, and your determination is bound to pay off! :nod:

Joanne_elon - Great progress! :D Onward!

chef16 - Farewell to another pound, Doreen! It sounds like you are doing your best to navigate that particularly challenging situation at work; as you say, it's a work in progress. Continue to work out the bugs, as best you are able; given the known difficulties with workplace meals, it seems especially wise that you are adhering as closely as possible when you have the opportunity to do so.

LittlestTree - Off to a smashing start! That seems like a successful week to me. Mentally categorizing non adherent foods as "not food for me" was something I found to be very helpful, too. Well done staying away from bread and other calorie dense "treats" throughout the week. :thumbsup: Your next goal to eliminate the soy milk seems appropriate; that new habit is just waiting to be built. :D

Dot - 2 more lbs making their exit! I totally agree that deviating from the MWL guidelines when eating out is all too easy, even when we are making some effort to choose wisely. In this thread, Jeff describes some basic variations of "dining out cards" that can be handed to a waiter or chef outlining the key points for a satisfactory meal; that might be something you could adapt and use for future outings. Those social pressures around food and dining rarely make things easier. As you note, losing weight, and looking and feeling great is a pretty nice reward for your efforts! :D

Growing a Pear - The Pleasure Trap is pleasure-trappy, to be sure! My own process involved a sequence of experiences, much like you describe, where a particular situation, choice or food put me right into the Pleasure Trap, necessitating clawing my way back out. Over the course of time, I really took note of how wonderful it felt to be in the groove, and what a pain it was to have to work my way back there after letting myself get knocked for a loop. For me, being in a deep groove is such a great feeling, and makes so many other aspects of my life better and easier, that I've become extremely zealous about protecting it. Nowadays, it really feels like that deep groove is where I live, but it definitely didn't happen overnight or without bumps along the way. Guard the groove! :lol:

Lucas - Kudos! A happy report in truth! The Kirkland Organic No Salt Seasoning is definitely a staple in our house (I'm guessing that is the seasoning you tried). I've been really pleased with everything I've ever ordered from Penzey's, as well; they have a whole listing on their website for salt free spice mixes. The various flavors of Mrs. Dash are great, too. Enjoy! Having the knowledge of what to do to make progress toward our desired outcomes is perhaps the first big piece of the puzzle. You have that knowledge, and you know how to adhere to the MWL guidelines within the context of your own situation and routine. Working on improved consistency would seem to be a logical next step; you know what to do and how to do it, and you've experienced a number of successes, so now it is just a matter of diligently and persistently acting in accordance with that knowledge. And then doing it again, and again, and again. ;) And "suddenly" the habits are built and you find yourself at your goal. Press on!

Pattyj115 - Woo-hoo! You should feel good about your progress, that seems like a pretty outstanding week! Focusing on "what" to eat offers the great advantage of being well within our control; I'm so glad that paid off for you, and that your vegetable soup is seeming less "ho-hum" after some sprucing up. I always think of the recommended foods as the best building blocks for strengthening my willpower. Who doesn't like clothes feeling looser, right?

OrangeBird - That procedure sounds like it was a real bear! Great work adhering to the principles in spite of that! :thumbsup: I'm sure with continuing adherence you'll see a positive trend before long. :thumbsup:

texaslil - Wow! That is a substantial drop, Laila! So many different factors, many of which may be out of our control, can affect an individual weigh-in result, as Jeff discusses in To Weigh or Not to Weigh.
JeffN wrote:there are many things that can contribute to daily weight fluctuations, including changes in glycogen, water, fiber, stools and salt.
I think the best thing we can do is focus our efforts where we have the most control and can make the biggest impact - our pattern of behavior. The most reliable thing you can do to support continuing, steady, sustainable weight loss is to continue to align your habits and routine as closely as you can with the overall pattern described by the MWL 10-Point Checklist. Progress as measured by the scale can tend to come in fits and starts for many of us, but what is more revelatory is the typical pattern over time; if we look at your reports since the end of July, you've averaged ~1 lb / week overall, which is pretty much right on track. Excellent work keeping smoothies off your menu! All of us are a constant "work in progress," right? Jeff discusses some ways to address bloating in this post, although they may or may not apply to what you're describing.

Lachoffman - Congratulations on losing 29 pounds since the fourth of July! The fewer of those "adult beverages" and meals that don't meet the guidelines you allow, the better you'll be supporting continued progress. That Marinara Sauce sounds yummy!

Weigh-In Report Compilation - September 4, 2020

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 1:03 pm
by Mark Cooper
Please note - I replied to each participant individually in the two lengthy posts linked below.

Mark's Replies for September 4 - Part 1
Mark's Replies for September 4 - Part 2

By my count, 45 participants reported for our first September 2020 MWL weigh-in! If I neglected to include anyone, or you notice an error in the tally, please let me know (via PM so we can keep the thread as tidy as possible, or in a post here if you cannot PM).

Here are the results for the first Friday in September:

Week ending 9/4/2020: 45 participants reported a total loss of -48.30 pounds
Noella +5.50
Creaky +3.40
Kathie +2.40
Josietheschnauzer +1.40
OrangeBird +1.00
Total gains: +13.70
Abe 0.00
GreenFroG 0.00
Hope410 0.00
Lachoffman 0.00
Laura_delao 0.00
Laurag 0.00
Growing a Pear -0.20
Wstokes -0.20
PonysPlants -0.40
Wavingwheat -0.60
Wfpb2020 -0.80
Cathy Ann -1.00
Chef16 -1.00
Jkcook -1.00
Joanne_elon -1.00
LesleyMills -1.00
Rlechols -1.00
Lucas -1.20
Pattyj115 -1.20
CindyD -1.30
Kelly140 -1.50
Renestl -1.70
Beeshell -1.80
Expat in NZ -1.80
Oneesotericgirl -1.80
Squealcat -1.90
Amberlina -2.00
Calharv -2.00
Dot -2.00
LittlestTree -2.00
VivianS -2.00
Diane Marie -2.20
Texaslil -2.40
Gimmelean -2.60
Kirstykay -2.60
Reni -3.00
Ladevereaux -3.60
Waterfit -3.70
NateKruse -5.80
Total losses: -62.00
Cumulative group loss for September 2020 to date: 48.30 pounds
Average loss for week ending September 4: 1.07 pounds
Cumulative group loss for January 2020: 384.15 pounds
Cumulative group loss for February 2020: 96.60 pounds
Cumulative group loss for March 2020: 60.10 pounds
Cumulative group loss for April 2020: 218.00 pounds
Cumulative group loss for May 2020: 191.50 pounds
Cumulative group loss for June 2020: 120.63 pounds
Cumulative group loss for July 2020: 524.80 pounds
Cumulative group loss for August 2020: 240.30 pounds

Next Weigh-In is on Friday, September 11, 2020.

And just like that, September is off and running! I commend everyone's efforts; you all deserve to be lauded for undertaking these beneficial changes in your pattern of behavior!

Apropos of this week's discussions relating to getting in and out of the Pleasure Trap, making the best of inauspicious situations, and assessing the "least bad" option, I was pleased to come back across an article from Jeff that I think speaks to these same concerns.

JeffN wrote:Hedge Your Health (1/27/11)
Jeff Novick, MS, RD

People are always asking me, "what if I had to choose between "X" and "Y," which should I choose?" Of course, these two choices are usually unhealthy choices and the decision is always between the lesser of two evils. The problem with this strategy, as Jerry Garcia once pointed out, is that, "Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil."

Fortunately, we almost never have to make such a choice as healthy options exist almost everywhere. In addition, with proper planning, we can prepare ourselves to have healthy food with us for those rare situations we find ourselves in where there is just no healthy option. As one who travels extensively, I can attest to the fact that with a little proper prior planning, we can always be prepared.

As the old saying goes, Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

However, what about those rare situations where we are not prepared and there really is no healthy option and when we are faced with the rare choice where we must choose between the lesser of two evils. How can we lessen their impact on our overall health.

There is a simple strategy I recommend that can help you minimize the impact of these situations. I call this, Hedge Your Health, and it is where we use the strategy of hedging in regard to our health just as investors use it, with their money.

Hedging is a strategy that helps investors to minimize their overall exposure to unwanted risk. So, what we want to do is minimize our exposure to unwanted health risks.

And here is how we do it.

For those rare situations when we find ourselves with absolutely no healthy choice available and we are choosing between the lesser of two evils. Clearly, in these situations, we should always make the best choice possible.

However, whenever we find our self in a situation where there is a healthier option and/or a best choice, we should always make it, no exception. This will minimize the amount of times we find ourselves in the situation choosing the lesser of two evils and will go a long way to help minimize its impact on us.

So, if we go to a restaurant and we have a choice between whole grain brown rice or white rice with our meal, always choose the whole grain brown rice, no exception. This way, if and when we are in a situation where there is no choice and the only option is white rice, it's impact on our health will be minimized.

If we really look closely at our choices, we will find that there are often many situations where we can really make the healthy choice, but are not doing so.

So, from now on, Hedge Your Health and help to reduce your overall risk exposure!

In Health

There you go folks, commence hedging! :D

Wishing everyone an enriching and successful week to come! Take advantage of each new opportunity to be your best!

Re: September 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 5:56 pm
by VivianS
VivianS to Expat in NZ,
Try using a tape measure every morning and evening to measure your waistline. When you note or graph your results, you will be sure of your progress. It will encourage you just as much as seeing a number on a scale.
If you don't have a tape measure, make marks on a ribbon or a nonstretchy cloth or belt. It will encourage you just as much. You can even mark the results on a board or the door frame with the date, just like you measure the height of your children and mark the date. Pencil marks are easily removed or painted over. Do it in your closet so the marks won't bother anyone else.
If your children are noticing that you are "disappearing" (losing weight), be sure to tell them what you are doing so that they will be reassured that you are healthy. Growth and change is a part of life. Point out their own changes as they out grow clothes and it will comfort them about the changes in your body.
Congratulations on your success so far! I am proud of you. I liked your suggestion about slowing down and being prepared so you can do it. You are a kind and thoughtful person.

Re: September 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 12:12 am
by Creaky
I'm doing much better with my lower GI tract. The gassiness is gone and feel much better. Still eating the beans in the same amount.

Re: September 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 8:52 am
by Noella
Hi Mark,
On Friday I felt brave and I was okay with seeing a weight gain on my scale. I was all about being positive and doing every MWL behaviour without worry but now, this morning, I am feeling not only worried, I feel overwhelmed and frantic...What if I won’t shed any more weight? Even worse, what if this reading on the scale is a true regain of the weight I lost in the previous months? Maybe my scale is faulty? Maybe it needs new batteries?
My experience over the eight months of following the McDougall plan and MWL has been to either drop in weight or maintain weight. I’ve never gained before. I’ve been feeling so confident about MWL. This is the first time my weight has gone up. And 5.5 pounds is a dramatic gain. I know you will tell me to keep up all of the behaviours. I will...
I would also like to buy a new scale, just in case, so what brand/type do you recommend?

Re: September 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 9:39 am
by Mark Cooper
Creaky - That's great!

Noella - I think feeling some anxiety after the shock of that big change on the scale is a natural response. I know I definitely have a tendency to feel worried in situations where it feels like I don't have control, or a clear understanding of exactly what is happening. When I'm feeling this way, it seems especially important to refocus and direct my attention onto the things I can control; in regards to weight loss, that means concentrating on aligning my behaviors with the recommended pattern. Sometimes I also find it helpful to follow those frantic, overwhelming feeling questions toward surfacing their unspoken assumptions and implications. What if this reading on the scale accurately shows that you have regained weight that you previously lost? It seems pretty unlikely to me that you gained 5.5 pounds of fat in the span of one (or even two) weeks, but even if that is exactly what happened, you don't have a time machine, so all you can do is continue to work on following the MWL guidelines, and commence "re-losing" the weight. What if you don't shed any more weight? Again, if we take a look at your recent past history and experiences, that seems an unlikely scenario, if you follow the MWL 10-Point Checklist and adjust your behavior accordingly. But, let's say you don't ever lose another pound - if that were true, what would you do differently? Start eating a bunch of troublesome foods that promote inflammation, make you feel lousy, and ultimately lead to gaining more weight? Or keep building a lifestyle that best supports your health, wellbeing and personal goals in a safe, sustainable way? These setbacks happen, and unfortunately, we can't rewrite the past, but we absolutely can take positive action moving forward by attending to our daily decisions, routine, and pattern of behavior. If you feel able to, take some deep breaths, realize you know what to do, and you are going to be OK, and treat yourself with compassion. :)

Personally, I have one of those My Life Digital scales that ostensibly measures body fat %, as well. I don't put much stock in the accuracy of the specific body fat percentage it shows, but it does seem to be quite consistent, and accurate in relative terms; i.e. neither the body fat, nor weight reading jump around erratically across a series of reading a few minutes apart.