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Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 11:34 am
by grape
Hello Everyone, I am joining the group today. This is a big step for me but I have been in and around the McDougall Plan for a long time. I have a lot of weight to lose. I have read the rules and orientation for me has been ongoing for many years! I am very excited to be working together with all of you.

Welcome the the MWL Group & Weigh-In Reminder

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 12:07 pm
by Mark Cooper
Hello everyone! Welcome to the group, grammyjax, Carola, earthmonkey, tkdixon86, Melb, NorthwestGnome, Leslie4077, Shereenz, Christinejulie, eag, debbiebellerose, tmoore5921, Malinda20, Sadie1820, timbo97 and grape

LeslieGee - Hi! Be sure to review the Orientation materials, if you haven't already.

chlawler - Hello! I think you'll find the answers to those questions within the Orientation information. Let me know if you have further questions, after reviewing that.

kirstykay - You sound energized, motivated and well-prepared to make October a success! :D

Gimmelean - Glad to have you participating for another session! Speaking generally, the overall pattern of behavior needed to maintain a given equilibrium, once reached, will be very similar to the pattern of behavior that resulted in the achievement of that equilibrium. Jeff lays this out pretty clearly in his discussion of "set points," which may help to clarify things. To offer a personal account, I achieved my weight / BMI goal over two years ago, and I've continued to adhere to the MWL 10-Point Checklist in the intervening period up to the present; the rolling average for my weight has been quite stable over that time (trending only very slightly down from my "goal"). That isn't to say that one must maintain "perfect" adherence to maintain their achievements, but the broad pattern of behavior needs to remain congruent with that which produced the results. Provided one's BMI doesn't fall into the underweight range, there probably wouldn't be anything necessitating raising the overall calorie density of one's diet.

JaBee - Welcome back! I'm always excited to see returning friends! :D

ML13 - It can't ever be "too soon" to start changing our behaviors in support of our health! If you haven't yet, please take some time to review the Orientation information for the group.

NorthwestGnome - Way to get started, Eric! The more we plan and prepare to succeed, the more success we're likely to have. These recipes make for an adherent alternative to salty, store-bought salsas - Pico de Gallo, Quick Tomato Salsa, Fresh Salsa.

Catonne - Cheers! After you've completed Orientation, I look forward to seeing you back here! Our first reporting check-in is tomorrow, October 2.

Shereenz - The pattern of behavior described in the MWL 10-Point Checklist should be just the thing to get that scale moving in your preferred direction!

eag - You are all set! Today is ALWAYS the best day to "make the switch" to adjusting our behavior to serve our goals!

tinathescreamer - Another returning comrade! All those outside pressures can certainly make maintaining adherence an ongoing struggle; the good news is, you know what to do - attend to the recommended pattern of behavior. :)

Ziara - Use that feeling of motivation as fuel for action; the more you can prepare, and make it as easy as possible for yourself to reach for the recommended foods, the easier to succeed.

jaccisimms - Our first weekly reporting check-in is tomorrow (see the information at the bottom of this post). If you have not yet completed the Orientation, please do; that should get you all set for tomorrow. :)

oneesotericgirl - I'm glad to have you continue in October! :thumbsup:

MarshaCOregon - MWL is an excellent path to eventually achieve the outcomes you seek. Be sure to review the Orientation information.

REMINDER - if you have not already done so,
JeffN wrote:Make sure you have read the MWL Weigh-In Orientation post, which explains everything you need to know to participate in this monthly weigh-in. When done, make sure you follow the recommendations to begin here.
Upon successfully completing your orientation, you will officially be a participant in the group and needn't wait for any further confirmation.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow's weigh-in and seeing everyone's reports! Friday is this group's weigh-in day, and participants have until noon pacific time (19:00 UTC) on Saturday to post a report of their result for the week. Reports posted outside that window of time won't be included in the summary that I compile for Saturday evening. This group is all about changing patterns of behavior, so it seems reasonable to me to expect those who choose to participate in the weekly weigh-in to honor that time frame for reporting. In addition to reporting your weight change in pounds, more importantly, please be sure to evaluate your behaviors within the context of the MWL 10-Point Checklist, if you please. I will respond to everyone's reports in a cumulative post on Friday evening and Saturday evening, and the summary for the week will be posted Saturday night.

For more information on why participants are recommended to weigh themselves once a week while in the weight loss phase, check out this excellent and thorough article from Jeff - To Weigh or Not to Weigh

My very best to all, and I'll see you tomorrow!

Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 12:42 pm
by Expat in NZ
Happy NZ Friday all!!

Carrying on into October!
Sep 25 - 184.1
October 2 - 181.9 (-2.2lb)

This was a bit of a surprise because I have been experimenting with some foods, i.e. listening to my body and some days eating mostly starch (usually the day after a lifting session) and other days eating more veggies. For example, there were a couple of days I would eat a small salad and maybe a pound of steamed broccoli, then a bowl of boiled potatoes as big as my head (literally) because I just felt like I needed it. I didn't stuff myself or anything of course, but I definitely felt better. The next day I wouldn't eat as much because I didn't feel like I needed it. This strategy seems to be working for me according to the scale haha. I have had 100% compliance save for a small slice of plain sourdough bread my husband made to "critique" it. Curiously - I could have eaten more but didn't feel the desire to really, if that makes sense? And it was delicious!

I have also noticed I am not as hungry in the mornings. Mark, I seem to recall you mentioning that you don't really eat breakfast...I think I am heading down that path just because I am not feeling it every morning! haha

Lots of well-wishes to everyone and welcome new people!


Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 2:23 pm
by louie3084
Hi Mark. I started in late September. I'd like join the October group. Still have 2kgs to lose. :-)

Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 2:25 pm
by CUgorji22
Greetings from the Rocky Mountains! I have read through the Orientation & I'm excited to join this group :-D
Finding this Oct Weigh-in Group came just at the right time...I just finished Mary's Mini and needed a "next step" option. This is PERFECT!

I printed out The Healthy Eating Placemat, the MWL Guidelines & the 12 refinements for MWL to post them in my kitchen. I truly hope by having ALL of that info in clear sight, I will continue to think differently!

Super grateful for a link to MWL well as the other resources provided! I made a MWL recipe last night for my family as a warm-up. The dish was excellent! I'm all in and ready to go!!


Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 2:59 pm
by mrsmike84
I've read the orientation materials and look forward to participating!

Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 3:00 pm
by cmjens
I am new. I have completed the orientation and would like to join. I can't figure out where to log my weigh in. Help Please? I am looking forward to this journey.

Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 3:05 pm
by Mark Cooper
cmjens wrote:Hello,
I am new. I have completed the orientation and would like to join. I can't figure out where to log my weigh in. Help Please? I am looking forward to this journey.
The weekly weigh-in and behavioral reports should be posted here, in this thread; first weigh-in and report is tomorrow, Friday, October 2, 2020. Here is an example of what a report might look like.

Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 3:29 pm
by emmycaitlin
Hello all, I joined the September group, but fell off the wagon quickly. However, I'm back and I'm determined to do this. I want to lose some weight before my college graduation in May. I will be 41 when I graduate and I don't want all of those young graduates showing me up :D

Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 3:43 pm
by Rebecka22
I have a question as I start, if you start with a salad, does 1/2 your plate still need to be non-starchy vegetables? What about meals where they’re combined? Thanks

Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 4:17 pm
by JeffN
Rebecka22 wrote:I have a question as I start, if you start with a salad, does 1/2 your plate still need to be non-starchy vegetables? What about meals where they’re combined? Thanks

This post will answer your question :)


In Health

Joining October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 4:27 pm
by rsmallen
Hi! Joining the group. I'm WFPB since May and have lost weight...but not NEARLY enough and am frankly at a stand still. I recognize I have significant insulin resistance and that is definitely a hurdle. After recently seeing some Dr Greger articles I am thinking that rather than the starches I was quick to blame, I was getting too free with nuts and seeds. Soooo....rather than trying a vegan keto protocol because of the role fats play in insulin resistance,I am definitely going all in with this plan. We shall see how it works for me! I have completed the orientation tasks and understand the guidelines.

Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 4:29 pm
by ReadyForChange
Thanks for the opportunity to join. I started my journey January 31, 2020. I am slow going unfortunately. I have lost 19.5 pounds...most of which were in the first 3 months. I maintained after that (which is good I think!) but I still need to lose about 15 more pounds. After reading all the orientation materials...maybe I am one of those volume eaters! I love lots of food which is why I am so on board with calorie density eating. Anyway...I am hoping this accountability will help me stay on track and start losing weight again.

Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 5:22 pm
by Pdx.gordon
Hi there! Gordon here from Portland, OR. I’ve been on WFPB for about two years now. I’m looking forward to trying the MWL diet. I have reviewed the guidelines.

My weight today: 189.2 lbs

Re: October 2020 McDougall MWL Weigh-In Group

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 6:05 pm
by LesleyMills
13th week weigh in, was 168lbs now 166lbs -2lbs with a BMI of 29.4!!
Another week of sticking to the plan almost 100%. I did have two glasses of white wine on Sunday and having done so then ate two of chocolate bars that a friend brought over. I don't want to make a big thing about my eating as he's a big meat eater but the wine blew away any resolve I had that day. I've decided that I need to stay away from alcohol as it hits me way too quickly (not having drunk ANY alcohol at all in months) and I lose all self control. I also need to tackle the issue of him bringing chocolate but I think that's a task for another day and as he's not planning on dropping over for a few weeks I can think on this a little more.

Other than that I've been sticking to the plan like glue.

Met my daughter who I haven't seen for months as single household residents have been allowed to visit 1 nominated person outside their 5kms range and I nominated her. She noticed my weight-loss and I'm glad it's finally showing. I don't want to publicise this more widely though as I don't want any risk of sabotage from getting complacent.

Big thing for me this week is that I now have a BMI <30 so I'm now officially overweight and not obese!! Onward and ever upward, or should I say downward?
All the best to my fellow McDougaller MWL colleagues, we're all going to have a wonderful week. Also thanks to the moderators who are tirelessly providing such a valuable service.