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Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 2:37 pm
by Ellen N
My weight today is 171#. Probably need to loose 20-25#.

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 4:06 pm
by Dark Blonde
My starting weight is 303.

I'm looking forward to January of 2020 with 52 weigh-ins behind me.

Good luck to all this week.

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 6:07 pm
by laurag
so I just weighed in at 160 so I guess that makes it 0 good luck and happiness to everyone :) Laura

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 6:36 pm
by Denny
Happy New Year! Im a newby to this discussion board but have been following Dr. McDougall for a few years. May I throw out a question? I just re-read the Maximum Weight Loss book and I think I read that even whole grain breads should be avoided. (for maximum weight loss) Does this go for sprouted whole grain bread as well? Thanks,


Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 6:42 pm
by anne57

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 10:36 pm
by amandamechele
Alice - Anne is correct, you have posted in the correct spot. I will add you to the tally (which I post late Saturday night). Best wishes for the week.

Agissell - Wonderful start! Congratulations on the loss.

Anne - Good for you on holding steady through a very difficult week. I am looking forward to Monday morning, when all of the schedules for my family go back to normal. Will this be the same for you?

Hi Linda - Good loss this week. Congratulations! How did today go? Were you able to eat before your visiting? I would like you to know that I hope that no matter how your week goes that you will choose to check in next week. It can be difficult to post a gain, but you will have a better chance of getting right back on track if you can brave that discomfort and stick with the accountability. :)

Congratulations fiftysix on the loss. Keep up the great effort.

Hi Svelte - Welcome and congratulations on such significant losses. You have done well for yourself by reflecting on choices and attempting to identify all of the small ways that you deviate from the guidelines. 10 small and seemingly insignificant deviations can add up to one moderate stumbling block that can halt weight loss. Great job at continuing to get better at applying the guidelines.

Humberto - Thank you for checking in! That is a lovely quote. I will leave your question for Jeff. I should let you know that Jeff has a forum dedicated to answering research and diet related questions for people following the McDougall program. You can also trying posting this question there for him to answer too... in case he misses it here because this thread is extra busy at the moment. All the best this week to you too.

Welcome Sunshinegirl - that is a great username.... it’s winter where I live and any extra sunshine in my life is welcome! It sounds like you know what to do, best wishes for implementation this week.

Chasinghappy - Awesome and no worries, you were not late. I keep checking until Saturday afternoon (my time PST) because people are posting from all over. Then I will type up the tally and post it. I’m actually on the road, in the sky and on the water tomorrow, so I may even be a bit late.

Rosey - Awesome job lady!

rkdubbya - Welcome, and I hope we can help provide a part of what you need to keep up your current motivation. Follow the guidelines as closely as you can, and post at any time that you feel the need for some accountability. :) We are here to help and support you.

Nomeoslo - Awesome...and stay skeptical! LOL. I want you to prove to yourself that this really works when you follow the guidelines well. I would never want anyone to just take someone else’s word for it. Now if the skepticism is on your own ability to keep to the program, that is a realistic worry. I would then recommend watching the webinar and lectures put out by the program’s staff psychologist, Dr. Doug Lisle:
The Slow Fast Way: The Steady Path to your Goals for the New Years
Stepping Stones to Self Esteem
Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind
Dare to Be Lousy
(There are many more...but this represents 4 hours of homework, so that is enough for this week...hahaha)

Ellen - Thanks for checking in. I see you are taking advantage of all the boards have to offer already; that is fabulous. Best wishes this week.

DarkBlonde - I am too. I would be very happy to have you check in that many times in a row, and hope you know that you will find support here on both good weeks and bad weeks. :)

Laura - Good luck and happiness to you too!

Denny - Hi and welcome! It’s nice to have you joining us here. With regards to sprouted whole grain bread, and whether it is recommended under the MWL program guidelines, that answer is no. The calorie density is quite high (if a slice is 34g per serving and 80 calories that equates to approximately 1067 calories per pound versus a pound of potatoes coming in around 450-500 calories). If the bread you have chosen has no added oil or refined ingredients it is still a very healthy food to enjoy occasionally, but during a period of time where you are looking to maximize weight loss it may be more prudent to focus on increasing foods that have less calories per pound to enjoy greater satiety for less overall calories. (It is fine for anyone following the regular McDougall program).

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 10:56 pm
by Merwoman
Made it to Friday. I've lost 1#, now I'm 174#. Just getting started. And, I'm feeling good. Eating whole food is an honor, I get that now. Oh well...I'm a slow learner.

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:23 pm
by cbritten101
Happy Friday everyone! I lost 2.6# this week, quite a bit for my small frame. I'm usually a very slow loser, so I won't expect this much going forward :)

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:41 pm
by Dr10or
Congratulations all for the losses! Should all be very proud of yourselves for taking the initiative to improve your own health, not looking for a pill or doctor to do it for you. Love it!

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 12:05 am
by Lorna1954a
This is Lorna1954. I couldn’t post so I created a new account. So now I’m Lorna1954a. It’s late so I’ll explain tomorrow. Please put me down as a “0”.

Thank you,

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 5:54 am
by Kate*1
Hi. I’m Kate and I would like to lose weight. I hope I am posting in the right spot. I certainly need a lot of help and I hope this group will help me keep on track with my eating. I’m at zero today.

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 6:35 am
by JeffN
Humberto wrote:One question for JeffN or anyone who may know.

I usually ride 1 hr in the morning before work (sometimes on my weekends) and 1.5 hours in the summer time.
In the winter I lose around 2 lbs, today I went from 238.8 to 236.4, in the summer sometimes the delta is 4 lbs.
My question is, is this in general 100% water weight?

Depends on the person and their specific situation.

However, in general, the average person will lose about 1% of the weight per week as fat loss. So, a 240 lb person will lose about 2.4 lbs per week that is fat. Any other change is usually fluid changes from changes in water (salt, intake), medication or from changes in bowel movements & urination.

These 2 posts may help



In Health

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 7:13 am
by ForestGoddess
Wow, a lot of new people this week! Great job everyone.

This was actually a very good week for me. I have decided that one of the tools I am going to use is when I feel "hungry" to ask myself if one of the 4 following foods appeal to me:
1)Oatmeal (w/fruit)
2) Rice (w/veggies)
3) Potatoes in any way (prepped with no oil of course)
4) Salad/soup (if I have one made)/raw veggies/fruit

If it doesn't appeal to me -like I would rather have the candy from the kid's stash, or any processed snack calling my name- then I am not really hungry and need to hydrate.

So keeping this in mind I had a successful week. I feel really good about positive long term changes.

Last week I weighed 128.8, this week I am down 4.6 lbs and am at 124.2.

Good luck to all, may you have a highly successful week.

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 7:31 am
by verde
Hi everyone, congrats for coming along! I was looking through this thread and you're inspirational!
What ForestGoddess said especially spoke to me:

ForestGoddess wrote: I have decided that one of the tools I am going to use is when I feel "hungry" to ask myself if one of the 4 following foods appeal to me:
1)Oatmeal (w/fruit)
2) Rice (w/veggies)
3) Potatoes in any way (prepped with no oil of course)
4) Salad/soup (if I have one made)/raw veggies/fruit

If it doesn't appeal to me -like I would rather have the candy from the kid's stash, or any processed snack calling my name- then I am not really hungry and need to hydrate.

THIS!!! So simple and so true! I know this and yet sometimes it ain't easy! Thanks for the reminder!
May we all have more compliant days/moments/weeks than non-compliant ones!

Re: January 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 7:42 am
by DebbieLind
Hi everyone! My starting weight Jan. 1 was 201#. I’m down 5 as of yesterday. Only 55 more to go! Have a great week everyone.