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Re: April 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 5:07 am
by Rosey
I thought I checked in but guess not. No change from last week though.

Re: April 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 12:15 am
by amandamechele
Ellen - Sorry to hear about the iron troubles Ellen, especially because it is making you feel terrible. My blood levels for iron (or whatever it is they test as a proxy) have been in the very low end of the normal range for years. Thankfully, I haven’t been any worse for wear because of it. I have often wondered if my range will creep higher after menopause, when I stop menstruating? May I ask, just out of curiosity, did your doctor attribute this to your diet? Iron supplements are just terrible tasting...LOL... I took prenatal vitamins with iron and they made my tummy feel so queasy that I switched to the ones without added iron. Here are a couple of sources of information from the website that you find helpful: Plants, not Pills for Vitamins and Minerals (don’t be concerned about the title here, Dr. McD notes that there are times when supplements are a benefit, such as treating deficiency, he just doesn’t recommend usage as a prophylactic). From Jeff Novick: Iron Deficiency and Low Iron.

Michele - Oops, I jumped the gun and put you in as a zero this week, I was just so excited to have you back..LOL. I’ll put you in for that next week too. Best wishes getting your home and mind prepared. You can totally do this!

Moonlight - I hope you have an awesome week too. XO.

Linsdey - Hi Lindsey. :)

Connie - I’m glad to hear from you and that things are stable this week. Best wishes for the coming week too.

Re: April 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 4:42 am
by Michele613
That's ok felt good to see my name back on the list :D

Re: April 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 12:31 pm
by Belana
sirdle wrote:
Belana wrote:Good morning MWL world,
Tweaking a few things has resulted in success and my weight loss is back on track.
Thanks to all for your support, suggestions and words of encouragement and wisdom. It made a difference and absolutely helped to keep me going on MWL.
Not ever going back to ETL! That diet sucks! :\ :nod:
Weight: 109.8
loss: 1.1 lbs.

Very well done! :-P

Just curious... what seemed to work for you?

Hi sirdle,
I stopped eating fruit for desert after lunch and my last meal. I was ready to give up canned pineapple in my salad at night, but this morning I weighed in at 108, so I'm thrilled I don't have to give up my yummy canned pineapple in my nightly salad! Canned pineapple in my nightly salad is my main treat at night before I go to bead.
I was allowing myself to eat as much brown rice as I wanted for my main meal during the day, so instead, I'm measuring out 1 cup of rice. That helped me add more veggies and beans. eyeballing it just wasn't working to keep my MWL ratio correct.
For snacks I'll eat a Romain heart with a potato. My last meal is salad.
I'm trying to always have yams, sweet potatoes and gold potatoes around to eat whenever I start feeling hungry. I eat all those kinds of potatoes throughout the day a lot.
I'll also eat some kind of legum soup that I make myself or McDougall soup I buy at the grocery. Infrequently, I'll eat the McDougall ramen, but that's kinda once in a blue moon. I keep McDougall ramen around in case I don't have anything prepared.

Re: April 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 2:35 pm
by alishana
I juste watched this lecture, it's very very good to maintain a healthy lifestyle ! here :

Re: April 2019 McDougall Weigh In Thread

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2019 7:11 am
by anelson108
Weigh-in today: 194
Last week: 192.8
Results: 1.2 pound gain
Total loss (since joining MWL): 10.6
Goal weight: 150 pounds (5' 6" height)
NOTE: Again, I ate some high-fat foods this week. I did some emotional eating this past week. Amanda, thanks for your comments last week! I will watch the food addiction/emotional eating links you posted.