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Re: All Hail the Potato Challenge!!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:37 pm
by bunsofaluminum
B: hashbrowns with wilted spinach, ketchup
L: simple potato salad (boiled yellows, minced onion and celery, dressing of vinegar, sugar and mustard)
D: potato salad on a large bed of spinach
S: carrots

Re: All Hail the Potato Challenge!!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:23 pm
by PineappleTraci
Day 7 of "Potatoes Forever"
b1 - potato #1, plain
sn - potato #2, with a big bunch of broccoli, all dipped in ketchup while watching March Madness :)
l - potato #3, plain
sn - potato #4, plain (am I going way overboard here?)
d - about five carrots, cooked, plain
fluids - drank a lot of coffee-cocoa mix as per usual during the day, and have switched to tea for the evening

I feel incredibly satiated and I'm actually starting to trust starches more. I've been quite the consumer of vegetables (and lover of vegetables) all along, but it's more been "The Low-Calorie-Density Solution" rather than "the Starch Solution" for me up till this point. . . .

So glad to see so many potato purists here! Props to all the plain-ish, minimally processed meals!

Re: All Hail the Potato Challenge!!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:13 pm
by tatertot
I'm so glad this challenge is continuing.

Tomorrow is my first day low fat vegan... and this is how I'm going to kick it off. I'm hoping the limited choices will make the transition a little easier.

I have two big bags of potatoes ready to go. Repetitive vegetables will be carrots and broccoli.

Thanks for all the ideas on how to fix those taters!

Re: All Hail the Potato Challenge!!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:17 pm
by vgpedlr
Day 1 of the renewed potato hack!

B: baked sweet potato with maple syrup
L: steamed sweet potatoes with stir fried cabbage, carrot, onion and peas and an Asian marinade for sauce
D: steamed purple potatoes with stir fried asparagus, mushrooms, and red pepper and Asian seasonings

The tastes aren't quite the same with potatoes instead of rice, but still pretty good.

Onward and upward!

Re: All Hail the Potato Challenge!!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:53 pm
by KittyMcKnitty
Made another pot of addictive sweet potato soup today and ate 100 bowls of it. Man that stuff is good.

Re: All Hail the Potato Challenge!!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:06 am
by PineappleTraci
Day 8 of Potato Famine:

I'll sum this up really briefly -- didn't buy enough potatoes, so I didn't eat enough potatoes. I ate carrots as my repetitive veg, but probably skimped on quantity there too.

I stopped at the Wal Mart at like 11pm (on my way home from work) and bought a huge ten pound bag of russets. Won't get caught potato-less again!

Re: All Hail the Potato Challenge!!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 3:34 am
by TracyAnn
I too ate most of my potatoes over the weekend that I had for this week so had to go shopping again and bought a ton!
Breakfast: none
Lunch: 4 small russets, plain
Supper: huge sweet potato
Late snack at work: coconut water, celery sticks with mango salsa and 4 gumdrops, hot cocoa-unsweetened

Re: All Hail the Potato Challenge!!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 7:51 am
by Eppy
So, can I join in a day late? I'm sitting here eating my morning bowl of oatmeal and just came upon this. I can do potatoes, here on out!

I'm moving to Italy in a few months and trying to get my weigh back under 200 before I have to make that nasty flight...I'm going to be flying back here about every 6-8 months and those flights are so much better when you fit in the seat better! Ultimate goal is to be back in the acceptable body mass index range, which for me is in the 140's. I've been losing slowly, for several weeks now, but want to speed it up. A little accountability would be nice.

Re: All Hail the Potato Challenge!!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 8:08 am
by TracyAnn
Eppy wrote:So, can I join in a day late? I'm sitting here eating my morning bowl of oatmeal and just came upon this. I can do potatoes, here on out!

:-D Welcome to the potato challenge! :-D

Re: All Hail the Potato Challenge!!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 3:54 pm
by bunsofaluminum
KittyMcKnitty wrote:Made another pot of addictive sweet potato soup today and ate 100 bowls of it. Man that stuff is good.

is there a recipe?

I got me some sweet taters...what else do I need?

Re: All Hail the Potato Challenge!!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 4:07 pm
by bunsofaluminum
whoever said I'd need more potatoes was right! ha! I'm plowing through them.

Running with an idea I saw on here, I made potato salad on Sunday, and ate that over two I repeated, doubling the recipe (or more) and have had that mostly. It's yummy over spinach, and today I had it on a bed of chopped romaine. I added quartered and sliced english cucumber and a small carrot grated. It's pretty good.

Had it for two meals yesterday, and one today. I wanted something hot for dinner, so made colcanon w/yam and yellow potatoes, and a huge fistful of spinach mashed in. Looking forward to that.

Loving how I feel comfortable between meals, yet everything is fully digested and my stomach empty by the time the next meal comes along. And I love how I'm not overeating. I love potatoes, but I don't feel obligated to clean my plate, nor compelled to put "just another yummy bite" in my mouth.

For lunch tomorrow I'm planning on a baked potato bar type thing, with roasted russets...just wanting the crunchy skins...yum!...and broccoli over the top, or maybe sauted onions... :unibrow: and continuing with the potato salad.

B: hashbrowns w/wilted spinach and ketchup over it all
L: potato salad over spinach
D: potato salad

B: yellow potatoes and yam w/saute'd baby kale
L: potato salad over chopped romaine
D: colcanon


Re: All Hail the Potato Challenge!!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 4:40 pm
by KittyMcKnitty
bunsofaluminum wrote:
KittyMcKnitty wrote:Made another pot of addictive sweet potato soup today and ate 100 bowls of it. Man that stuff is good.

is there a recipe?

I got me some sweet taters...what else do I need?

It's earlier in this thread. I basically through a bunch of stuff in a pot with some sweet 'taters. Couple sweet potatoes sliced, an onion cut up, some garlic, veggie broth, peppercorn grinder, salt, pepper and some cut up carrots. I think that's all. Bring it to a boil and then simmer until the sweet potatoes fall apart. I put pepper flakes on mine in the bowl to give it that sweet hot taste.

I chose the spices that I had on hand, so you may know some that work better.

Re: All Hail the Potato Challenge!!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 7:06 pm
by Maer
All sounds good. Back to potatoes. Had 2 meals with rice in the last two days, and the rice didn't sit well on my stomach (I think it always has before, not sure.) So I'm wondering about this. I really like microwaved russets. One thing I like about this thread and reading others' meals is getting some idea on quantity. Of course that's a very individual thing, but it still helps me, on deciding what "should" be a normal sized meal. Also, if I only feel like eating potatoes and nothing else for the meal, nice to see that others honor that feeling too.

Today was:

B: none, not hungry
L: rice and broccoli (OK, not great). Yesterday, rice with apple, and that really didn't sit well with me.

D: russet and steamed mustard greens and kale...stomach feels back to normal, but I'm craving more of something; don't know what, even though not really hungry. Weird, because that sensation had pretty much gone away by the end of the first 5 days of this potato challenge. Don't know if it's a result of my foray into rice, or some as-yet undetected anxiety/stress over something below my conscious radar.

Well, tomorrow's another day.


Re: All Hail the Potato Challenge!!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 7:52 pm
by vgpedlr
Day 2 of Week 2 of the Great Potato Hack!
Like others have noticed, I have to buy a lot of potatoes! When you're not alternating between potatoes, rice, and beans, you go through lots!

B: 2 baked sweet potatoes
L: potato veggie salad with lemon and dill
D: mashed potatoes with frozen pea, carrot, corn and green bean mix used steak sauce for seasoning

I am still really surprised at how satiating potatoes are. I am satisfied for HOURS on just a few.

March on potato hackers! But if you march near a grocery store, march on in and buy another bag so you don't run out!

Re: All Hail the Potato Challenge!!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:46 pm
by PineappleTraci
Day 9 of Potato Hack-a-Thon:

B - potatoes (with seasoned salt), cooked carrots -- don't remember quantity, it was all a blur
L and Sn- potatoes, dunked in ketchup
D - ran out of food early *again*! I ate a small cup of vegetarian chili at work -- it was mostly cooked beans (but there I go cheating on my beloved potatoes!) with hot sauce poured over the top. No trophy for me for this meal! :)
Sn - Got to the car after work and discovered my half-eaten potato from this morning, which I was *so* grateful for, because I was definitely hungry by this point.
Fluids - one thermosfull of herbal tea, which I do not yet love like I loved my cocoa

Comment: It is so true that hunger is the best sauce. My god, when I found that cold, half-eaten potato in my car after work, it was like nectar of the gods!

Power to the Potato!