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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:45 pm
by janluvs2heel
Okay, I am in for 14 days. Last night I made a kitchen sink soup & I added beans this am, so I will start tomorrow as want to finish it off today.

Actually that will take me to Nov. 16, pups are due around the 18th, so I may continue as it will simplify my life.

So I will use my starting weight today, 216. 81 lbs. to go. That number sounds good. My next goal is to only have 79 lbs. to go. That is only 2 lbs away.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:01 pm
by sksamboots
okay i'm in...

all potatoes for me....

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:45 am
by janluvs2heel
It is so easy to eat this way & it really does shut down your appetite.

sksamboots, do you eat just potatoes? No veggies/fruit. Or do you eat them in the smoothies? I think I have noticed you said you made smoothies before but I read so many posts, not sure if it was you.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:22 am
by sksamboots

Another Potatoe Day for Me.

Jan; I make a fresh squeezed fruit juice 3 times a week...Besides that I just eat potatoes.

So far I'm doing good. Last night my hubby was making beans and I had a craving for them...but I ate a potatoe and my craving passed...The scale isn't really going down for me but I will be patient......

Hope everyone has a great day :D

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:31 am
by CraftyeLadye
I started mm this morning, but plan to do it indefintely like I did before. I started mm in May 2008 and lost 70 pounds by December 2008. I have managed to put back 15 pounds, but will not be weighing this time as I have no scale and no extra money for one.

Tomorrow I will measure myself and I am in a size 22/24 now so will go by how my clothes feel.

My fasting blood sugar this morning was 311 and I expect it will be close to normal this time next week. It only took a week to get my bllod sugars in the normal range last time.

My menu for today:

B: mashed yams

L: baked potato with spinach, mushrooms and yellow squash sauteed in veggie broth + a large leafy green salad with a splash of rice wine vinegar

D: baked potato with roasted brussel sprouts and a large leafy green salad with rice wine vinegar

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 12:07 pm
by sksamboots
Crafty: Glad to have you here :-D

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 12:35 pm
by CraftyeLadye
Thanks. I have had some trouble stomaching breakfast and I know it is due to my dinner last night so am just taking it easy until lunchtime.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:53 pm
by sksamboots
Hope you feel better

Here is what I had so far

Breakfast: 2 sweet potatoes

Lunch: 2 small russett potatoes with hummus

Dinner: Potatoes

So easy! I'm thinking about doing a potatoe casserole but haven't decided yet, since my last one didn't turn out so great. It needed more flavoring, so bland......

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 2:50 pm
by CraftyeLadye

Are you eating vegetables with your potatoes? You didn't list any so I am wondering what else you are eating.

I'd like to join you here

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 4:21 pm
by kirstykay

I am on day 8 of MM from the 10 day thread. I decided to keep doing it at least until Friday, maybe longer. I'm enjoying the simplicity of it all and the support. I've lost 6 pounds since starting this 8 days ago. I've lowered my blood sugar as well...I know my weightloss will slow down, but I'm very encouraged at this point.

I made a big pot of vegetable soup that I snacked on this afternoon and will have for dinner-yummy. I'll probably make some oven fries to go with it. I sure am going through the catsup!!! I found an organic version with no HFCS, so I guess it's okay?


PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 5:03 pm
by sksamboots
No I'm not eating any vegetables. I read the news article that Mary wrote about doing Mary's Mini and she said that if you eat potatoes that you don't have to eat veggies or fruit with them. Potatoes have enough vitamins and nutrition all by themselves. Let me know if you need a link...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 6:28 pm
by MaryW
I'd like to join in this time. I've often talked and thought about doing MM, but I've never tried it. I bought two bags of my favorite jumbo potatoes at the store tonight. They also had oreida hash browns on sale, so I got several bags of those. And I got some potato flakes in case i want to make some soup. (Flakes are good at thickening soup.) I also bought some fresh spinach so i can make that potato/spinach/tomato sauce casserole. Who's idea was that? Someone on the board here suggested it. Sounds good, so I'll give it a try.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 6:33 pm
by sksamboots
Mary!!! I'm so happy your here :-D

May I join you?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:52 am
by nomikins
May I join you? I'm interested in a MM/MWL type plan.

B: Oatmeal

L: Sweet Potatoes and Broccoli

D: Soup/MWL Newsletter Recipe/or Potato and Veggies

S: fruit once or twice a day

I just wrote a lengthy post in the November MWL thread, if anyone is interested.

Good luck to all of you!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 7:37 am
by janluvs2heel
Just checking in. On plan & planning on staying that way.

Really busy, no overwhelming busy at my job so no real time to be posting my thoughts. Hope I keep it together all week!!