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Yum! Recommendations from the New McD Cookbook, MWL approved

PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 2:26 pm
by jenn*
Hi everyone! I posted this on the recipe board also, but thought I'd put one here too so no MWL peeps miss the recommendations! These are from the New McDougall Cookbook and I've had them all a couple times now. I plan to have them many more times as they are AWESOME and are completely MWL-certified. :D Enjoy! And if you don't mind, please post your freshest, spring time recipes in a reply to my post on the recipe board. Thanks!

Spicy Yam Stew p 172
Millet Loaf p 163 (yummy with some kale cooked with shoyu or tamari)
Texas Crude p 176
Cauliflower Curry p 222
Szechuan Sauce p 342 (had with stir fried veggies and brown rice, added a little extra tamari and some agave nectar to sweeten)
Sweet Potato Puffs p 314 (keep these small!)
Sweet Squash Soup p 142

PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:10 am
by Faith in DC
Just want to make sure I haven't missed something. When you say the "New" McDougall Cookbook, you mean the old one, that is called the new one. right?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 12:48 pm
by jenn*
That's right, it's the title of the book, not the newest book. I've gone through and highlighted all of the recipes in it that are MWL and I'm trying to do a few new recipes each week. I highly recommend purchasing this book to anyone who doesn't already have it. So far there have been one or two recipes I thought were just a little above average, but most of them have been outstanding!