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Starting MWL on the 28th

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 1:36 pm
by Carl
Hi everyone-well I am by the grace of God going to do this this time. I say this time because on the two or three "attempts" I have made in the past I was not honest with myself and therefore I made only "halfway measures" for only a few days. Of course I had the same results we each have when we do anything halfway-none-total failure and the "well I knew it would not work for me syndrom". I simply tried to do too much at the same time, stop smoking, give up caffine, start exercising and lose weight-right now. My last "smoke" was on June 2, 2006 & have I packed on the pounds. I have joined the "Move" support program at the local VA hospital to have the additional moral supprot of others working to lose their excess weight plus medical support. I have put the required thought and planing into doing this and I no longer look at this program as a "temporary diet" to simply lose excess weight-no now I understand it is a way to change my thinking and living process to be able to have as good a healthty like I can for the rest of my life. I have several questions regarding the MWL program but I have the rest of my life to get answers to them. God bless and I will share more as time goes by. Carl

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 1:53 pm
by Doris
Carl, I wish you the best on your McDougall Journey. This is a very supportive board, so if you have a question or two, I am sure someone will have the answer. Keep posting, it really helps you stay focused on your goals. :)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 1:59 pm
by hope101
Hi, Carl, and welcome. Way to go on giving up the smoking! You have my greatest admiration for overcoming a HUGE obstacle to health. Let us know how and if we can help. Unlike a lot of message boards directed at health, there are quite a few men here so you'll have company.

Starting MWL on the 28th

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 5:12 pm
by Carl
Thank you for your replies and here are the first two questions. Should I post a new thread for my questions or just keep this one open?

How do you reduce a recipe from 12 servings down to 2 or 3 servings?
What does 3/4 cup dived by 2 equal? Thannk you. Carl

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 5:58 pm
by Doris

If I had a recipe for 12 servings, I would probably make the recipe and then divide it into portions and freeze or store in my fridge for future use. I always have a freezer stash of different beans, soups, etc.

3/4 cup divided by 2 is 3/8 cup.


PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:35 am
by Charlie
Hi, Carl. I'm also new to the forum and fairly new to McDougalling. I started in June of 2006. I have lost and gained , I don't know how many pounds over the last 30 years. I got up to 280 in 2005. I knew I needed to do something - so, I started weight watchers and got down to 210 lbs by Dec. I was still taking pills for diabetes, and high blood pressure along with all kind of supplements. In June of 2006 my ophthomologist recommended that I read "The China Study". Dr. McDougall was referenced in the book and a challenge was also made. The challenge was that I try a new life style or diet for 30 days. I took the challenge and started the McDougall life style and I'm still going strong. This morning my weight was 201 lbs. my blood sugar reading was 94, my blood pressure was 106/66 57 pulse and last weeks blood work my cholesteral was 165. I no longer take the pills for my blood pressure or my diabetes. It was "The China Study" that inspired me to start this life style and it is the DVD's and books of John and Mary McDougall that has helped me to stay with this life style. I'm feeling great. Now that I have joined this forum I get a lots more help. Thanks to all. You can do it carl. If you haven't read "The China Study", check it out. Good Luck!


P.S. By the way, Carl, I haven't tried to lose weight since starting this life style and I stay satisfied using the recipes from Mary and others. My wife, Bev has done a great job with the changes she needed to make in preparing this food without the oil, eggs, milk etc. I do want to lose more weight and I started Mary's Mini Diet yesterday. It is for only 10 days. The good thing is --- I have not gained any weight since starting this new life style but I have lost 9 Lbs. In the past, I always regained the weight I lost and then some.

Re: Starting MWL on the 28th

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 9:23 am
by Burgess
Carl wrote: How do you reduce a recipe from 12 servings down to 2 or 3 servings?
What does 3/4 cup dived by 2 equal? Thannk you. Carl

Carl, in answer to another question, I would suggest keeping all your MWL questions in this thread. Others who are starting MWL will find it to be very convenient.

Like you, I was a novice cook. The suggestion Doris offered -- prepare the full recipe and store the leftovers -- makes a lot of sense.

As for cutting down recipe measurements, my suggestion is to not worry about being exact. If you look at a measuring cup and you see "3/4" or its equivalent, then just look about half-way down and fill the cup up to that approximate point.

Even though I am not on MWL, I welcome your cooking questions (and the answers the experienced cooks offer here). They will help me too.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 8:54 am
by BoulderJD
Charlie wrote:Charlie

P.S. By the way, Carl, I haven't tried to lose weight since starting this life style and I stay satisfied using the recipes from Mary and others. My wife, Bev has done a great job with the changes she needed to make in preparing this food without the oil, eggs, milk etc. I do want to lose more weight and I started Mary's Mini Diet yesterday. It is for only 10 days. The good thing is --- I have not gained any weight since starting this new life style but I have lost 9 Lbs. In the past, I always regained the weight I lost and then some.

Hi Carl and Charlie!

Hope you guys have a good week on the program. I enjoyed reading your posts and can certainly empathize with both of you. I started the McDougall program last summer (June 2006) at 285. Now 285 is not a bad weight for someone 8 feet tall, but it's certainly more than my 54 year old 6'1" frame needed. Anyway I lost 30 pounds in three months working the program at about 90%. My cardiologist "talked" me into adding low fat dairy, chicken and fish back into my diet. My weight loss stalled at 255-260. A few weeks ago I had an epiphany of sorts due partly out of animal concerns, partly out of meat contanimation issues, mostly out of a desire to live healthy for whatever remaining years the good Lord will give me. You know, I decided not to "diet" but to just live this way for the rest of my life. The scales have dropped 11 pounds as of this morning. And, I'm feeling more energy than I have felt in years. I write this as an encouragement to you to hang in there. I know you won't regret it!

Good luck. Wishing you a great day, week and year ahead! John

PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 9:01 am
by Carl
Thank you for the words of encouragement. Well the best laid plans do not always come to pass, at least not for me. I was to start the MWL on the 28th of July, however on the 25th I was hit by an infection in my intestines and I have been one sick old dog. I have lost in excess of 17 pounds in the past 10 days. I have been set up for a colon exam on the 9th so the misery will continue at least till then. I am not concerned with cooking right now, eating is a challenge. Well by the grace of God this to shall pass. Take care everyone. Carl

PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 8:12 am
by BoulderJD
Carl wrote:Thank you for the words of encouragement. Well the best laid plans do not always come to pass, at least not for me. I was to start the MWL on the 28th of July, however on the 25th I was hit by an infection in my intestines and I have been one sick old dog. I have lost in excess of 17 pounds in the past 10 days. I have been set up for a colon exam on the 9th so the misery will continue at least till then. I am not concerned with cooking right now, eating is a challenge. Well by the grace of God this to shall pass. Take care everyone. Carl

Carl, bless your heart, I hope all goes well on the exam next week, and you are back in form very soon. My thoughts, prayers and best wishes are with you. John

PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:59 pm
by ladynnred1
I started back on MWL Thursday, 2 August after having gradually going back to bad habits over the past three years. I'd followed McD faithfully for 8 years but did not work out as regularly and started eating rubbish so I put on a lot of weight. Although completely vegan throughout, I'm stunned by how much I had actually gotten away from the principles but the forum discussions have helped draw me back in. I am terribly fearful of a devastating family history of heart disease (which was my original reason for going McD in 1996). Also as depressed as I could be about weight gain which my MD, who is quite enthusiastic about McD, warns me repeatedly is going to remain unless I become a marathoner or anorexic (sigh).

I am, however, having a horrible time with migraines. I know my metabolism has slowed from what it was ten years ago so I am probably watching what I eat even more carefully than I did then but have been almost constantly with a migraine since Friday afternoon. Grrr. I am not inclined so stop putting good food in my system but sure wish this phase would pass. I have no memory of this problem when I began the program in 1996.

Any thoughts?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 7:43 pm
by havfaith
Hi, Cynthia. Had you been drinking coffee/soda by any chance? A lot of people get headaches from going off caffeine. Why is your doc convinced you can't drop any excess weight short of using extreme/unhealthy measures? I'm glad that hasn't kept you from trying.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:10 pm
by Carl
Hi again everybody. I lost 29 # in 20 days. Now I do not recomend losing weight the way I did as it is simply to hard on the body, mind and spirit. Now phase two of my medical testing begins on the 17th with a heart stress test so I will have to continue to introduce myself to this new way of living, thinking and eating. My original intent was to use the MWL for 21 days to jump start the changes and then change over to the regular McDougall program. I thought that woulb be the way to lose 10 pounds, motivate myself to work toward my next goal. I started at 375 # and my goal was to be at 365 by the 20th of Aug. I blew right by that and am now at 349 so it is time to go to work on my six month goal of 315 # on Jan. 20th, 2008. Well that is all for now but to wish everyone success with your program and the joy, peace, happiness and satisfaction from accomplishing someting importent to you. God bless you. Carl

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 8:08 am
by Charlie

This morning I scrolled back and read your remarks when you first started this thread. You had some set backs with your intestinal virus. Sounds like you are feeling better and ready to get back on your plan. I have no doubt that you can reach your goal, if not exceed it. Best wishes and keep us posted.


PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 11:35 am
by hope101
Hi, Carl. Glad you are having such success with the program, although I am sure you weren't planning for the viral enhancement. :D Anyway, good luck with your stress test. Keep on sharing your successes--nothing that keeps me fired up more than reading about other people's positive changes.