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Starting fresh

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:44 pm
by afreshstart
Hi everyone,

I wanted to briefly introduce myself. I'm returning to the McDougall program just in time for the holidays. I have a good amount of weight to lose and attempts to do it on my own (trying the latest fad diets, etc.) have come up short. I know that McD is the way to go and I'm here to be accountable and get support and encouragement from this board. I'm looking forward to sharing with all you wonderful people and celebrating our successes on this McDougall way of life.
I had been seeing success in my weight loss until I abandoned my efforts while on vacation this summer. At this point in time, fast food and other SAD eating establishments crept back into my routine and before I knew it, eating out was an everyday occurrence for me.
Last Saturday, my boyfriend left for the Middle East and will be gone until January. I thought that his absence would be the perfect time for me to get strict, regain control of my eating habits, and get back on track with weight loss and my fitness program. If I take this time now to establish some good McDougall eating habits, I think I will be well on track to continue it once S gets back. Incidentally, he is interested in getting healthier as well and I believe would be very supportive of my new lifestyle once he knows about it.
I wish to establish some short term goals with a deadline of January 2 (the day S returns). My immediate short term goal is to lose the 25 pounds that I have gained back since stopping my previous dieting efforts.
I also have a goal of establishing a consecutive fitness routine.
I began brisk walking on Tuesday morning, but slipped on the frosty blacktop once I stepped off the concrete sidewalk and have a terrible bruise on my knee. With the cold and soon-to-be-snowy weather, I may have to find an indoor alternative for this.
I am not sure yet if I want to do MWL, MM, or just the regular McD plan. I know I must stay away from pasta as I find it terribly addicting. I have rid my house of pasta, breads and sweet confections and stocked up my pantry and refrigerator with whole grains and fresh fruits and veggies.
In terms of accountability, I plan to post regularly to this board and include my menu/activity in Roberta's Corner. Weekdays this won't be a problem, but I have limited computer access on the weekends and will just have to play it by ear.
Thank you all for your support and encouragement. I am looking forward your replies and correspondence.

Two questions I have.....
1. Despite the lesser nutritional value, is white rice an option as opposed to brown? I have tried many times and just don't like brown rice. The reason I ask is that white basmati rice is a staple at every meal when S cooks, which is a given when we are together.
2. I also wonder about flat breads, i.e. pita, chapatti, etc. S also has this with every meal. I notice that I am satisfied with one pita round whereas I could easily eat two or more slices of traditional yeast bread without a second thought.

I would also appreciate any comments and/or suggestions for those of you McDougallers who have any experience with Middle Eastern cuisine.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:35 pm
by Letha
Welcome afreshstart,

You’ve got a great attitude and you sound so very motivated. I look forward to getting to know you in the coming months. Regarding your questions:

While doctor McDougall recommends brown rice, white rice is acceptable on his program and I am eating both brown jasmine and white basmati rice this week myself. Here is an excerpt from an article where Dr. McDougall talks more about white rice.

“Can I Eat White Rice?
If you must. As a young doctor, I began my practice in Hawaii. Ancestors of many of my patients had recently emigrated from countries, like Japan, China, and the Philippines, where rice was their staple food. That is white rice. In these cultures, eating brown, whole grain, rice was a social disgrace; because it was cheaper, brown rice was consumed by the lower class, financially poorer, people. Thus, a social prejudice existed: refined people eat refined rice. I could not overcome this irrational bias, so I sanctioned eating the McDougall diet with white rice—and my patients still became healthier, lost weight, and stopped their medications. Why? Because white rice replaced their meat, cheese, and ice cream. One of the most successful diet therapies ever used to treat sick people has been the Kempner Diet from Duke University. The founder, Walter Kempner, MD, fed his patients mostly white rice and fruits. This treatment quickly and effectively reversed hypertension, type-2 diabetes, diabetic eye damage, arthritis, heart failure (cardiomegaly and EKG changes), kidney disease, and obesity.24”


Flat breads are fine if they are made oil free. If you make them yourself you can ensure that they have no oils. Otherwise you’ll have to check the ingredients carefully.

Best wishes,

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:03 pm
by proverbs31woman

Welcome to the board! With an attitude like that, I'm sure you'll be successful on the program.

I'm glad that you asked those questions because I have a bag of white rice at home, and I was wondering if it is McDougall-legal. Letha, I appreciate you posting the information from Dr. McDougall.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:43 pm
by LauraA
Hi, afreshstart, and welcome! I know that you'll really be missing your boyfriend, but you have chosen something great to do for yourself while he is gone. If you want to, check out our little group in the MWL challenge for Nov. thread. Most of us are trying to stick with MWL, but some are combining that with regular McDougalling. We just check in every day or so to find support and to encourage each other. We'd love to have you. Take care, LauraA

PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:33 am
by afreshstart
Hi everyone,

Thank you for the great replies. I look forward to getting to know all of you as well. I will check out the Nov challenge, even though I'm late in getting started.
I packed my lunch this morning with lots of McD foods (leftovers from dinner and fresh fruits and veggies) so I won't be tempted by the vending machines. I've also been drinking more and more hot herbal teas in the hopes that I can give up the diet sodas with relative ease.
I do have several McD books that I've accumulated over the years. I'm currently skimming through them to find some delicious new recipes to try. I would like to sit down this weekend to create a menu for next week. Hopefully I will have some success by sticking with the menu.
I found a spectacular dress in a magazine the other day. I clipped it out and made several copies of it to put up and serve as reminders to myself of the lean, healthy body that I aim to achieve. Once I reach my goals, I plan to wear that dress and enjoy a spectacular night on the town with my boyfriend....perhaps even a weekend getaway to NYC?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 10:48 am
by Letha
afreshstart wrote:I found a spectacular dress in a magazine the other day. I clipped it out and made several copies of it to put up and serve as reminders to myself of the lean, healthy body that I aim to achieve. Once I reach my goals, I plan to wear that dress and enjoy a spectacular night on the town with my boyfriend....perhaps even a weekend getaway to NYC?

I love it. Great way to visualize achieving your goals.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:17 pm
by MadcityVegan
I do that same thing. I have 2 white house black market dess pictures hung in our home.

I really helps!!

I eat white rice several times a week and I am loosing an average of 1.2 lbs a week since sept. 15. I say, don't worry about it.

Do you make your own flat bread? Do you have a recipe or favorite brand?


PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:45 am
by afreshstart
Madcity, My favorite flatbread is one that S gets at the Indian grocery store. It's delicious! I have a recipe for flatbread that I haven't tried yet. When I do try it, I'll post the recipe here.

This weekend was challenging. I had no energy and lots of cravings. Actually, I'm glad to be back to work today and in more of a routine. It's a short work week and I'll be spending Thanksgiving with some good friends from church. I'm not sure what I'll be bringing yet. As it stands, I don't think there's a chance of remaining McD legal at that dinner. I'll certainly do my best though. One saving grace is my dish will be McD legal.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:51 am
by momof4
I think the only Middle Eastern food I eat is Indian, and I've had good luck leaving out the oil with some of the recipes. Yesterday I made our favorite garbanzo-tomato curry, and I "sauted" the onions in a little wine. No one has ever commented that it tastes different than when I made it with oil, and believe me, my family will let me know if something isn't up to their liking!!

I'm still working on making all of our favorites non-fat, but it still seems that a little oil is needed in some of the recipes (MUCH less than the recipe calls for, but it still wouldn't be considered "McDougall").

I'd love for you to share some recipes!