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I wish People would get it

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:38 am
by Faith in DC
I have this rather large bag that I carry daily to work. In it is stuff like phone book, check books, notes, calendar, lunch and breakfast. It's the later two that takes up most of the room. My breakfast is always a starch, and two fruits. Lunch is a big salad (wet ingredients in a separate container until lunch), soup and I bring two large bottles of water.

I was unpacking my lunch, and a overweight gal came by and said, gosh look at all the food you eat. Is that only a day? I said yes, until I get home. She said, Oh my god don't you get full. Well, yeah, isn't that what I'm suppose to do? I said it's mainly vegetables and fruit, so not really that much. she said It's a huge amount.

Now I for one, have seen her eat small things, like a candy bar. I know that candy bar didn't fill her. She thinks cause her's in smaller that she's doing better at saving calories, than Faith with her huge honking two meals?!?!?!

Thankfully the past year I have inspired two folks to start eating a salad a day for some veggies and fiber.

Re: I wish People would get it

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:45 am
by Letha
Faith in DC wrote:Thankfully the past year I have inspired two folks to start eating a salad a day for some veggies and fiber.

Most Excellent!


PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:37 pm
by MadcityVegan
That really stinks. I would be so upset if that happened to me. I hope that comment ends up being a motivator to stick with it!! That will show 'em!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 3:38 pm
by Anndreak
At least she isn't bashing you left and right about your food choices! My office all they want to do is stuff pasties, bagels, donuts, you name it down your throat. They seem to be insulted when you say No Thank You, I brought lunch or Im full... its a never ending battle


PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:47 am
by bigdorkpeter
"My office all they want to do is stuff pasties, bagels, donuts, you name it down your throat. They seem to be insulted when you say No Thank You, I brought lunch or Im full... its a never ending battle"

My workplace has catered lunches and there are donuts, croissants, and mega-muffins available at all times. (To be fair, there is cereal, fruit, and instand oatmeal as well but I've had some cravings in the past... ;-)

I usually bring a couple of mason jars full of vegetables, soups, lentils, or whatever, so I can sympathize. There are at least some health conscious people in my office, but the guys in my department are heavily into meat. Even the health-conscious buy into the "lean protein" gimmick that chicken and fish are marketed as these days.

At first they'd say things like, "You call that soup?", but they've gotten over it when I've made it clear that if they don't like it, they can kiss certain parts of my anatomy. (Well, in my attitude not in my words ;-) I've even given out the URL to this website to several who were genuinely curious after I said I'd lost 50 lbs.

So, tell them to make fun of you six months from now!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:03 am
by Karen in FL
Sounds like jealousy to me, Faith. You've done such a great job and they've seen your transformation. Just keep on getting healthier and closer to your goal and let the stupid remarks roll off your back. They won't "get it" till they are ready to get healthy themselves. (but I'm sure in the meantime it is quite annoying)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:06 am
by Clary
Karen in FL wrote: A Smaller Behind in 2009!

:lol: :thumbsup:

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:22 am
by Melinda
:-) That doesn't sound like a lot of food to me! On another note, I am SO SICK OF THE LEAN PROTEIN GIMICK! It is everywhere you look. :mad:

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:23 am
by Faith in DC
Thanks Guys. Well, if you'd see the size of my salad and my bag, you'd understand why. I laugh cause folks put a spot of salad in their container, and a tiny bit of other veggies, and call that lunch. Heck that's my first bite :lol:

I try and disappear on the Birthday day. The gal that made the comment always has a piece of each dessert and cake.

You rock Faith!!!!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:50 am
by f1jim
Be the best example you can be. Keep an old photo of you around to show them the progress. You will also need it for your Star McDougaller video!!