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Re: UPDATE 4-26-11 FIRST POST: ETeSelle's Testimonial

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 1:15 pm
by frozenveg
ETeSelle wrote:
carrotlvr wrote:Wow, I just saw the picture of you in the green tank and old jeans. You look so fit and trim. Do you mind sharing what you think keeps you on track with healthy eating and helped you persevere when you were tempted to overeat or eat unhealthy food? I don't have much to loose and I always slip up on the weekends. What do you feel is the biggest factor that contributed to your success.

The main thing that kept me on track and continues to keep me on track is that I feel SO GOOD now. I don't want to lose that!!!

I also really like the food. I love potatoes and find that no matter what I might THINK I want (i.e., "cravings"), if I eat a tater I'm good. So I make sure to have them around me all the time, LOL!

I make sure I have nothing in my house that is not MWL. Period. So I can eat as much of anything in my home that I want to. That helps a lot. I eat out seldom and try to stick to vegan sushi (my fave!), which has white rice and avocado but is blameless otherwise. If I do eat out someplace else, I do the best I can. I never eat anything that is not vegan (having been vegan for 22 years this isn't hard for me at all)--if I occasionally have to eat a little oil while eating out I do, but the key is to NOT EAT OUT very often. Eating out is fraught with danger b/c no matter where you eat you don't have control over the food. I try not to put myself in that position very often.

Hope that helps! :)

ET, you look wonderful (and is that your grandma in the "before" picture? JK, but really, you look so much younger!!)

I wanted to reinforce your emphasis on sticking to the plan, and MWL at that, being the key to long-term success. I have been gone for a week visiting my baby granddaughter, and flew back last night. I ate on plan (so easy when you're staying at a home and can eat at home for each meal!), and I had two bags of potatoes & veggies for the flight home, but I had eaten them all before I got on the plane and still felt hungry. I thought why not make an experiment: I looked on the airline menu and found the vegan, gluten-free option, a Mediterranean tapas "picnic pack." I knew by looking it would be high in fat (olives was one of the offerings), but I was hungry and wanted to check it out. This was the sum total of what I got:

Olives: 100% fat
Hummus: 40% fat
Whole Grain Crackers: 30% fat
Almonds: 72% fat
Fruit leather: 100% sugar (duh!)
Dark chocolate square: 70% fat

So, I ate it, and I'm back on track today, no problem--but I can guess that all that VEGAN food is exactly what derailed you before, wasn't it? I am so on your wavelength with sticking to MWL, and I will stand with you on your soapbox about how vegans can get fat, all day long! That meal is an example of how easy it is for us to fool ourselves with "healthy" options. We have to keep that fat in mind at all times!

Again, your before and after pics are so inspiring! I am right behind you, you know! You are amazing!

Re: UPDATE 4-26-11 FIRST POST: ETeSelle's Testimonial

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 9:34 am
by ETeSelle
frozenveg wrote:So, I ate it, and I'm back on track today, no problem--but I can guess that all that VEGAN food is exactly what derailed you before, wasn't it? I am so on your wavelength with sticking to MWL, and I will stand with you on your soapbox about how vegans can get fat, all day long! That meal is an example of how easy it is for us to fool ourselves with "healthy" options. We have to keep that fat in mind at all times!

Yup. I was only a truly "bad" vegan for a few years--once I got to 170 or so I got depressed and stopped trying (so ate things like French fries and soy cheese, etc.). Before that (128-170 lbs) I was MOSTLY McDougalling (regular plan) with occasional cheats (like using PAM cooking spray, having just a little natural peanut butter, or crackers, or soy yogurt, etc). I know now that I CANNOT DO THAT or I will gain the weight back. Last time I didn't realize that (and wasn't smart enough to STOP MYSELF when I gained weight--instead I felt resentful and cheated b/c I couldn't eat the things I wanted to).

Re: UPDATE 4-26-11 FIRST POST: ETeSelle's Testimonial

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 6:21 pm
by chaboochi
I like the MWW food for the most part, but I am missing eating (dining) out and am mourning the loss of many of the foods that I once enjoyed. I know this is a lifetime commitment and I'd rather look good and be healthy rather than eating a SAD. It's challenging tho sometimes for sure! I appreciate your words of wisdom, just when I needed it too!

Re: UPDATE 4-26-11 FIRST POST: ETeSelle's Testimonial

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 7:04 pm
by carrotlvr
I make sure I have nothing in my house that is not MWL. Period. So I can eat as much of anything in my home that I want to. That helps a lot

I wish I could do that, but I have 3 other people to feed. Anymore though, I don't feed them things I would be too tempted with, which is mainly desserts. I have had a few really good days and am starting to figure things out that work for me. I fixed a SNAP soup and I have it for lunch and dinner and throw in some beans or potatoes and a salad everyday. I find that if I am faithful to the program, I really don't get hungry.

I went back and read through your journal. That helped me figure out my meals and snacks if I need them. I have my fridge packed full of healthy food I cooked with my new pressure cooker. I even had to put a few things in the freezer. So even though there is some sad food in the house it doesn't really bother me if I keep my goals in mind and my fridge stocked with healthy food.

Re: UPDATE 4-26-11 FIRST POST: ETeSelle's Testimonial

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 12:02 am
by Love the Lorax
Uhm.... maybe i missed it... but what I've wondered is when we see you as a Star McDougaller?

Dr. M - if you read this - she had my vote!

Re: UPDATE 4-26-11 FIRST POST: ETeSelle's Testimonial

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 9:24 am
by ETeSelle
LOL Lorax--Dr. McD actually emailed me the other day asking if I was ready to be a Star McDougaller! I was planning to wait a while, but hey, when the Big Guy asks you . . . !

So I'm working on it. I want to wait for my next blood work results in a month or so, just in case there are more changes. But it's coming! :mrgreen:

Re: UPDATE 4-26-11 FIRST POST: ETeSelle's Testimonial

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 10:39 am
by Love the Lorax
That's wonderful! You certainly deserve it, and I am looking forward to seeing it. I figured you would be a good candidate!

ETeSelle wrote:LOL Lorax--Dr. McD actually emailed me the other day asking if I was ready to be a Star McDougaller! I was planning to wait a while, but hey, when the Big Guy asks you . . . !

So I'm working on it. I want to wait for my next blood work results in a month or so, just in case there are more changes. But it's coming! :mrgreen:

Re: UPDATE 4-26-11 FIRST POST: ETeSelle's Testimonial

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 11:45 am
by Atom
GREAT JOB!!!! What an accomplishment! You look fabulous and healthy. Keep up the good work and thank you for being an inspiration to us all!

Re: UPDATE 4-26-11 FIRST POST: ETeSelle's Testimonial

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 12:04 pm
by ncyg46
just went back to the beginning and looked at your new skinny jean and big jean photos! Wow you look great! :D

Re: UPDATE 4-26-11 FIRST POST: ETeSelle's Testimonial

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 7:14 am
by frozenveg
ETeSelle wrote:LOL Lorax--Dr. McD actually emailed me the other day asking if I was ready to be a Star McDougaller! I was planning to wait a while, but hey, when the Big Guy asks you . . . !

So I'm working on it. I want to wait for my next blood work results in a month or so, just in case there are more changes. But it's coming! :mrgreen:

To play with the lyrics, "You don't have to be a star, baby, but be in my show!!" Go with the Big Guy, then, and get in the show! Hooray!!!

Re: UPDATE 4-26-11 FIRST POST: ETeSelle's Testimonial

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 11:38 am
by simoncat
Hi, ETeSelle. I hope you don't mind, but I have chosen you as my "Mentor". I am kind of in awe of you because you get to work with horses and I wish I could and the fact that you have done so well here. Anyway, I was wondering if I could ask you, do you take any vitamins? If so, would you recommend some?

Re: UPDATE 4-26-11 FIRST POST: ETeSelle's Testimonial

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 1:29 pm
by ETeSelle
LOL -- I'm not sure I'm worthy of mentorship, but I'm flattered. :)

No, I don't take any vitamins other than B-12 (methyl) (a few days a week only), as per Dr. McDougall's and Jeff's recommendations.

Here's some info on B-12:

And a whole list of links re: supplements:

One of the best:

Re: UPDATE 4-26-11 FIRST POST: ETeSelle's Testimonial

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2011 11:06 pm
by simoncat
Thank you for your reply. I'll only take B12 then.

You're an inspiration!! :wink:

Re: UPDATE 4-26-11 FIRST POST: ETeSelle's Testimonial

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 12:05 pm
by Christine in Cali
ETeSelle.....You once stated that you often go back and have seconds of the foods you prepare. What is your favorite meal/food you like to eat in the MWL?

I want what you have.....not just food but in weight loss. :nod:

And yes, you are an inspiration!

C in C

Re: UPDATE 4-26-11 FIRST POST: ETeSelle's Testimonial

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 10:21 am
by ETeSelle
Christine in Cali wrote:ETeSelle.....You once stated that you often go back and have seconds of the foods you prepare. What is your favorite meal/food you like to eat in the MWL?

Nearly everything I make is similar to what's in Jeff's Fast Food DVD. I actually have been "cooking" like that for a long time--my ex husband used to call those my "Bess Throws Stuff in a Pot" recipes. :D Basically just lots of veggies, lots of starches, some spices, and you're done!

I highly recommend the Fast Food DVD:

It gives you the basics of the concept--then you can take it from there!

The thing I make the most often, I guess, is some variation on Jeff's Longevity Soup. I always use a lot of turmeric, which I love, and always taters. Other ingredients vary by what's in my fridge/freezer, and what I'm in the mood for. I can eat those soups 3x a day if necessary, LOL!