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Re: Florin(Romania) Liver Steatosis, Diabetes, Obesity all GONE

PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:35 pm
by Autumn
Thanks so much for sharing your story, It is very inspiring. Good for you for standing up to your doctor!

Re: Florin(Romania) Liver Steatosis, Diabetes, Obesity all GONE

PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 7:45 pm
by kirstykay
I just read your story for the first time. Thank you for updating it so that I could read it! It is an amazing testimony to the power of this plan. I, too, am combating diabetes with this diet, and your story gives me the strength to keep going. I have only been doing this 100% for a little more than 6 weeks. I can't wait to see my results after 15 months! Thanks again for sharing, and best wishes to you and your family!

Re: Florin(Romania) Liver Steatosis, Diabetes, Obesity all GONE

PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2010 2:14 pm
by Wendy Jane
I JUST STUMBLED onto this story today. What a fabulous testimony!! And walking up 10 flights of stairs? Wow, what a way to keep in shape in addition to eating well. Great story.

Re: Florin(Romania) Liver Steatosis, Diabetes, Obesity all GONE

PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:32 pm
by ncyg46
I am amazed and happy for you to be able to read all those books, etc and do it! It does work and please keep posting on your progress. I hand it to you for all the work you have done! Really inspiring! Thanks for posting! :D

Re: Florin(Romania) Liver Steatosis, Diabetes, Obesity all GONE

PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 11:32 am
by Spikeyhedgehog
Thank you for posting your story and your updates. I "whine" about how hard it is to stay true to the plan with a husband that WON'T eat this way...You have inspired me! I can do this and I will...thank you and look forward to more updates.

Re: Florin(Romania) Liver Steatosis, Diabetes, Obesity all G

PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:05 am
by Garden
Thanks so much for posting this and the update. I remember reading it awhile back, but when I re-read it "Liver Steatosis" really caught my attention.

My mother passed away of Cirrhosis and was a non-drinker her whole life. Even though she was a farm woman and ate lots of fresh vegetables and fruits etc...and made her foods fresh, she did eat a lot of meat, and sugar etc...because of her cultural upbringing and the times she lived in- I have been trying forever to understand how she got cirrhosis, but "fatty liver" explains so much. She did have a lot of problems with eating anything very oily or fatty. Her doctor told her years ago she had a "rumbly" gallbladder, but didn't feel it was necessary to remove it.
As I understand from reading a bit, NASH is the cause of 40% of cases of Cirrhosis.
I am inspired to continue eating this way.

My best to your family and once again thank you!

Re: Florin(Romania) Liver Steatosis, Diabetes, Obesity all G

PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:40 am
by ncyg46
what does NASH refer to? :-D

Re: Florin(Romania) Liver Steatosis, Diabetes, Obesity all G

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 12:36 pm
by Garden
NASH as I understand it is Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis

Here is a link that defines it.

Re: Florin(Romania) Liver Steatosis, Diabetes, Obesity all G

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:00 pm
by Love the Lorax
Hi Spikeyhedgehog - I'm right there with you as far as a hubby who will NOT NOT NOT eat this way. No how, no way. It is harder in my opinion, especially if we are the family cook, but in the end.... well, my BP says I have to do it, as well as a few other issues. We can do it!!

Spikeyhedgehog wrote:Thank you for posting your story and your updates. I "whine" about how hard it is to stay true to the plan with a husband that WON'T eat this way...You have inspired me! I can do this and I will...thank you and look forward to more updates.

Re: Florin(Romania) Liver Steatosis, Diabetes, Obesity all G

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:01 pm
by StarchBeet
Love the Lorax and Spikeyhedgehog-I really feel for you. I allowed the habits of my husband and his family to become more important than what I knew was a health producing lifestyle with the McDougall Plan and starchitarian eating. Its been years of bad eating and health problems that have brought me back to no oil and vegan lifestyle. I've lost half the weight from eating SAD for the past 10 years and I'm having a bit of a dull drum right now ( ate some food that was bad last week and really lived to regret it)

How are you managing? Do you find the time to plan and keep yourself focused on eating well?

Re: Florin(Romania) Liver Steatosis, Diabetes, Obesity all G

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:30 am
by Faith in DC
It is hard, very hard. I had a very serious boyfriend that was always bucking me on my cooking mcdougall way. We would compromise often, Friday Pizza, and Saturday McDougall legal meal . I compromised myself up 60 lbs and got my cholesterol to 245 as a vegetarian. I broke up with him, and when I saw that cholesterol reading and my bp reading (190/110) I about died. I got back to it. Needless to say the boyfriend didn't and kept his ways. He died a couple years after we broke up. yes, a massive heartattack.

Re: Florin(Romania) Liver Steatosis, Diabetes, Obesity all G

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:33 pm
by blondie
My husband doesn't eat this way. When I decided to do this, I had read him excerpts from the China Study and he was in the room when I watched Dr. M's Starch Solution video, so he understands the science behind it, but doesn't want to give up all that "good" food. I told him I would no longer cook that junk for him, and he now cooks his own food. When he doesn't feel like cooking for himself, then there's plenty of healthy food for him to eat. (2 nights in a row he has eaten "my" food -- last night fresh green beans cooked with new red potatoes, and the night before red beans and rice.)

At 300 lbs. with a cholesterol of 224, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure, it's a matter of life or death for me, and won't let him or anyone else discourage me.

Re: Florin(Romania) Liver Steatosis, Diabetes, Obesity all G

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 2:27 pm
by Nettie
blondie wrote:At 300 lbs. with a cholesterol of 224, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure, it's a matter of life or death for me, and won't let him or anyone else discourage me.

You go, girl! :thumbsup: You've got the mindset for victory!


Re: Florin(Romania) Liver Steatosis, Diabetes, Obesity all G

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 2:34 pm
by ETeSelle
YES! Good for you, blondie! I have to say that I never understand women who are McDougalling and then ALSO cooking SAD food for family members. Are their arms broken??? I think not! If they insist on eating crap, let them cook it--GOOD FOR YOU for standing up for yourself!

And I'll bet he gets tired of cooking and eats more and more of your food over time. ;) Be sure to report back, LOL.

Re: Florin(Romania) Liver Steatosis, Diabetes, Obesity all G

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:45 am
by Faith in DC
Blondie - you are doing good. Remember nobody is going to watch out for our health like we do. I agree that he probably will soon get tired of cooking and eat more and more of yours.