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Re: It Works :)

PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2013 7:34 pm
by Potatohead
You look GREAT :nod: Good Job :D

Re: It Works :)

PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2013 8:04 pm
by JohnLarson
I kept thinking there was something wrong with my iPad because your pictures were headless... I am glad to know that you did that on purpose.

I am really jealous of your food pictures.

Awesome proof that this WOE works.

Re: It Works :)

PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2013 10:55 am
by SweetPea
Potatohead ~ thank you!! :-D Your posts have inspired me greatly and really showed me I could keep things relaxed and as simple as I wanted (and that's often pretty simple!). :) :nod:

John, ha! :lol: Yes, that photo cropping was intentional (but remember the days when you'd have to wait to get your film developed to find out the family photographer did the same thing accidentally?). :D If the food wasn't as good as it is, I probably wouldn't have an after pic to post at all. :unibrow: Thanks!!

Re: It Works :)

PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 5:29 pm
by SweetPea
Kind of a fun update. I've been avoiding labwork for a few years, but recently had some done.

Total cholesterol is 112.
LDL cholesterol is 51.
HDL cholesterol is 45.
Triglycerides are 82.

In 2000, my total cholesterol was 168.
In 2005, it was 182.
I imagine when I started McDougalling around January 2012, it was at least 182...

I realize these are just markers, but wanted to share. :-D

Re: It Works :)

PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:05 pm
by geo
Outstanding SweetPea! It most definitely works and your pic is great!

Re: It Works :)

PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:05 pm
by SweetPea
Thanks, Geo!! You've been a great inspiration for me and your journal has helped me so much! :-D

Re: It Works :)

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:03 pm
by chickpeas
well done!! those pics are amazing and it's so encouraging to read success stories like this.

Re: It Works :)

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 4:11 pm
by SweetPea
Thank you, chickpeas! It was a lot of fun putting those two pics side by side to see the progress! :-D

I love your name and the quote in your signature. :)

Re: It Works :)

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 7:53 pm
by Lizzy_F
Sweetpea you look fabulous! (even without a head... :D ) Thank you for sharing your story and tips and pictures - what an inspiration. Just what I needed to help get me back on track!


Re: It Works :)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:51 am
by SweetPea
Aww, thank you, Lizzy! :-D

Re: It Works :)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 6:02 am
by WoodrowLink
SweetPea wrote:Aww, thank you, Lizzy! :-D

Thanks for sharing your experience with us and after seeing your sexy pic I also get some sort of inspiration to lose my belly fat. Thanks once again!!!

Re: It Works :)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:40 am
by SweetPea
Thanks, WoodrowLink! :-D

Re: It Works :)

PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 9:30 am
by Yummers819
Congrats Sweetpea! You look amazing. I've been doing this program for quite awhile and have gone from 176 to 153. I want to lose another 15lbs and seeing this post has "reenergized" me. Thanks again!

Re: It Works :)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 9:39 am
by SweetPea
Thanks so much, Yummers! :-D

Re: It Works :)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 10:01 am
by SweetPea
Here are a couple of recent pictures, almost at goal. :-D