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Re: What 26 Months Of Plant Foods Have Done For Me (So Far)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 4:07 am
by secdroid
Tremendous progress, MixedGrains! No medications!!! Keep up the good work.

I think you are right to have empathy for your Dr. You are an extreme outlier in his practice. Something he has never seen, but he is supporting you because this WOE is obviously working for you.


Congratulations, Chef AJ. You're really starting to look quite svelte.

Re: What 26 Months Of Plant Foods Have Done For Me (So Far)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 9:52 am
Thank you. I am 127-129 now, down from 162, 180 at my highest, my BMI is 20 so the doctors at True North told me not to lose anymore weight but to, gasp, exercise to firm things up. I'm pretty curvy still.

Re: What 26 Months Of Plant Foods Have Done For Me (So Far)

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 6:00 am
by Healthiswealth
What tremendous news Mixed Grains! Congratulations! Your doc will come around eventually. Your like a candle in the dark for him.

Chef AJ, please tell us the three things you have posted on your fridge. You are looking good. WooHoo!
I've been trying to eat according to to Pink Rose's advice: get 3 equal size bowls. Fill 2 with greens and green & yellow vegetables and the third with a starch. Eat the green/green & yellow vegetables first then the starch. If still hungry, repeat. Don't eat any other kind of food.

Re: What 26 Months Of Plant Foods Have Done For Me (So Far)

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 10:15 am
It's something I learned from doing Dr. Gould's Shrink Yourself on line program:

Why do I want to eat this right now?
How will it make me feel?
What could I do right now instead of eating?

Dr, Gould believes that anyone ho is ten pounds overweight or more overeats emotionally. While I loved his book, the online program really helped me hone in on the reasons and instances I was EE so I could del with those specific triggers.

Avoiding all refined carbs ( all sugars, flours and wheat and products made from them) also helped with recovery Every recovery program for food addiction in the world does not permit these things and when you stop them it is much easier to get a hold on this diseases.

Love &'Kale,
Chef AJ

Re: What 26 Months Of Plant Foods Have Done For Me (So Far)

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 12:12 pm
by Healthiswealth
Thank you very much Chef AJ. I'm copying those phrases out right now.

I'm also going to look into the online course.

I am eating according to the McDougall elimination diet right now and will eventually start putting foods back in. But I will always keep those refined foods down to a bare minimum. I'm thinking MWL foods for the most part.

Dr. Barnard just sent out a PCRM memo saying that foods high on the glycemic index (like the ones you've listed) turn on brain regions linked to overeating. Yet another reason to avoid them.

Thanks again.

Re: What 26 Months Of Plant Foods Have Done For Me (So Far)

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 12:41 pm
When someone has the biogenetic disease of food addiction, even small amounts of refined sugar, flour, or wheat in a recipe ( think BBQ sauce, pasta) can trigger overeating and lead to a binge. That's why recovery starts with abstinence from these foods.

Whole foods do not affect the brain chemistry like this. All the problems ith addiction come from refining. Beets are healthy, sugar is not. Whole grains are healthy, grain alcohol is not. The white poppy is not a problem for people, but when you refine it into cocaine or heroin, it becomes a problem.

People that don't have this disease can have a little sugar, a little flour, maybe even a little alcohol. Those that suffer from refined carbohydrate sensitivity best avoid these.

It depends on what your goals are. I have learned that there is no problem so great that "just one bite" if these foods won't make worse. One bite is too many, 1,000 is never enough.

For me, abstinence is bliss!

Re: What 26 Months Of Plant Foods Have Done For Me (So Far)

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:30 pm
by secdroid
CHEF AJ wrote:For me, abstinence is bliss!
For me, abstinence from nuts is bliss, even though they are whole foods! :lol:

Re: What 26 Months Of Plant Foods Have Done For Me (So Far)

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:37 pm
I gave up nuts January 2, 2012. They also are not a permitted food in any of the FA recovery programs.