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Re: brain tumor remains stable

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 1:44 pm
by Mayflowers
Janet_C wrote:I have a malignant brain tumor, diagnosed two years ago. I'm at the point where my tumor is expected to progress, but it hasn't, even though I haven't had conventional treatment (chemo) in over seven months now. I give credit for that to Dr. McDougall--thank you!

I also recommend Spring Forest Chi Gong. You can probably cure yourself using the plant based diet and balancing your energy with Chi Gong. My mother had a brain tumor. She had surgery. The surgeon said he got it all and there was no metastasis. I tried to get her to a naturopathic doctor. She refused and went to an oncologist who treated her with severely toxic chemo and then did radiation. She lived one year. She was 79 and the doctor at her death said she died not from the tumor but from the treatment. The chemo and radiation. :angry:

“My studies have proved conclusively that untreated cancer victims actually live up to four times longer than treated individuals” Dr. Hardin B. Jones. PhD NY Academy of Medical Sciences

Re: brain tumor remains stable

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 1:35 pm
by Janet-C
Hi Mayflowers, I’m very sorry about what happened with your mother. It’s very unfortunate and frustrating that surgeons and oncologists aren’t aware of the importance of a whole foods plant based diet in treating cancer. I think the conventional treatments for some malignant brain tumors (radiation and IV chemotherapy) are worse than the disease. Thank you for the information. Janet

Re: brain tumor remains stable

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2016 3:22 pm
by mapat
Thought of your post when I read this study. It is about lavender oil.

"In these trials, patients with recurrent malignant gliomas were given comparatively small doses of POH via simple inhalation through the nose. Results from these studies show this type of long-term, daily chemotherapy to be well tolerated and effective. In this review, we will present the vicissitudes of POH’s evaluation as an anticancer agent, and its most recent success in therapy of patients with malignant brain tumors."

Re: brain tumor remains stable

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 10:51 am
by igreen
Janet_C wrote:Thanks everyone for reading my previous posts and for your replies. My most recent MRI (now scheduled at six- month intervals) showed no new tumor/progression. If only all doctors were aware of and willing/able to teach their patients this information (ten minute appointments aren’t adequate)!

Thanks for Sharing Janet, your testimonial is valuable.... do continue updating us.... Glad i found this wonderful forum...

Dr Mcdougall has done the best always....

Re: brain tumor remains stable

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 1:42 pm
by Janet-C
As of January, my brain tumor's still stable. In one study, the median time-to-progression for this particular cancer was 28 months. I'm at 49 months. And that's with no conventional treatment (chemo) in over two years now. I believe the reason it''s still stable is the McDougall diet. This diet really works, and not just for the common cancers! Thank you, Dr. McDougall!!

Re: brain tumor remains stable

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 4:53 pm
by astirle
Congratulations Janet_C wonderful news that we all on the forum love to hear!
All the best of health, Helen

Re: brain tumor remains stable

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 8:55 pm
by Vegankit
It's wonderful to see you continue to do so well. Your doctors must be amazed.

Re: brain tumor remains stable

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 9:38 pm
by Yomom
Janet_C wrote:As of January, my brain tumor's still stable. In one study, the median time-to-progression for this particular cancer was 28 months. I'm at 49 months. And that's with no conventional treatment (chemo) in over two years now. I believe the reason it''s still stable is the McDougall diet. This diet really works, and not just for the common cancers! Thank you, Dr. McDougall!!

Great news - thanks Janet_C for letting us know.

Re: brain tumor remains stable

PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 4:10 am
by igreen
Janet_C wrote:As of January, my brain tumor's still stable. In one study, the median time-to-progression for this particular cancer was 28 months. I'm at 49 months. And that's with no conventional treatment (chemo) in over two years now. I believe the reason it''s still stable is the McDougall diet. This diet really works, and not just for the common cancers! Thank you, Dr. McDougall!!

At the same time Janet, do you take any B12 supplement as well?

Maybe be helpful for our understanding.

Thank you for sharing and helping us understand more.