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PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:48 pm
by Birdy
Nettie, you are a mind blower! Transformation! I love how happy you are. Also, dlb congratulations on reaching your goal of 73 pounds lost! Another McDougall testimonial. :-D :-D :-D

PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:48 pm
by jasmer
Everytime I read your posts, I am so happy for you and know that I can do this... I've been struggling.... but just turning 40, I realize I really need to make the committment to myself to enjoy the rest of my life being healthy and not a slave to SAD foods.

You are awesome and my personal hero.


PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 5:08 am
by Nettie
jasmer wrote:Everytime I read your posts, I am so happy for you and know that I can do this... I've been struggling.... but just turning 40, I realize I really need to make the committment to myself to enjoy the rest of my life being healthy and not a slave to SAD foods.

Thank you for your encouragement! I just turned 60, and - not to be superficial about all of this - but my legs are thinner than I was when I was in my 30's. The "relaxed fit" jeans that are so prevalent on the shelves are too loose for my hips and thighs. :lol:

Not to mention that I feel younger and more energetic than I EVER have. I can't believe I'm as old as I am and feel this good. Suddenly, I'm no longer lazy. My mood is elevated, as my depression has eased. And life is manageable because I'm no longer retreating to the food for comfort and tension relief. I simply eat good food and go on with my life.

What could be better?


PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 5:57 am
by healthyME
This is AWESOME Nettie!!

<<Thank you for your encouragement! I just turned 60, and - not to be superficial about all of this - but my legs are thinner than I was when I was in my 30's. The "relaxed fit" jeans that are so prevalent on the shelves are too loose for my hips and thighs.

Not to mention that I feel younger and more energetic than I EVER have. I can't believe I'm as old as I am and feel this good. Suddenly, I'm no longer lazy. My mood is elevated, as my depression has eased. And life is manageable because I'm no longer retreating to the food for comfort and tension relief. I simply eat good food and go on with my life.

What could be better? >>

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 7:25 am
by Mrs. Doodlepunk
Nettie, I remember reading your posts when you were just starting, it is so inspirational to read that you're down by 140 now!!

I'm wondering, did you ever get your cholesterol to drop? I remember that was a problem and I am having the same trouble. I suspect mine is due to hypothyroidism and now that I'm on meds it will improve.

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 9:44 am
by Melinda
Where have you been Mrs. Doodlepunk? I missed you - it seems as though you haven't posted in a long time! Welcome back! :-D

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 12:52 pm
by Nettie
Mrs. Doodlepunk wrote:I'm wondering, did you ever get your cholesterol to drop? I remember that was a problem and I am having the same trouble. I suspect mine is due to hypothyroidism and now that I'm on meds it will improve.

Mrs. D, at my last exam I had FINALLY gotten away from a total cholesterol of 199. It was in the 170's - certainly not the goal, but an improvement nevertheless.

My Synthroid was dropped a few months ago also - down to 88 mcg, where it had been around 100 mcg for several months. I really can't be sure that that has made the difference, but it is quite the coincidence that they both came down together. I am scheduled for more blood work for the thyroid this month, but they probably won't want to test the lipid profile until a few months later.

Really, I'm such a faithful McDougaller, it's been a true mystery why I haven't had these dramatic drops in cholesterol that others have achieved, but it is what it is. I'm satisfied I'm doing all I can with food and exercise. :confused:


PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 2:02 pm
by Karen in FL
Congratulations, Nettie! May I ask what exercise you do?


PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 2:18 pm
by Nettie
Karen in FL wrote:Congratulations, Nettie! May I ask what exercise you do? Karen

30 minutes on the treadmill just about every day. Sometimes a few more minutes, but usually just 30.


PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 3:22 pm
by Mrs. Doodlepunk
Melinda wrote:Where have you been Mrs. Doodlepunk? I missed you - it seems as though you haven't posted in a long time! Welcome back! :-D

Thanks, Melinda, it's nice to be back. It's a long story, but I've been on a detour that started with a sidetrip into raw foods, way too many nuts, and a trial of E2L. I'm back and very happy with McDougalling again. Why did I ever leave? :oops:

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 3:25 pm
by Mrs. Doodlepunk
Nettie wrote:Really, I'm such a faithful McDougaller, it's been a true mystery why I haven't had these dramatic drops in cholesterol that others have achieved, but it is what it is. I'm satisfied I'm doing all I can with food and exercise. :confused:


It seems like Dr. McDougall told me that MWL would serve me well. Eventually the cholesterol drops after enough weight is lost. It stands to reason that your body is still eliminating the stuff for years, if it's taken years to accumulate it's not going away overnight. I just have to stick with it and keep away from nuts and seeds, and eat a salad every day.

I'm just a member of the "want it now" culture, push a button and it's done. Weight loss and cholesterol lowering sure isn't like that, is it?

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 3:37 pm
by Nettie
Mrs. Doodlepunk wrote:I'm just a member of the "want it now" culture, push a button and it's done. Weight loss and cholesterol lowering sure isn't like that, is it?

No, it isn't. But I've been McDougalling for a year and a half. I kept reading about folks who dropped their cholesterol levels to below 150 while at the 10-day Program. Not me, though. :?

The weight loss actually happened faster than I thought it would, but I'm not a 95%-er as are some people on these boards. I'm pretty much a 100%-er. (Anything less than that and I'll return to bingeing.) So I was hoping to get a dramatic loss in cholesterol, too. But I've only dropped below 200 mg total cholesterol in the last couple of months. Go figure.


PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 5:03 pm
by Mrs. Doodlepunk
Nettie wrote:I'm pretty much a 100%-er. (Anything less than that and I'll return to bingeing.) So I was hoping to get a dramatic loss in cholesterol, too. But I've only dropped below 200 mg total cholesterol in the last couple of months. Go figure.


I have to do 100% too. No cheating. Which reminds me, the Whippy Dip is opening next Thursday and I have to be prepared! Last summer, I had started making smoothies with frozen bananas and cocoa powder that were my "ice cream" and I might have to change things because that way I'm eating way too much fruit. What do you do for ice cream?

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 5:17 pm
by Nettie
Mrs. Doodlepunk wrote: I have to do 100% too. No cheating. Which reminds me, the Whippy Dip is opening next Thursday and I have to be prepared! Last summer, I had started making smoothies with frozen bananas and cocoa powder that were my "ice cream" and I might have to change things because that way I'm eating way too much fruit. What do you do for ice cream?

Fruit. :(
I do have frozen bananas in the freezer, but I'm too lazy for smoothies, I guess!


PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 7:31 pm
by TominTN
Mrs. Doodlepunk wrote:What do you do for ice cream?

<Homer Simpson voice> Frozen cherries.... mmmmmmmm.... </Homer Simpson voice>