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Re: NancyG before and during...not there yet!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:38 pm
by ncyg46

my daughter has to get some health insurance now...she has free health insurance from where she works but has a high deductible. i told her to sign up for it anyway and then find another policy if she needs it. She has been having arm, neck and headaches lately and she went to the doctor today and they wanted her to go to Florida Hospital for a brain scan. She went back home and tried to look online to get some. I am nervous for her since all she eats is restaurant meals and never cooks. She is reading the Esselstyn book after I yelled a bit. I gave her to her last year. Maybe it will help, known't know. I told her with a 1 year old baby she needs to be there for his wedding. Is that saying it right? :eek:
she also has Jeff's label reading video that I won...maybe she will actually watch it. :D

Re: NancyG before and during...not there yet!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 11:40 pm
by merriweather
Nothing like a real scare to make people look for a healthy alternative. Learning to cook is sort of frightening, but this is one plan where non cooks can thrive. I mean potatoes baked. Frozen veggies, well, we know. Hopefully she will join. Sending good thoughts her way. :idea:

Re: NancyG before and during...not there yet!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 1:59 pm
by Faith in DC
I love the saying on that tshirt.

I am a work in progress too Nancy. Some of us are a bit stubborn.

Re: NancyG before and during...not there yet!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:22 pm
by Starchyme
Wishing your daughter a favorable report. Am also wishing she decides to become 'one of us' and follow Dr. McDougall's or even Dr. Esselstyn's program as best she can.

Re: NancyG before and during...not there yet!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:54 pm
by ncyg46
HealthE1 wrote:Wishing your daughter a favorable report. Am also wishing she decides to become 'one of us' and follow Dr. McDougall's or even Dr. Esselstyn's program as best she can.

she is trying...and also making the baby food for her son so that's a start!

Re: NancyG before and during...not there yet!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:12 pm
by John McDougall
I am impressed.

John McDougall, MD

Re: NancyG before and during...not there yet!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:36 pm
by ncyg46
John McDougall wrote:I am impressed.

John McDougall, MD

Thanks Dr. McDougall....I am working right now on the hardest thing I ever had to do...I am on Chantix since I caved into smoking again this past year. I will beat it again! I took a photo of my ashtray tin and it is disgusting so I will use it as a screensaver or post it somewhere to make sure I still see it. Well maybe not a screensaver cause I am using a photo of the Atlantic Ocean or Gulf right now and love it!

I have come a long way and cut all my meds down considerably in the past two years but I am still on them. I just got blood work done and I looked at the bad numbers so the smoking and beer have to go, but one at a time!
I was wondering if I sent you a copy of them if you would take a look? My doctor thought it was fine but then he also told Ed not to eat potatoes so?????????

Re: NancyG before and during...not there yet!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:22 pm
by John McDougall
I have been there - with all the bad habits, too

John McDougall, MD

Re: NancyG before and during...not there yet!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:33 pm
by ncyg46
truthfully except for two years....once when I went to the 3 Day Celebrity Chef Weekend in 2008 and a year before that I quit for a year, but otherwise I have been smoking since I was 11. When I got out of the hospital from both bypasses in the 90's, my husband...who is now buried...blew smoke in my it it is hard for me but I will do it again, I hate it! You would think that I would learn already, seems I can do everything else but that, but I will. Tomorrow I am giving away all the stuff I have left including pipes which I used for awhile. :D Thanks for responding! :D Ed wants to go hiking and camping and I gotta be in better shape! Aside from trying to cook in a truck camper that we use now!

Re: NancyG before and during...not there yet!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:44 pm
by afreespirit
They say it is the hardest thing...but you can do it...this site seems to have helped others:

Re: NancyG before and during...not there yet!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:56 pm
by ncyg46
Thanks Sheila...Chantix sends an email everyday to me. I know how to do it, just have to keep with it and give everything away tomorrow. Hate to do it but it needs to be done. I guess I am contributing to others problems but too expensive to throw out! It was so much nicer when I didn't have to worry about having things with me...and I hate it anyway! I will do it. Just hard here since most people do it. But they also do SAD so it all goes along with each other. I am the weirdo here.... :D Course I might be a bit crazy for a week or!

Re: NancyG before and during...not there yet!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:00 pm
by afreespirit
Maybe you could go away by yourself in the camper for a few days, if you had to--seriously. Commune with nature. I recently saw a pic of my Mom, who died from cigs, back in the day--so sad to see her ashtray right there at hand--- :cry: Good luck! {hugs} and I will check your FB page! :-P

Re: NancyG before and during...not there yet!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:07 pm
by ncyg46
well I can't drive that thing by myself but I will probably get my shoes on and go for a lot of walks alone!!!!! Or keep cleaning this place....just keep busy. It's more a boredom thing and what to do with my hands and I have plenty to do around here! Got to get out of this thing and shut the computer down and just get out and do something!!!!! :D

Re: NancyG before and during...not there yet!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 7:05 am
by bebe
Keep quitting, Nancy. You can do it! One day it will be for the last time.

Re: NancyG before and during...not there yet!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 8:27 am
by ncyg46
day 2....caved in yesterday in the morning but I had Ed give them away after that and it was a rough grumpy day. I wound up going back to bed and reading and watching tv. I posted in my journal that NOTHING tastes good right now...not even things I normally like. I think that medication changed my taste buds! I made just garlic mashed potatoes last nite and even that tasted lousy! Guess this will be good for weight loss as a side effect!
Today we are going out to an rv show at the coliseum so that will get me outta here.... :D