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Re: JANUARY 2019 McDougall Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:43 pm
by DanTheYogi
Lyndzie wrote:Nice to meet you, Dan! It’s amazing how life circumstances can change and we have to learn some new tricks to navigate our surroundings. The pleasure trap is definitely the biggest challenge, in my opinion, of our “toxic food environment.” Living with other people who eat differently and have hyperpalatable foods around can wear down will power and resistance. Do you have a plan for getting back to a place you are happy with?

At this point, I'm not really sure. It's not just the home environment - part of it is that I am at a weird place in life right now. I just left a corporate job that I was very unsatisfied with and moved home with my parents. I am working part time, only 20 hours a week, have way too much free time and no real direction in my life right now. When you combine all those factors with my current environment, eating well becomes a real challenge.

Take last week as the most recent example. I work Mon-Thu, and kept myself really busy throughout the week. As a result, I didn't have time to think about food so much, and ate exceptionally well for 4 days, and didn't think about cramming or junk food at all. Then Friday came along, and come mid-afternoon I had a good 6 hours of free time with nothing else planned for the day. It honestly felt inevitable that I was going to start eating out of boredom, and I just decided to give in pretty quickly instead of fighting it.

So, I think part of it is under my control in some sense. I need to figure out what I am doing with my life and develop some sense of direction/purpose. Eventually, of course, I would like to move out, but that would be later on down the line at this point. However, I think if I was just a little more busy and didn't have so much free time and didn't feel so lost day-to-day, it would be easier to resist temptation.

I guess I am doing something about that - after talking with my parents and brother, I've decided to meet with a therapist to help me figure some of this stuff out.

Anyhow, in regards to my current day-to-day, I will continue trying. Today was actually a very successful day - I had some very strong to cram/binge a few hours ago and I managed to resist. There's a part of me that really wants to make it out 2 or 3 weeks without eating junk or cramming - Dr. Lisle always says those are the hardest! I haven't made it more than 6 or 7 days over the past 3 months or so. I am wondering if I get past a certain period of time if it'll be much easier to stay on track, even when surrounded by junk. There's also a part of me that thinks that as long as I'm in my current situation, the temptation will always be too great, but I would at least like to try making it past a month or so and find out!

Re: JANUARY 2019 McDougall Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 10:48 am
by Lyndzie
Dan, I totally understand the quarter-life crisis. My sister is currently “pivoting” as well. Corporate jobs aren’t for everyone, but the paychecks can be nice. When I did a career change and had free time, I started volunteering. Maybe while you find your new path forward to you can get involved in a program to help those in need. Getting those first few days back on track will really help propel you in the right direction. Best to you!

Re: JANUARY 2019 McDougall Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 12:59 pm
by DanTheYogi
Lyndzie wrote:Dan, I totally understand the quarter-life crisis. My sister is currently “pivoting” as well. Corporate jobs aren’t for everyone, but the paychecks can be nice. When I did a career change and had free time, I started volunteering. Maybe while you find your new path forward to you can get involved in a program to help those in need. Getting those first few days back on track will really help propel you in the right direction. Best to you!

Lyndzie, that is a great idea (volunteering). Actually, before I moved I was going through the process of becoming a hospice volunteer. I definitely need to look into that (or something similar) again now that I am settled in.

Re: JANUARY 2019 McDougall Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 1:44 pm
by Lyndzie
Dan, that is amazing! I used to teach illiterate adults to read. It feels so good to contribute. I’m excited for you!!

Re: JANUARY 2019 McDougall Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:27 pm
by Lyndzie
Happy Monday everyone! I hope you are having a great week so far.

Dr. John McDougall interviewed Dr. Dean Ornish last week who is promoting a new book, and it was a great webinar. Dr. McDougall has known Dr. Ornish for decades, and asked him thoughtful and at some times slightly provoking questions. It is great to hear another well known doctor with recommendations that are in line with the diet that Dr. McDougall promotes.

“If you can’t make it simple you don’t know it well enough.” - Albert Einstein

Dr. Ornish referenced this famous quote, which immediately brought to mind the short and sweet Color Picture Book.

Something else Dr. Ornish said was, “What’s good for you is good for the planet,” which also echoes Dr. McDougall’s statements about the positive impact a diet centered around starches with fruits and veggies has on the body and environment.

I did get a little chuckle from the little quip about “hotter sex in a cooler climate,” and appreciate the candid nature of their discussion about the importance of close relationships.

If you haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, take a few minutes out of your busy week and treat yourself. Best to you!

Re: JANUARY 2019 McDougall Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 9:01 pm
by victw
Well much to my surprise I did not record last Fridays weight. The habit of recording last year began when I was hanging with the weight loss group. But recorded or not - I'm pretty steady.

I'm getting back into the habits. Last night I made my oat burgers for the week. I eat them for breakfast - it would be nice to find a spice blend that would give them a sausage like flavor - or smell. It's one of the odd things I miss from a ritual point of view. But not from a health point of view.

The forecast is for rain all week. This will require a little extra diligence to get movement in. I will walk the mall after work tomorrow.


Re: JANUARY 2019 McDougall Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 4:44 am
by VeggieSue
victw wrote:I'm getting back into the habits. Last night I made my oat burgers for the week. I eat them for breakfast - it would be nice to find a spice blend that would give them a sausage like flavor - or smell. It's one of the odd things I miss from a ritual point of view. But not from a health point of view.

This old post by Geoffrey lists all sorts of spice blends for various sausages, including breakfast sausage.


Re: JANUARY 2019 McDougall Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:44 am
by Ejeff
Hello, I would like to join this group also. I was hesitant at first as I’m not at my ideal weight, but I am mostly working on toning and strengthening as well as adherence to the program. I just retired 3 weeks ago. I started the McDougall program just over 4 years ago and lost 30 pounds. I have kept the weight off and love eating this way. At this point I am trying to stay focused on healthy living as opposed to just the scale. My husband has also joined me in this way of eating which makes meal preparation and grocery shopping much easier. My biggest struggle like many people is eating out and social situations. To this point, I have just ordered from the menu, and if there happened to be dairy I would have it. In the future I would like to be “braver” and do better at ordering so that I consume less fat when dining out. I am female 56, current weight 111 and I’m 5’2”. I think my ideal weight would be closer to 105, but as I get more active (since I now have more free time) I am hoping I will tone up and the excess flab around my waist and rear will disappear. I usually read these boards each morning, but haven’t been so great at posting regularly. I appreciate all those who have shared their experiences as it truly helps me stick to the plan.
Thanks Erin

Re: JANUARY 2019 McDougall Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 7:05 pm
by Lyndzie
Welcome Erin! It looks like this group is shaping up to be for all people in a maintenance space, even if their weight has gotten a little higher than they’d like. Restaurants can be particularly tricky at times. I’m admittedly up 4 pounds, and doing like you with focusing on maintaining the right behaviors and tweaking calorie density to get it back to where I want it.

Congrats on retirement! From what I hear, it’s wonderful.

Re: JANUARY 2019 McDougall Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 11:54 am
by Starchyme
Hello all. I've been an on-off McDougaller for nearly 23 years. Every time I stray, be it for trying out something else or going astray and returning, I'm always happy to be back. I am at maintenance now and plan to be here for the duration. I'm so happy Jeffrey started this log. I'll be weighing in once a week and will report it here. But, rest assured, I'm now a McDougaller forever! Much success to all of us. Together we can do it!

Re: JANUARY 2019 McDougall Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 12:07 pm
by Lyndzie
Hello Starchyme! Welcome to the group. I love your positive attitude. I think I might report my weight, too, just for increased accountability. Tomorrow is Friday, “see” you then!!

Re: JANUARY 2019 McDougall Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 12:14 pm
by Starchyme
Hi, Lyndzie, and thanks for the welcome. I am doing it also because I want to stay accountable so as not to find my lost weight. So tomorrow I'll record it.

Re: JANUARY 2019 McDougall Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 11:58 pm
by Suey51
Happy Friday!

Hello and welcome to DanTheYogi, Starchyme and Erin!

Dan - I feel for you, environment can make a major impact on our eating. It's good that you recognised that your old corporate path wasn't the right one for you and have made that change, that takes courage. And it sounds like you’ve got some good strategies for getting your eating back on track. Volunteering is a good idea. Another thought - do you have an exercise routine? I find that this can help give some structure to the week, fills up time and reduces the urge to eat the bad stuff..... I've also met new health-conscious friends by going to regular exercise classes.

Like you Erin, I'm in my 50's and retired a couple of years ago. My husband has got closer to the McDougall WOE and it does make things so much easier. I also struggle when eating out and am working on being braver. Sometimes, I email the restaurant ahead of our visit which then makes it feel a little easier when we get there. My husband tells me I make it too complex when I chat to waiters! He's suggested I tell the waiter precisely what I'd like to have (Eg boiled potatoes and veggies, no oil/mayonnaise/butter and no salt) rather than trying to run through a long list of permitted foods and asking them to suggest dishes :lol:

Lindsey - yes I watched and enjoyed the interview with Dr Dean Ornish, well most of it! Going to finish listening shortly!

Starchyme - I'll join in with the weighing-in when we're back home in February as I'd also like the accountability.

We're in Southern India at the moment so there are lots of vegetarian restaurants with delicious vegan dishes, like veggie or legume/bean curries, lentil dahls, rice dishes and pancakes made from lentils or rice. I suspect my weight is a little higher than when I left home as the restaurant food is cooked with oil, plus cashews (used as cashew cream in sauces instead of dairy), coconut and much more salt than I use at home. There are lots of delicious fruits (orange, pineapple, papaya, banana, melon etc) and I can order plain rice with steamed vegetables. I love that they classify restaurants and dishes as vegetarian and non-vegetarian! It's a joy to feel nearly normal and to have so many choices on the menus :-D It's a little more tricky to exercise as we only have access to a gym for part of our trip, but we're swimming and walking (when its not too hot!).

My husband plans to join me for a period of close adherence to the McDougall Program, when we're back home, so I hope to get back to my goal weight then.

This week I read The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg - have any of you read it? He covers how to change/develop new habits and the concept of keystone habits that lead to wider changes.

Best wishes to everyone, Sue xx

Re: JANUARY 2019 McDougall Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 7:22 am
by Ejeff
Thank you Lindsey and Sue for the welcome :D
Yes, eating out can be much simpler. I can just bring my favourite salad dressing and order a salad. I can even bring some brown rice to toss in. I’m sure my friends do not care what I eat, I go for the chatting and friendship. I just need to remind myself that pretty much anything off the menu will have far too much fat and/or oil, and I don’t need that in my body. But sometimes it’s just way too easy to justify that it’s just one meal how bad can it be for me. Hence the struggle. I have read before that it is best to have decided before you go exactly what you will order, I think I will try this strategy.

Re: JANUARY 2019 McDougall Maintenance Group

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 11:09 am
by Starchyme
Weigh-in day. I'm happy to report I'm status quo.