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Wow! Week 1--9 lbs!!!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:27 am
by Attom
I started the McDougall program one week ago after experiencing a couple weeks of chest pains. I had gone to the doctor (they weighted me in at 260). Doctor said, "You need to lose weight". So, that's what I am doing and I knew just what I had to do. The McDougall Program is the only way to go for true health and real results! One week later, down 9 pounds and the chest pain subsided two days ago!!!! I am so grateful for Dr. McDougall and his colleagues. :nod:


Re: Wow! Week 1--9 lbs!!!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:36 am
by Love the Lorax
That's great!!! The human body is amazing - we just need to feed it right!

Attom wrote:I started the McDougall program one week ago after experiencing a couple weeks of chest pains. I had gone to the doctor (they weighted me in at 260). Doctor said, "You need to lose weight". So, that's what I am doing and I knew just what I had to do. The McDougall Program is the only way to go for true health and real results! One week later, down 9 pounds and the chest pain subsided two days ago!!!! I am so grateful for Dr. McDougall and his colleagues. :nod:


Re: Wow! Week 1--9 lbs!!!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:39 am
by Clary
Hearty congratulations for the choices you are making, and your immediate results that you can feel and measure!

--and a thumbs up :thumbsup: to your Dr., also, for speaking up about the weight. Many Doctors don't speak up on the subject. Sounds like your Doc. could be an extra member of your support system as you begin this adventure (as Dr. McDougall says) to "restored health and appearance".

Re: Wow! Week 1--9 lbs!!!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:49 am
by CarolSoprano
Congrats, Adam! What great first week results! Well done!! :-D

Re: Wow! Week 1--9 lbs!!!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:57 am
by Attom
My wife said my horrible snoring has subsided, too! This is great. I am going to keep this going. I know the weight loss will slow, but I am in this for life.


Re: Wow! Week 1--9 lbs!!!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:09 am
by Potatohead
Congratulations Adam...You can do it....One day at a time :)

Re: Wow! Week 1--9 lbs!!!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:13 am
by Attom
I am so glad I have a family here with all of you like-minded friends! This is great. We need to keep in touch to support each other. I have gone through some serious cravings. I find the best thing to do when I get those cravings is to EAT. Eat what's allowed! When I was craving a slice of cheesy pizza (that the rest of the family was eating), I ate a bowl of vegetarian chili and the temptation was gone!

I look forward to continue our communication together. Best of health and McDougalling to all of you!


Re: Wow! Week 1--9 lbs!!!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:17 am
by Potatohead
Attom wrote:I am so glad I have a family here with all of you like-minded friends! This is great. We need to keep in touch to support each other. I have gone through some serious cravings. I find the best thing to do when I get those cravings is to EAT. Eat what's allowed! When I was craving a slice of cheesy pizza (that the rest of the family was eating), I ate a bowl of vegetarian chili and the temptation was gone!

I look forward to continue our communication together. Best of health and McDougalling to all of you!


Adam, when I first Started the Mc Dougall plan, I was hungry all the time too, I use to bake a whole bunch of potatoes at once, and snack on them through the day when I got hungry...I still do it...I always have a bunch of cold baked potatoes in my me its the best snack :D

Re: Wow! Week 1--9 lbs!!!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 11:44 am
by SactoBob
That's great news, Adam. But the better news is that things will continue to improve. I still notice improvements over two years after starting. You were really wise to dive right in and do it right..

Re: Wow! Week 1--9 lbs!!!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:55 pm
by Kime
I have been following your posts since your first day, so I feel almost as proud of you as if I had done it myself!

Re: Wow! Week 1--9 lbs!!!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:59 pm
by Attom
:D Thanks, Kime. This is such a great forum. This is so exciting. I can feel my body shrinking. My legs aren't all swelled up like usual, rubbing together. Gross. Sorry. It's just so wonderful. I have so much energy. I painted the downstairs today for my wife and then when I was done, I helped her clean up the kitchen after dinner. She is wondering what's wrong with me! :D Haha. What's right with me? We know what that is!


Re: Wow! Week 1--9 lbs!!!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:37 pm
by Faith in DC
You took it seriously. You asked questions, you shared menus and let us give you ideas, you didn't play around, and see what happens. Our bodies are amazing.

Also, like you, when I know I'll be faced with a circumstance that will spark a craving, I go to the circumstance full. We have monthly junk fests at work for birthdays. It use to bother me to watch the cake being eaten (I'm a big pastry/cookie person). Now no problem, I haven't got room.

Re: Wow! Week 1--9 lbs!!!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:22 am
by Attom

This forum has been great. It's wonderful meeting with people who value their health as much as we do and want to get out of the brainwashing that our society has put into our minds about eating. I am so excited about this new page and journey I am taking and find great joy in seeing all of the successs stories. My cravings are disappearing! And it's only been about 13 days!


Re: Wow! Week 1--9 lbs!!!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:34 am
by LyndaK
Wow, Adam, with all that new found energy can you paint my house and clean my kitchen too? Ha ha, but really, I know what you mean. I'm about a month in to really adhering to the plan and I feel great. More energy and more mental clarity. Good for you for having the courage to make this change and good for your doctor for advising you to lose weight. As another poster said, many doctors will not advice weight loss, which is the case with me. It wasn't until I studied the wall chart one day (while waiting for my doctor) that I realized I was in the obese range. Really, I didn't think my weight was THAT high although I did feel the effects of it. This plan has really enabled me to shift the focus to health and the weight loss has become an exciting benefit more than the focal point if that makes sense.

I appreciate your posts. Keep up the great work!

Re: Wow! Week 1--9 lbs!!!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:11 am
by Love the Lorax
I know what you mean about not realizing how high the weight had gotten. Since I'm tall and hide weight easily, I never really thought about my weight much. Then the BP started going up, up, up, the migraines worsened, etc. and I realized that I was not a skinny person anymore. Talk about a rude awakening.... :lol:

I do feel much better eating healthily.