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After 30 days

PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:13 am
by KMD
I have had Systemic Lupus for 20 years with a side of Fibromyalgia for 10. My Lupus is considered "mild" as I am one of the lucky ones and haven't had any major organ involvement.

I take Plaquenil, Naprosyn and/or Aleve to keep things under control and have occasionally been prescribed steroids. Pain is a daily fact, just a matter of how much and where.

A month ago I was in pain every time I took a breath. I've had this problem during flares before, but this was one of the worst episodes I've had.

I was having trouble sleeping due to the pain. I had to prop myself up in bed in order to be at all comfortable. I couldn't exert myself in any way because I couldn't take a deep breath. I was taking handfuls (4-10 Aleve) daily to keep myself functional.

I had been to my doctor and he suggested steroids and pain relievers. I didn't want to go down that road again, so we agreed to increase the Plaquenil. I didn't get much relief. Then I remembered Dr. McDougall and his "extreme" diet.

I've been following MWL faithfully for the last 30 days.

My pain has decreased 80%.
I haven't taken ANY Aleve in 3 weeks.
Swelling is gone in my legs, hands and face.
I've lost 15 lbs.
My skin is smoother and softer.
I can lie down to sleep.

Thank you Dr. McDougall,


Re: After 30 days

PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:01 am
by Faith in DC
thank you Kathryn. I think many need to see what just 30 days can do. I hope you do stick around to help motivate others that find it hard to continue.

Re: After 30 days

PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:56 pm
by Sulamith
Great story! Congratulations! You must be so relieved.

Isn't it amazing how quickly we can start turning our health around once we make the commitment?

Here's to the next thirty days!

Re: After 30 days

PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 5:36 pm
by Love the Lorax
Thank you - seriously - for sharing that. While we know how well this diet works for high BP, weight, etc. it is always good to get reminders that other parts of our body benefit from good nutrition as well.

Re: After 30 days

PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:37 pm
by Vegankit
It's so inspirational to read how successful you have been in just 30 days. What I have found amazing is that after 10 months I'm still seeing positive changes - just imagine how much better you are going to feel after you've been following this diet for a few months. I hope you post again as you improve your health.

Re: After 30 days

PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 7:21 am
by KMD
Thank you all for your encouragement and for your posts elsewhere on the board. I can't tell you how much reading others' experiences has helped.

I'll be sure to check in with updates as I go along. Have a great weekend. :)

Re: After 30 days

PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:25 am
by Mommylut

As I long time fibromyalgia sufferer, I feel (and have felt) your pain. I need to remember how positive an effect this program has had on my health. Do you find yourself doing better on MWL rather than on the regular plan? I only ask this because I always see a difference when I cut out the process foods but didn't know whether I was imagining it or not.

Thanks for sharing and good luck.

Re: After 30 days

PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:25 am
by KMD
Thanks Marion. Sorry to hear about your fybromyalgia. It's definitely no fun. :(

I have only been doing the MWL plan so I don't know how much different the regular plan would be for me.

The reason I chose the MWL plan is because when I read other's experiences, the MWL plan seemed to provide a quicker return to health. I'd bet you aren't imagining your experience.

One benefit for me of the MWL plan is that it's easy. For example, I don't have to look at a potato's ingredient list to determine if it has hidden dairy, or oil in it like I would have to do with processed foods.

Have you found any particular foods that trigger your fybromyalgia more than others? Besides animal stuff of course :)

Re: After 30 days

PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:42 am
by Mommylut
Well, I am postive that it gets worse when I eat wheat or products with yeast. I also find citris cruit bothers it. There was a star mcdougllar (I can't remember who) who wrote that she went to Dr. M's program in California. After a few days, she woke up and knew something was different but couldn't figure out what. Then she realized she wasn't in any pain! That's sort of how I feel now.

Re: After 30 days

PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:24 am
by KMD

That's good to know. I'm looking forward to that!

Thanks :)


Re: After 30 days

PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:45 pm
by Sulamith
There was a star mcdougllar (I can't remember who) who wrote that she went to Dr. M's program in California. After a few days, she woke up and knew something was different but couldn't figure out what. Then she realized she wasn't in any pain!

That's Cheryl Lambert. Here's the link: ... mbert.html