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The China Study

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 2:24 am
by flabingo
I discovered Dr. McDougall by reading Colin Campbell's book, The China Study. I have been on a plant based diet for seven months, and have never felt better, my hypertension is gone,140/90 to 130/65, my weight has dropped from 185 to 164. I also eliminated the need for my cholestoral medicine. I have learned that you can't depend on doctors, drug companies, leading hospitals, and the government agencies to teach you how to eat healthfully. I also go the a local gym where Humana pays for my membership. They have figured out that they are better off financially if I go to the gym. What a concept. The only disappointment is that I have sent 10 books to my friends and only two people changed their behavior.
It is wonderful that Dr. McDougall had the courage to stand up and make a difference for many of us. Bravo!

I think it's great that

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 7:10 am
by veggiecat
2 out of 10 changed their behavior! Usually no one listens! Re your username: are you in Fl?

Re: I think it's great that

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 7:46 am
by Vegankit
veggiecat wrote:2 out of 10 changed their behavior! Usually no one listens!

LOL I agree with Veggiecat - I'm shocked that no one I know has changed their diet yet they see amazing changes in me (for one thing I've lost almost 200 pounds, can't miss that) and comment all the time. I've given up explaining Dr. McDougall's diet so I just tell them to read The China Study and then to come to this website and read Dr. McDougall's books and if they want to talk about the diet then I'll be happy to share. That book changed my life and I'm thrilled to see that it's had the same effect on you. Congratulations on finding health.

Re: The China Study

PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:04 am
by flabingo
I would like to correct my statement about two out of ten people that changed their behavior. The two read the book and modified their healthy program another 10%(milk). The part that got their attention was the part about the leading medical institutions that are controlled by the food industry. Pills and procedures and not prevention. I now live in Silicon Valley Ca, near Google and Apple. There is a large population of Chinese and Indians, and there are few steak houses in the area. Many farmers markets stay open all year. My suggestion is that firms like Google and Oracle should fund the computerization of all medical records in California, one county at a time. This would be the foundation for rewards for healthy lifestyles, and better care, in addition to big savings for the insurers and Medicare. I also recommend to read the reviews of Spark by Ratey on Amazon. Don't buy the book the reviews will give you enough information of his conclusions about aerobic exercise and the brain.
In Sweden, 80% of all people's medical records are computerized.

Re: The China Study

PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:05 am
by Vegankit
my medical records are computerized and have been for many years - but I don't see how that leads to great health. I can go online and see my old test results etc. but that doesn't tell me to eat McDougall - if anything it was used to get me to take more pills. LOL

Re: The China Study

PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 11:42 am
by Melinda
Vegankit, are you going to be a Star Mcdougaller, or are you already - congratulations!

Re: The China Study

PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:19 pm
by Vegankit
Melinda wrote:Vegankit, are you going to be a Star Mcdougaller, or are you already - congratulations!

Thanks Melinda. Dr. McDougall asked me a while back, but I prefer to remain anonymous, I didn't want to publish my real name. I know it sounds weird, but I'm so embarrassed at being morbidly obese - like I could hide that from anyone. But I'm happy to share what has made me successful (and what caused me to stumble) so that others will find the health that I have.

Re: The China Study

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:17 pm
by kirstykay
Please DO SHARE! I'd love to hear your process, even informally, like right here! I learn so much from others' journeys. I'm glad you're here, and congratulations on such great success!

Re: The China Study

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:00 am
by mrmax
Colin Campbell's book, The China Study is a very good read.It contains a lot of important information.

Re: The China Study

PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 6:42 pm
by carollynne
Yes, I have read that book, The China Study, and also Digestive Tune Up, and Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Esslestyn too. All great reads. got me revved up to a fever pitch, but no one will listen least of all my DH. 2 Adults sons were first vegan in the house, and so we all can eat and plan together, and DH declares he will eat out daily. What can I do but let him, or fix him the poison he wants? But I am on this path for life to cure my HBP. etc.
will do this!! I have been emailing Dr McD and he wants me to keep him posted on myself and I will.

Re: The China Study

PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 6:57 pm
by flabingo
I just finished reading Anti Cancer by Schreiber. May be as outstanding as the China Study. Check out the reviews on Amazon.
It will reinforce the wisdom of behavior and diet.

Re: The China Study

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:00 am
by Jack19
flabingo wrote:My suggestion is that firms like Google and Oracle should fund the computerization of all medical records in California, one county at a time. This would be the foundation for rewards for healthy lifestyles, and better care, in addition to big savings for the insurers and Medicare.

Vegankit wrote:my medical records are computerized and have been for many years - but I don't see how that leads to great health.

Hey Flabingo could you answer vegankit - how could computerizing medical records get people to eat better - I don't follow either!

Re: The China Study

PostPosted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:33 pm
by TominTN
Jack19 wrote:
flabingo wrote:My suggestion is that firms like Google and Oracle should fund the computerization of all medical records in California, one county at a time. This would be the foundation for rewards for healthy lifestyles, and better care, in addition to big savings for the insurers and Medicare.

Vegankit wrote:my medical records are computerized and have been for many years - but I don't see how that leads to great health.

Hey Flabingo could you answer vegankit - how could computerizing medical records get people to eat better - I don't follow either!

The way it works where I work is that we have a "Rewards" website through Mayo Clinic where we're supposed to track various behaviors -- eating 5 to 9 servings of veggies three times a week, exercising for at least 30 minutes at least three times a week, drinking 64 oz of water a day, always wearing our seat belt, not smoking, etc., etc.

Of course, they have some things in there that I don't agree with and don't do, like eating cold water fish for omega 3 fats and getting health screenings until your ears fall off.

Anyway, by tracking my behaviors I get points and if I can accumulate 750 points representing various healthy lifestyle choices over the course of the year, I get a $30 discount on the following year's health insurance premium. Thanks for the reminder that I need to go update my records, btw. :)

So I don't think it's necessarily computerizing medical records per se that may lead to healthier choices, but it might be easy to implement incentive programs of this sort as part of computerizing a population's records. Of course, I still have co-workers who disregard the incentives and don't make healthy choices.

Re: The China Study

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:28 am
by flabingo
In California, when the Prius cars came out. The state give an emblem that enabled people to drive in the car pool lane free, with only one passenger.. It was a reward for buying a fuel effecient car. This is one example of a reward system, to cause people to behave in a way that is better for the whole community. Trucks go to weigh stations, and people could do the same thing.The computerized records would be helpful to operate the system. The cost of obesity is real big and growing. I have my medicare supplimental insurance with Humana. They give me FREE gym benefits. They have figured out that it is in their financial intersts to do this. I also get free generic drugs, which my doctor has approved.

Re: The China Study

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 8:01 pm
by Soxy
flabingo wrote:
"In California, when the Prius cars came out. The state give an emblem that enabled people to drive in the car pool lane free, with only one passenger. It was a reward for buying a fuel effecient car. "

Wow....maybe they should give those emblems to people who eat a plant based diet since it's proven that eating this way does more to help the enviornment then switching from a Hummer to a Prius!