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Results of my Kidney Stone labs

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:46 pm
by Jubilee
I had some labwork done last June right after my kidney stone surgery to try to determine why I'm forming gigantic stones, and if it's possible to stop them. The doc wanted to put me on a hbp med, which I refused.

At that time, I had 7 levels that were abnormally high (calcium, oxalate, sodium, etc.) and one that was too low.

I started McDougalling after Christmas. Also, I am watching my sodium though not even buying low sodium products since I can't really afford them. I limited, but did not eliminate, a few higher oxalate foods like spinach. In addition to McDougalling, I did add a couple of supplements to my diet that are supposed to help prevent stones.* Other than that, I made no other changes.

A couple of weeks ago, I had a follow-up appt. where they did a scan to look for new stone, and found none. Keep in mind this is after I had a 5 CM stone that was growing very rapidly. Also they re-ran the lab tests to check my levels.

And the results---
drum roll please......

6 out of 7 that were too high are now smack in the normal range!!! And the 7th one, sodium, is actually now too low but hey, low sodium is good right?! So, thanks be to God for this diet and Dr. McDougall and for those incredible results. I'm more than thrilled. What I went through last year is something I'd like never to experience again, and with results like these, that is a very reasonable expectation, wouldn't you say? :-)

Oddly, 5 of the levels that were normal last year are now too low. My daughter who is an ARNP, looked at my numbers and said not to worry about any of them. I'm sure she's right. Once my GP told me my cholesterol was too low, too. And thanks to Dr. McDougall's books, I know it's actually wonderful.

So, at this time last year, things looked very grim healthwise. Today, it's all reversed and only getting better and better!!!

If I wasn't 51 years old and obese, I'd do cartwheels. :-) Maybe next year when I'm 52 and at a healthy BMI, I *will* do those cartwheels!! :-) :-)

Thank you again, Dr. McDougall. You're one of my heroes.


Re: Results of my Kidney Stone labs

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:08 pm
by pinkrose
Fantastic, Jubilee!

This week a student brought us an article about eating a low salt, low protein/meat diet to help prevent formation of the stones. I am glad you found the right guidance here too!

Maybe you will be cartwheeling next year!!! :-D

Re: Results of my Kidney Stone labs

PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:27 am
by RAS
Yea! Jubilee. I am so happy for you. RAS

Re: Results of my Kidney Stone labs

PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:03 am
by ETeSelle
FABULOUS!! :) Congrats to you! :mrgreen:

Re: Results of my Kidney Stone labs

PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:17 am
by ParsleyPatch
Very impressive, indeed! Lucky are those of us who know about and take McDougalling seriously and woe to those who don't know or don't care. Congratulations! :-D

Re: Results of my Kidney Stone labs

PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:37 pm
by Emily
Jubilee, that is wonderful news! How exciting!

If you don't mind my asking, what is your cholesterol that your GP said was "too low?"

Re: Results of my Kidney Stone labs

PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:24 pm
by soliver
That is AWESOME news to read. What did the doc say about your levels?

Re: Results of my Kidney Stone labs

PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 5:02 pm
by Jubilee
Thanks everyone, for the encouragement! I'm thrilled, and it's nice to have someone rejoice with me, who knows how I did it, and doesn't look askance at my methods! I honestly feel like I beat the system or something- to get my levels all back to normal without their drugs, and after the doc specifically said that diet wouldn't work!

Emily, I can't remember exactly what the level was that was too low, but when I'm McDougalling, it runs around 113-115, so it's in that ballpark. And when they said it was too low, his nurse started laughing and didn't say anymore about it, going on to the next subject. No suggestion of changes or meds. He was reading from a lab report that had flagged it. So, obviously he wasn't concerned. Hopefully, it'll be the same with these lab results.

Soliver, I haven't actually seen the doc yet. My next appt is in 3 months and I'll be sure to ask him about the results (mainly for my own pride :-)
The hosp. has online patient files now, and you can access your test results that way, which is how I know what they are. It's actually more helpful than having someone in an appt say, "well, your levels look pretty good." I can look at the exact values for each one, and compare to the exact values from last year. I assume if something were bad, they'd give me a call, but for good news, I guess not.

Thanks again everyone. I'm forging ahead with this approach and counting it a blessing!


Re: Results of my Kidney Stone labs

PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 5:12 pm
by blondie
Yes, I always like to see my levels. The doctor says "your bloodwork looks good except..." and I always ask for a personal copy to put in my file at home.

Re: Results of my Kidney Stone labs

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:20 am
by Starchyme
Congrats to you, Jubilee. Such wonderful news.

Re: Results of my Kidney Stone labs

PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:24 am
by Garden
Congrats! It is so wonderful to see proof of how nutrition is working in our bodies, and to have others see it! :?
