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I'm no Longer "Obese"

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:08 am
by rickfm
Based on BMI calculations, that is. At 6'-2" and 232 pounds, my BMI is 29.8. Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater.

So, I'm now in the category of simply being "overweight." :D May not seem like much, but it is a milestone.

It's been a bit slow going for me. I started tracking my weight last fall and my starting point was 255. I'm guessing my highest weight was 260, based on doctor visit weigh-ins.

My biggest health issue is mental. I suffer from severe depression, and there are times when I just have absolutely no motivation. While the bulk of my diet remains compliant, I have those occasional slips where I fall into "convenience mode." A turkey sandwich from the deli at the grocery store I go to; a package of frozen chimichangas; a carton of eggs; a can of chili con carne.

But, with the arrival of summer here in the Pacific Northwest, I'm feeling a renewal of motivation and now I've seen some solid progress. I'm sticking with the plan, walking at least two miles a day and feeling pretty dadgum good.

Only two pounds away from the 220s. Woot!

Re: I'm no Longer "Obese"

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:26 am
by Rohirrim48
Congratulations! :mrgreen:

I'm doing Snoopy's happy dance for you!

Re: I'm no Longer "Obese"

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:35 am
by Gweithgar
Congratulations! It feels so good to cross that "O" word off your medical chart! Dealing with depression in the rainy Northwest has got to be a challenge. Congratulations, too, for dealing with it so well. Best of luck with the continuing journey.

Re: I'm no Longer "Obese"

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:47 am
by PotatoFiend
rickfm wrote:But, with the arrival of summer here in the Pacific Northwest, I'm feeling a renewal of motivation and now I've seen some solid progress. I'm sticking with the plan, walking at least two miles a day and feeling pretty dadgum good. Woot!
Woot indeed! :thumbsup:

Now if only the sun would stay around a bit longer between the rainy stretches! :nod:

Re: I'm no Longer "Obese"

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:20 am
by rickfm
Actually, I live in the Inland Northwest. Spokane is in eastern Washington. We get distinct four season weather. Although, compared to the rest of the country right now, our summer is rather mild. Forecast is for 68 F today. It is supposed to hit the 90s by this coming weekend.

I used to live in the Puget Sound/Seattle area, so I know about the rain. And I'm one of the weird ones... I love the sound of rain. :)

Re: I'm no Longer "Obese"

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:54 am
by PotatoFiend
rickfm wrote:I used to live in the Puget Sound/Seattle area, so I know about the rain. And I'm one of the weird ones... I love the sound of rain. :)
I grew up on the coast and can't imagine not loving the sound of rain! People do think it's weird and I don't really know why. I mean we live in the temperate rain forest ... what do you expect? And when feeling more cheeky than usual I tell folks that if they think of rain as liquid sunshine, then it is almost always sunny here. :wink:

Re: I'm no Longer "Obese"

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:59 pm
by yarnpetter
Congratulations! Thats a great milestone.

Re: I'm no Longer "Obese"

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:27 am
by victoria
Good Job!!
I struggled with severe depression as well. I have to say, that since I started plant based way of eating, the biggest improvement has been with my mental health. I was just curious if you noticed a change like I did..

Re: I'm no Longer "Obese"

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:25 pm
by rickfm
Victoria, I'm not sure that I've had any improvement in my mental health. The only difference I've been feeling lately is that I look forward to getting out for my walks. I sometimes go twice a day, mid-morning and late afternoon/early evening.

I also deal with agoraphobia. I don't like going out anymore than absolutely necessary. And I'm very avoidant of people. I've basically been living like a hermit for the past five years... even though I live 10 minutes walking distance from the downtown area of the second largest city in the state. So I don't know if I'm actually improving or just finally getting tired of being such a solitary person. Maybe it's a little of both.

I know I'm going to feel better about myself as a whole when I feel better about my body.

Re: I'm no Longer "Obese"

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:49 pm
by funcrunch
Congratulations on your weight loss, and best of luck in managing your depression. I've suffered from depression for most of my adult life, I've done the meds, therapy, etc. I keep hearing that exercise is supposed to help, so I'm trying to be super-strict about that now. It is boosting my self-esteem if nothing else. I'm sure you will also feel better about yourself as the weight continues to come off.

Although this didn't seem to work for me, you might want to check out McDougall's suggestion on sleep restriction for managing depression.

Re: I'm no Longer "Obese"

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:11 pm
by rickfm
Interesting newsletter, funcrunch.

I'm actually going through some involuntary sleep restriction right now. I can't seem to sleep for more than four hours at a time. It's not a problem, because I'm not working and don't have any obligations to be anywhere. I just end up taking several little cat naps during the day... sometimes just a few minutes each.

I'm not stressing out over it. Better to just roll with it and consider that it's something my mind/body is going through and hope that continued McDougalling and daily walks will eventually provide some relief.

Re: I'm no Longer "Obese"

PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 3:26 am
by Tiger
Congratulations on your new category, rickfm! A red dot just disappeared from the CDC obesity map!

Re: I'm no Longer "Obese"

PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:36 am
by Atom
Very inspirational! Thanks for sharing your success and milestone with us! That's huge!

Re: I'm no Longer "Obese"

PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:27 am
by victoria
I've also noticed that I want to go for a walk or jog, rather than feel like I have to. It's nice to have the energy from what we are eating that gives us spontaneous and random healthy thoughts like "I think I'll take a walk" It is so different for me to feel this way as before it was chore and honestly difficult to even shower, let alone go for a jog.
For the past 14 months or so I too havent been out much. I could no longer work or drive and dreaded the thought of having to go to the store. I am happy to say that this is finally beginning to change. I am now jogging almost daily and am up to an hour and 15 minutes! I still havent been able to go during the daytime. I feel less conspicuous and so i feel more free to be outside at night. One of my goals is to be able to jog in daylight and not feel anxious about it.
Keep up the walks! I am in the city but just recently found that if I go down a street nearby I can walk clear out in the country, so the dog and I have been enjoying the new relaxed scenery and i like watching all the different crops that are growing. Before starting Mcdougalling I wasnt able to enjoy any of this.
I am doing D BT, dialectical behavioural therapy and have used a number of the skills learned to overcome the fear of going out and s tuff. I'd be happy to share them as well.

Re: I'm no Longer "Obese"

PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:10 am
by rickfm
victoria wrote:It is so different for me to feel this way as before it was chore and honestly difficult to even shower, let alone go for a jog.

Ahhh! I know exactly what you mean.

Sounds like you're making some great progress, victoria. That's encouraging to hear.

I wore a pair of shorts when I went for a walk yesterday for the first time in years. Exposed pasty white legs and everything. :eek: I really need to get some sun.