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One Year Ago

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:07 am
by awackywabbit
I had a BMI of 41.7. Today my BMI is 33.6. I lost 50lbs in one year. This is something that I never believed I could do. I have kept a blog about my journey for the past year and today I reflected on that year so feel free to pop over and read my thoughts.

I would like to thank Dr. McDougall for all that he has done to help me make this change. I have never met the man but his appearance on the documentary "Forks over Knives" and his book the "Starch Solution" literally saved my life.

I look forward to the year to come and finally getting down to a normal weight.

I thank all of you here for sharing your lives and experiences on this board as it has helped more then you know. I cheer all of you on that are making your own journies towards health and a better life.

Re: One Year Ago

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:53 am
by passionF
Congratulations on your wonderful weightloss and improved health and self-confidence. I am happy for you and feel inspired reading your blog.

Re: One Year Ago

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:30 am
by geo
Congrats Deb on all your success! I love how you've already planned out the next year or two. Now its just a matter of time not if :D

Re: One Year Ago

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:29 pm
by faithfirst

Congratulations on your success!

I just love reading these success stories. They are so motivational for those of us new to this.

Now I have to buy the book! :D

Re: One Year Ago

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 11:05 am
by ETeSelle
CONGRATS!! :mrgreen: You're doing amazing and I know you'll keep it up!

Re: One Year Ago

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:38 pm
by LeafEater
Congratulations on an amazing achievement. I hope you have another great year ahead, filled with delicious health giving foods.

Re: One Year Ago

PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:23 am
by Timkerbelle
Looking at the pictures in your blog you look like a completely different person. You have done amazingly well, congratulations!

Re: One Year Ago

PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:27 am
by TerriT
Congratulations! You're looking so much healthier and happier.

Re: One Year Ago

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:01 pm
by frowsyowl
Congratulations on your success.

You tell it so eloquently in your blog: " I know better now. I won’t let the failures I made in my life define who I am."

Wishing you a wonderful year to come!

Re: One Year Ago

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:15 pm
by soul food

soul food

Re: One Year Ago

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:14 am
by John McDougall
Thank you for telling us your story.

Mary and I (and the rest of our staff) never tire of hearing that we have helped others.

Please continue to share the good news about The Starch Solution.

John McDougall, MD

Re: One Year Ago

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:17 am
by chewy
congratulations debbie! i love the starch solution as well as all dr. mcdougall's books!i am grateful for all that he shares with us mcdougallers!

Re: One Year Ago

PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:18 pm
by awackywabbit
John McDougall wrote:Thank you for telling us your story.

Mary and I (and the rest of our staff) never tire of hearing that we have helped others.

Please continue to share the good news about The Starch Solution.

John McDougall, MD

Thank you Dr. McDougall. I am telling everyone who will listen about your book.