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It happened to me!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 7:13 pm
by Ruff
It's happened at last! :D

Please note that although I am no longer obese, I am still technically overweight by a few pounds.

So, today I meet a woman I have not seen for a while. So we do the wow you look greats etc. then she says...are you still dieting?

I try to explain I am not dieting as such, but I am eating a low fat vegan diet.

She then says " but you don't want to lose any more weight"!

Oh yes I do. I am still actually overweight!

Oh no, it's not healthy to lose too much weight!

I just smiled and made my excuses and moved on.

It was nice though, to be told I don't need to lose more weight, even though I so obviously do. And it's not as if I have lost it fast either. I started losing weight on 4th September 2010. I had a few false starts, and tried a few other diets, before finding the China Study in September 2012.

As for healthy, look at my photos in my other thread and tell me which picture shows the healthier woman?

And SHE isn't training for a half marathon in September. :mrgreen:

So there! :D

Re: It happened to me!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 7:46 pm
by FranH
That is so cool! :-D

Someone told my husband he looks like he needs some protein. We just laughed. He is strong and active and healthy. He'll be turning 69 next month.

Re: It happened to me!

PostPosted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 10:53 am
by Reb777
That must have felt amazing! Go you!

Re: It happened to me!

PostPosted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:06 am
by Starchy
Love it! You have achieved a lot, bask in it :)

Re: It happened to me!

PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 12:19 am
by ajhondrngal
I can't wait until I can say I'm just overweight. I get so used to people telling me I look so healthy and then I get one like tonight. The gentleman asked if I had been out in the sun because my face was red. I told him I had been on vacation and yes, I did get a bit of sun. I didn't tell him that I actually was the same coloring as I was before vacation. In my mind I was thinking, "Open mouth. Insert foot."

Thanks for sharing. It really helps with motivation.