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Going well so far

PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 3:37 pm
by howardt
9 weeks since I started eating only plant-based whole foods. I'm 54, 5'10" and weighed 210 at the start. That might not sound extreme, but I felt lousy, was starting to get some health symptoms (ocular migraines and occasional hypoglycemia) and had trouble doing the basics (like putting on socks). My clothes no longer fit.

I've been overweight off and on (mostly on) for the past 20 years. I'd get sick of it and cut back on portions until I lost 20 lbs or so, then go back to my normal diet and put the weight back on.

5 years ago I was about 200 lbs and went on a low calorie vegetable & lean meat diet/exercise program, and lost all the weight. I was starving myself, and all I could think about all day was the next meal. I went off it, and put the weight back on.

This time, hopefully, is different. I've lost 40lbs so far, I feel good, my clothes fit again. I haven't had any hypoglycemia incidents or migraines.

I don't miss meat, although I do miss pizza. My diet is not that varied: big salads, sweet potatoes, oats, beans, peas, edamame, brown rice, quinoa, vegetable soups. I've got to learn some new recipes. I cook a lot because I don't use canned food at all. That might be overkill, but I like having total control over everything I eat.

The big differences this time vs. all the other times:

I'm not hungry. Seems so simple, but eating larger quantities of salad and veggies satisfies me. I haven't been hungry one day. I eat 3 meals a day, and snack on carrots or celery if I want to nosh on something at night.

I've learned more about nutrition than I ever knew before by reading Drs. McDougall, Esselstyn and Campbell. Knowledge certainly is power. I understand that eating "normal" was not just fattening, it was hurting me.

I've got another 10lbs or so to lose, and it's coming off slowly. I've got to get my butt on the treadmill. But that's OK. I'm not that concerned with weight loss right now. I'm just enjoying settling into the plant-based routine.

Re: Going well so far

PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 8:58 pm
by JulieS
Welcome, Howard. Wow...40# in 9 weeks! That is exceptional. What do you put on your big salads as a dressing? This is so awesome that you've come across this new WOE that is REALLY working for you. I'm sure your arteries are doing as well now as the rest of you, too. Did you have high lipids before? For me this has been a whole new learning curve because I thought I knew how to eat "healthy" while on SAD, but no way now that I know what I now know! It is life changing, right? Sometimes I feel like I'm living a secret life because I'm reading all of this new material by myself. Well, except for all the nice, supportive people here! :nod: :nod:

Re: Going well so far

PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 10:44 pm
by ~Beth~
I've lost 40lbs so far, I feel good, my clothes fit again. I haven't had any hypoglycemia incidents or migraines.

Congrats on your success so far

I used to have hypoglycemia, too, but now that I eat starch based it is not really an issue anymore.

I don't miss meat, although I do miss pizza.

You can eat pizza on this plan, just no oil or cheese. If you are missing it, treat yourself to a vegan pizza on whole wheat crust. Load it up with lots of yummy veggies, garlic, basil, oregano and everything else. You may think a pizza without cheese doesn't sound that good, but it is surprisingly tasty. I don't bother with cheese substitutes, they don't really add anything

Re: Going well so far

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:44 am
by amgmmg
Congratulations for your weight loss. That is so wonderful.

Re: Going well so far

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 7:45 am
by howardt
Thanks so much everyone for your encouragement.

Julie, mostly I just use balsamic or rice vinegar or eat plain salad. Occasionally I chop a tomato and add balsamic vinegar, a pinch of dried basil and half a garlic clove, then puree it with the hand blender.

You're absolutely right about the "secret". I don't know anyone who's a vegetarian. At first I talked to friends about the plan, but they all think I'm crazy. I'm glad I found this forum.

Beth, thanks for the advice on veggie pizza. Do you know a good whole wheat pizza dough recipe?

Re: Going well so far

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 11:33 am
by ~Beth~
Mark Sutton has a good book out with lots of recipes
You might try this one
or get his book here

Re: Going well so far

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 1:05 pm
by Riva
and the newest Reinhardt b ook on baking with whole grains has a great pizza dough.


s. did you really mean you lost 40 pounds in 9 weeks?

Re: Going well so far

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 2:45 pm
by howardt
Thank you Beth. I'll take a look.

Riva, yup. Lost 18lbs the first 2 weeks. Some of that was water weight. I cut out all added salt. After that I averaged 3lbs a week.

Thanks for the tip about Peter Reinhart's book. I've been a fan since I saw his TED speech. I used to make bread, especially no-knead, but got out of the habit. Still make a lot of pizza dough.

Re: Going well so far

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:38 pm
by ~Beth~
Engine 2 just posted a recipe for a polenta pizza crust
Looks good
I am loving polenta that I order out at restaurants, just haven't made it myself yet

Re: Going well so far

PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 6:29 pm
by Riva
The Reinhardt book is a big read. And I loved that. all kinds of details and science etc. If you like that kind of thing....and I do.


Re: Going well so far

PostPosted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 6:47 am
by howardt
Hi Riva and Beth,

I saw that Reinhart's whole wheat pizza crust recipe has olive oil, and Mark Sutton's recipe has some optional oil plus bread flour. Are there substitutes I can use? Do you make either of these recipes as part of your wfpb diet?

What do you think of this recipe? It's all whole grain, no oil, no-knead recipe from the NYT. Do you think it would work as pizza dough? ... ining&_r=0


Re: Going well so far

PostPosted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:27 am
by ~Beth~
Well, Howard, I am embarrassed to admit I have never made a whole wheat pizza crust. I was just trying to give you some ideas.
So I am a bad example. :oops: I do know you can leave out the oil in those recipes and it should be fine.

I usually just get a Papa Murphys pizza and have them leave off the cheese and load up with more veggies. Since you are not getting cheese they will usually sub in extra veggies at no extra charge.
I get the spinach, zucchini, artichokes, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, green peppers, and black olives, and then when I get home I add some seasonings like onion powder, garlic powder, basil, oregano, red chili flakes, and bake, then add a little salt.
So it is not strict unprocessed but I only treat myself with it maybe once a month or so. You have to watch them making it. Several times they have forgotten and added the cheese or after they add the veggies they sprinkle it with a parmesan spice mixture.

Re: Going well so far

PostPosted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:56 am
by JulieS
~Beth~ wrote:You have to watch them making it. Several times they have forgotten and added the cheese or after they add the veggies they sprinkle it with a parmesan spice mixture.

I've been wanting to go to ours down the street from us because I know you can watch them while they make it, unlike other pizzerias that make them in the back kitchen! I agree that pizza dough DOESN"T have to have oil at all! Living in the San Francisco Bay Area where sourdough bread is everywhere, I know that there is no oil in this delicious bread either. I make "pizzas" out of sliced sourdough, too, which is much easier. Also Trader Joe's flat bread has zero oil and just 4 ingredients, including whole wheat flour, which is also great as a pizza. Have fun!

Re: Going well so far

PostPosted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 10:33 am
by Riva
oops, I have never made the pizza dough. the bread itself earlier in the book has the oil as optional.

and right now I am not eating bread at all....too tempting and takes me right down a bad path.


Re: Going well so far

PostPosted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 8:39 pm
by howardt
Wow, thanks everyone.

Unfortunately we don't have Papa Murphy's nearby. I live about 50 miles north of NYC. Trader Joe's is not too far away though.

I grew up in NY, and have always been a pizza fan. Took years to figure out how to make a decent pie at home. Not sure what I get out of it; it's more work than ordering a pie. I guess everyone is good at something. I can't fix my car, or repair a leaky faucet, but I make a good pizza. I'd like to keep doing it if I can stay with the wfpb plan.

Here's a couple of oil free recipes I found on the web: ... crust.html