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What's a girl to do?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 6:32 pm
by ajhondrngal
I've already lost a taste for meat and cheese. Now I'm losing all desire for ice cream.

Last night at the restaurant they brought out a bowl of ice cream and three spoons since it was my friends birthday. Wasn't even tempted. Same thing today... Two children (22 years and 18) brought home ice cream. No desire at all.

Heaven forbid! :-D

Re: What's a girl to do?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 6:47 pm
by JulieS
ajhondrngal wrote:I've already lost a taste for meat and cheese. Now I'm losing all desire for ice cream.

Last night at the restaurant they brought out a bowl of ice cream and three spoons since it was my friends birthday. Wasn't even tempted. Same thing today... Two children (22 years and 18) brought home ice cream. No desire at all.

Heaven forbid! :-D

Great news! I'm like that now, too, with everything animal based. I can still be tempted by a basket of tortilla chips & salsa at a restaurant though, which is why I get to go with no chips! :D

Re: What's a girl to do?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:26 am
by WendyLady
Wow! :eek: Very impressive. I'm not there yet - I have to think about all the problems it causes when I look at the package, and not how it tastes. :cool:

Re: What's a girl to do?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 1:34 pm
by ajhondrngal
Had a weak moment last night. Fourth night in a row where ice cream was available.

First, 18 year old brings his carton of ice cream to me and says, "Here, mom. It's yours. You can do what you want with it." Daughter was standing right there, salivating. I gave it to her.

Second, Husband and I stopped at MacD's to see our daughter's young friend who works there. Husband bought a shake. I almost asked for a bite, but decided I was on a roll and didn't want to jinx it. So almost, but I stayed true.

Re: What's a girl to do?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:43 pm
by eXtremE
Sounds like family is trying to derail you ajhondrngal, LOL! Glad you are able resist the temptation. I still have a really tough time resisting things like candy bars, cookies, and cakes.

First, 18 year old brings his carton of ice cream to me and says, "Here, mom. It's yours. You can do what you want with it." Daughter was standing right there, salivating. I gave it to her.
LMAO....I am sure daughter did not mind helping you out. :D

Re: What's a girl to do?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:06 pm
by Gweithgar
I still fondly remember the taste of cheese, ice cream, yogurt....but the aftermath when I eat them is enough to keep me on plan. After a few years without dairy, it is no longer my say the least!

Re: What's a girl to do?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:43 pm
by stephaniesherie
Do you think it is because you have lost the craving for it OR because you have educated yourself about how bad it is for our health?
Or, a combination of both?

Re: What's a girl to do?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:16 am
by Gweithgar
For me it is actually more about the digestive upset that occurs when I have dairy...which happens by accident every once in awhile. I'll eat something, thinking it should be OK or it is only a "little bit" and shouldn't matter, but my digestive system knows and it lets me know. I no longer eat dairy, I only "borrow" it. Ewwwww...

Re: What's a girl to do?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 6:49 am
by Gail
To overcome cravings for icecream, just think of all the pus and viruses in that white creamy potential health hazard; The thought of that turns my stomach.

Consider the numerous people rushed to hospital with life-threatening food poisoning and allergic reactions to dairy, not good.


Re: What's a girl to do?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 11:36 am
by Vada
I live near a Baskin Robins and every time we drive by my 16 year old daughter, who is vegan, will say something like, "I hope those people are enjoying their cone of cancer".

Re: What's a girl to do?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 8:34 am
by MamaSistina
I always thought that I was weak-willed when it comes to food, but now that I'm properly carbed up, it's surprisingly easy to resist junk food. What a miracle! All along, it was just my body begging for the proper source of calories.

Re: What's a girl to do?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 9:29 am
by JulieS
MamaSistina wrote:I always thought that I was weak-willed when it comes to food, but now that I'm properly carbed up, it's surprisingly easy to resist junk food. What a miracle! All along, it was just my body begging for the proper source of calories.

I love the way you stated that!!

Re: What's a girl to do?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:40 pm
by mkh9
Sounds like you are doing great. I lost the sugar urge too. Except, that I still have honey in my tea in the morning and in my oatmeal or brown sugar in the oatmeal. But I don't eat deserts. The problem comes when I go to my In laws house and they make a cake for someone's birthday. What do you do then? They know we're on this diet and make fun of us all the time. Yet they say (except the mother) they want to go on it because they are all borderline type II diabetics. Do you not eat the BD cake or just do it that one day? It was my mother in laws 92nd BD. What IS a girl to do? What would you do? Every time we go there which is about every two months my brother in law makes a dessert and slices it up and plops it down. No one wants to hurt his feelings. I really don't want the extra pounds seriously. My husband is on the whole plant based diet too but he won't do anything that rocks the boat and so he complies so I'll be the only one not doing it.

Re: What's a girl to do?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 8:27 pm
by howardt
Most days I feel that I've lost the taste for all the all bad foods. But today there's a 5lb bag of Halloween candy sitting in the dining room. I'm not going to have any, but I if I let myself I could finish it.

It's a little like being a recovering alcoholic.

Stay strong ajhondrngal. :)

Re: What's a girl to do?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 10:52 am
by ajhondrngal
stephaniesherie wrote:Do you think it is because you have lost the craving for it OR because you have educated yourself about how bad it is for our health?
Or, a combination of both?

According to every diet I've been on in the last 20+ years ice cream has been bad for my health, and I have actually been moving away from ice cream for that reason. I had gotten to the point where I only ate 1/2 cup at a time anyway, pre McDougall. Kind of like I did with milk. I started out drinking 1 gallon per week by myself (in college), but ended up only using it on cereal or in recipes years later. That's been ice cream in the last few years. So really milk and ice cream have not been a big struggle to let go. Cheese was harder, but it's gone, too. I had a craving for cheese this week. I haven't craved it for months. ha

Gweithgar wrote: For me it is actually more about the digestive upset that occurs when I have dairy...which happens by accident every once in awhile. I'll eat something, thinking it should be OK or it is only a "little bit" and shouldn't matter, but my digestive system knows and it lets me know. I no longer eat dairy, I only "borrow" it. Ewwwww...

I had that happen this week. I accidentally got some milk as an ingredient in something and bam...did a number on me.

MamaSistina wrote:

I always thought that I was weak-willed when it comes to food, but now that I'm properly carbed up, it's surprisingly easy to resist junk food. What a miracle! All along, it was just my body begging for the proper source of calories.

Amazing how that works. I noticed a dramatic drop in my cravings when I started eating this way.