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Goodbye, and thank you all so very much

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:45 pm
by Ruff
Dear all,

I have decided to leave all my forums.

The reason why is simple, I have lost weight and got my life back. Now I have a life I do not spend all day on the sofa reading forums and surfing the internet as I used to when I was fat. And this is all thanks to the Mcdougall diet.

I used to be a paleo dieter, who took things to extremes and went zero carb. After I had compromised my health an accidental purchase of The China Study changed my life (accidental because I forgot my book when flying from New Zealand to the UK, and grabbed The China Study at the airport because I am interested in diet! It's a long time to fly and it was the only book I had...or I wouldn't have read it otherwise!) that lead me to watch forks over knives and the purchase of other books...The starch Solution; Whole; Digestive Tune Up; Engine 2 Diet; Eat and Run by Scott Jureck etc etc.

I lost a lot of weight and gained a life. My spare time used to be on the sofa with an iPad, idly surfing the net. I am now a plant based ultrarunner. I know many people believe that excess running is bad for you, and there is no way around it, ultrarunning is excessive. But I have made my decision. I wish to LIVE all the days of my life, and I am more alive running than not running. And healthier of course! I reckon being depressed, fat and never walking an unnecessary step is worse than ultrarunning, even if there is some evidence marathon running can damage the heart.

Now I cycle to the shops to get my food...I can even balance a 10kg sack of potatoes on my bike rack!....I run my own small business, I am writing a book about weight loss, running and being an earthquake survivor, I am teaching myself Latin for fun and am considering doing the Starch Solution certification or the Cornell course so I can help others.

All this takes time, in particular the running training, and something has to give. So I am leaving all my forums.

I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone here. The fellow travellers who have cheered and supported me along my journey; the moderators who work so hard making this forum the safe and supportive community that it is; the experts who take the time to answer questions, and of course Dr McDougall himself who forged the way and then created this wonderful free space for people to meet.

So thank you, thank you, thank you all. And a little message to any newbies who may read this. Just do it. It's all there in the Starch Solution, don't overthink it, don't obsess over it, just do it. And if you do trip over.....accept that stuff happens, pick yourself up and move on again. It is worth it. Oh boy, it is so worth it.

Thank you all
Love Katie.

PS, edited to say….
As this has moved to the testomonials section i thought you might like some photos…

Before McDougall. I am not throttling Ruff, honest!


After McDougall, taken on Mt Richardson, South Island, NZ.


On The Summit of Mt Isobel


Re: Goodbye, and thank you all so very much

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:57 pm
by plants-and-carbs
Great Story.

I wish u well on your journey in life.


Re: Goodbye, and thank you all so very much

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:02 pm
by eXtremE
Continued good luck with the running. Sounds like you are really enjoying your life now. I am starting to suffer with forum burnout too.

Re: Goodbye, and thank you all so very much

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:08 pm
by Acura
Sorry to see you go but you have to do what's good for you.

Re: Goodbye, and thank you all so very much

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:12 pm
by landog

Awesome. Thank you very much for sharing.
You will go far!


Re: Goodbye, and thank you all so very much

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:24 pm
by VegMommy
Ruff wrote:I am more alive running than not running

I have just taken a white board marker and written this on my bathroom mirror!

Is it possible to make this a sticky? Because successful people disappear but need to be made known to newbies. I don't post much anymore, but am not yet a success story because I fail frequently. But I still love this WOE and lurk almost daily for inspiration. If this post is allowed to sink down to oblivion it will be a great loss to all.

Re: Goodbye, and thank you all so very much

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:57 pm
by lmggallagher
Katie (Ruff):

I love that you found "China Study "by happenstance and it lead you all the way here and then out on numerous trails running for the joy of it. We'll miss your voice here and the inspiration - but what ever could be considered more inspirational than " I have my life back" !

Actually, from what I have read of your posts - and I think that's every word - you now have a life you NEVER had before - one in which you keep up with your kids activities - like the running - and adding on new challenges - like learning latin. I love that you are trying that out. So lots for the body and the mind going on for you.

Best of all you want to be up early to fit it all in - so it just sounds like you are living a life of complete joy now.

You have been an inspiration to your readers here and I really hope you stick with doing a book on your journey to good health- it's a compelling story and you are such a good writer!

I couldn't be happier for you, all the best forever - Michelle

Re: Goodbye, and thank you all so very much

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 2:07 pm
by dteresa
Yea, Katie!!!!


Re: Goodbye, and thank you all so very much

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 2:15 pm
by VegMommy
OMG, Katie, I just realized who you were! Your success story is one of the best I've ever read! I hate to see you go, but I completely understand. You either need to have a page in the "Success Stories" or a sticky in this forum. It would be a crime if new people who came here did not read your amazing story.

Re: Goodbye, and thank you all so very much

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 2:23 pm
by f1jim
This is exactly why this website and these forums exist. To send another soul on to live their life in the most fulfilling possible way. And that can't possibly happen without your health. Not everyone that reaches their goals writes such an eloquent message. Many just move into their new found stage of life quietly. We are honored you chose to document your journey for us.
Yes, this thread will be burried under more threads and if we stickied all such messages they would fill the entire first page! I will move the thread to the success stories forum where it won't be lost so easily.
I too wish you ongoing good health in the years going forward. I am also greatful to those that stay and help new and struggling members as a way of paying forward what they have learned.
Pop in once in a while and keep us posted on your life.

Re: Goodbye, and thank you all so very much

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 2:45 pm
by colonyofcells
Daily athletic training and frequent competitions is a wonderful life. To stay online, can maybe try combining a bike and computer table at home.

Re: Goodbye, and thank you all so very much

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 2:55 pm
by VegMommy
f1jim wrote:I will move the thread to the success stories forum where it won't be lost so easily.

That's great!!

Re: Goodbye, and thank you all so very much

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 3:33 pm
by nicoles
Ah! So Bittersweet!!

Katie, Congratulations and Hooray! You have a Life with a capital "L"!

I'll miss you, of course, but I could not be happier for you!



Re: Goodbye, and thank you all so very much

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 7:56 pm
by Ruff
Thank you for all the kind comments. I added some photos as I thought people might like to see the change in me.

For those who were wondering, I still have (empty) loose flabby skin on my tummy, but i hope it will recede in time. If it doesn't, it is not too much of a problem considering where I was. Most of the rest of the skin has tightened up, except the bingo wings on my arms, but that might be age too! I put the answer here because other people may want to know.

Thanks again for the kind comments


Re: Goodbye, and thank you all so very much

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 8:20 pm
by Daydream
What a wonderful post! I'm so happy for you.