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No Guts, No Glory

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2016 4:51 pm
by Ashley.massey
It's been such a crazy three years. I came to Dr. McDougall after my Aunt introduced me to the concepts and sponsored a trip to attend the Advanced Study Weekend in March, 2014. I had been suffering from terrible digestion and a lot of pain after becoming a novice bodybuilder. After a year and two competitions, my health was getting worse. Ultimately, I tested positive for SIBO (Small Intenstinal Bacterial Overgrowth) with a hydrogen-dominant bacteria. I also tested positive for methane. A colonoscopy and endoscopy found that I had a hiatal hernia, GERD, internal inflammation/hemorrhoids, and chronic constipation. I would later be diagnosed with gastroparesis, leaky gut and inflammatory bowel disease, on top of adrenal fatigue and skin conditions of dermatorgraphism/contact dermatitis. Attending the Advanced Study Weekend was a game changer. Having to eat the food (high carb) from the animal protein and fat that I was told by multiple doctors to eat to starve the SIBO, found me leaving the weekend with half of my symptoms GONE. But it was really hard to change my old conditioning and the bodybuilding lifestyle that's centered around animal protein. I spent the next year learning as much as I could from the website, videos, webinars, and books. I've consumed fish in sushi a hand full of times, and even though it used to be my favorite food, I always feel sick for days after consuming it. My new goal is to go "all-in," and find the best combination of starches, fruits and veggies to fuel my workouts and keep me lean year round. An additional bonus with this journey has been the ability to taper off my antidepressant medications that I've been on for several decades. I have one more taper to go! Being able to get off all medication wasn't the original goal, but I can say I'm feeling 80% better and know that this is the right path for me. I'm so grateful for all of the free resources and the fact that its all about facts with McDougall! I put together a powerpoint presentation/PDF that I'd love to share that shows some of the images from competition as a carnivore to where I am today as a starchivore.
Presentation Link: ... layms=3000.

Re: No Guts, No Glory

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2016 5:46 am
by VeggieSue
Welcome, and congrats on all your achievements!

And you're here just in time - tomorrow Dr. McDougall's weekly free webinar is on the topic of SIBO! Just to to this link and register and you can either watch it live Thursday or catch the replay posted afterwards on YouTube

Re: No Guts, No Glory

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2016 7:03 am
by greentea
Congrats and glad you are feeling better. I'd love to hear about your workouts.

Re: No Guts, No Glory

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2016 1:39 pm
by roundcoconut
Ashley, thanks for sharing that! It seems that there is almost a cult-like worship of runners, pro athletes, bodybuilders, yogis and other people who present a healthy outward appearance to the world. And when people are looking for a way of eating that'll make them look good and like their appearance more, it seems as though many are still going the protein shake route! So I'm glad you're speaking up.

As to looking and feeling really pretty on a plant-based diet, I do hope that this comes over time, if it hasn't already! I can tell you that I DO feel lanky and pretty and feminine eating a very clean diet of whole natural foods, and starches. Feeling pretty is really wonderful, and I'm guessing that you will again, want to get your body fat levels to the very leanest possible zone that is healthy for you. I don't think you have to settle for body fat levels that are higher than you like.

For me personally, I DO feel pretty at low body fat levels and I think that is worth honoring. You only live once, you might as well like your body naked, and like your body in clothing, and feel that your outward appearance is the one you would've chosen for yourself.

I don't know if your aesthetic tastes will change or stay the same, but for what I've seen on the internet, a good amount of muscle size is perfectly compatible with a whole natural foods diet; a smaller, less muscled, more "natural" looking physique is just as healthy and attainable. So it is largely up to you!

Would be curious where you're at with all this, or whether you are just internally focused these days, if you are in the mood to share! Much kindness to you for your continued health and happiness!

Re: No Guts, No Glory

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2016 8:16 pm
by JaniceYvonne
Ashley I would love to re watch your montage but have it move slower, I couldn't read everything and take each page in it went by so fast. Great Post

Re: No Guts, No Glory

PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2016 8:34 am
by Sagefemme
Nice slide show Ashley--do you know how many people have seen it? Do you get much feedback? Congratulations on your new-found health. You will live a longer, healthier, happier life for it.

Re: No Guts, No Glory

PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2016 8:35 am
by Sagefemme
PS JaniceYvonne you can change the slides one by one at your own speed, see the bar at bottom left.