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New, results after one year McDougall

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 7:19 am
by Dampy
Hi, I’m new tot his discussion board. However, I’ve been reading a lot on the board in the past year, and now I think it is time to introduce myself. I live in The Netherlands, Dutch is my language, so please don’t pay to much attention to grammar mistakes…

I am 47 years old. I have always been interested in proper eating, but never knew what exactly to do. Last year I watched Forks over Knives, and the documentary immediately rang true to me. In fact in inspired me to change my way of eating the very next day. I began looking up more info on the internet, and stumbled on the doctors Mcdougall, Barnard, Fuhrman, Greger and others. I spent a lot of time reading, researching, watching youtube. I bought books, among others The Starch Solution and The China Study.

It is now almost one year later. The results are shocking. My weight has decreased and I am now literally 80% of the woman I was a year ago. And I wasn’t even overweight to start with, at least not by the regular standards. I weighed 122 pounds, BMI 21. To be honest, I was skinny fat (but still a lot leaner than most woman). Now I weigh 97 pounds, BMI 16,5. I feel great. My weight seems to stabilise now, time will tell if that is true.

I can hardly believe these results. I eat whenever I want to, no restrictions, no portion control, no calorie counting. I have no idea of the amount of calories I consume. Dinner is my favorite meal and that’s always a big plate full and mostly seconds and sometimes thirds. I like fatty plant foods. I eat: peanut butter (organic, no oil added, no additives), nuts, seeds, olives, avocado, coconut milk (I make mashed patatoes and creamy sauces with that), raw unprocessed cacao. I don’t eat all of these everyday, but everyday at least half of them (okay, some days all of them ;-) ). I have not decreased alcohol consumption. I like a glass of wine with my dinner and a beer in the weekends. I drink about three to four days a week. I have cut down considerably on the coffee. Now I only drink the occasional coffee, water, alcholic beverages.

I go to the supermarket every other day and buy fresh produce. Sometimes something packaged, but without oils and additives.

Weight is one thing. It is an added bonus. I am now free from a number of conditions, some of which I didn’t even know I had.
1) Arthitis. For the last twelve years the joints in my fingers hurt. I thought this was because of the RSI (repetitive strain injury) I had back then. Not true I know now. Joint pains are gone.
2) Joint pains in my hips. Started when I was about forty. Hurt when walking more than half a mile. In retrospect I see that it was the same feeling as in my fingers. Hips do not hurt anymore. I can now walk and run as long as I like.
3) Hot flashes, my periods stopped four years ago, so I am officially post menopausal. Hot flashes gone accept an occasional one when I drink to much alcohol, or when I eat cheese at a party.
4) Constipation: never realised I was constipated untill this WOE. Also the occasional hemmroids have disappeared.
5) I now have much more enery. I never fall asleep anymore watching a movie after dinner. I need less sleep at night and during the day I do not have dips anymore.

Then my husband:
1) Lost 27 pounds.
2) Is off all medication within 6 weeks of starting WOE (blood pressure and cholesterol lowering pills). The cardiologist had told my husband his BP could never be treated with dietary measures and he would need stay on the medication the rest of his life. Now his BP is lower without medication than it ever was with medication. Needless to say he does not have to go back to that doctor. The "treatment" has ended.

We are not completely complacent to the diet. When we eat out, or at a party or at friends, we eat what is served, and of course those are mostly non McDougall foods. As over 90% of our food we eat at home, I do not think it is a very big problem. Vacations are a bigger challenge. When eating non McDougall stuff for days of weeks on a row, I notice one joint (my little finger) starts hurting again. It then takes about a month of “good” eating for that to heal. So I guess my little finger is my “canary in the coal mine”.

This is a long post. I would like to add one more thing. Despite the fact that we are visibly doing well and we look great, some friends and family members seem to be very concerned about our health. It cannot be healthy, eating without the meat you really need, and the dairy which is essential for your bones. My sister thinks I have become a full blown anorexic and orthorexic at the same time. I have been called “sickly thin”. I am not sickly thin, I have the figure I had when I was sixteen years old, and I think it is great! :-D

Thank you for reading this post. I am very, very gratefull to Dr. McDougall. I hope he will read this and add our thanks to his undoubtedly long list of gratitudes.

Re: New, results after one year McDougall

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 8:10 am
by pickles

could you post a typical day's menu?

Re: New, results after one year McDougall

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 8:22 am
by Dampy

A typical day menu:

2 slices of bread with peanut butter and seeds (chia, hemp, flax seed, cocoa --> sometimes one or two, sometimes all)
or: oatmeal (made with water no milk), in it: banana, berries, the above mentioned seeds and cocoa, sometimes honey)

bread: same as breakfast


extra snack:
raw unprocessed nuts (wall nut, hazel nut, etc.)(during day at office if and when hungry)

Steamed patatos, steamed vegetables, tomato, olives, mango, peach, avocado (or other fruits),
with mushrooms, onions, paprika, garlic (stick free pan, soy sauce no added oil, some herbs)
or creamy sauce made with mushrooms, coconutmilk, black pepper, other spices for taste and colouring

Normally I do not eat after dinner. Dinner is a big meal and after that I am not hungry...

Re: New, results after one year McDougall

PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 5:09 pm
by belcimo
Thank you for posting; this was a great read.

Re: New, results after one year McDougall

PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 5:09 am
by Dampy
Thanks for your comment.

I am still pretty amazed by the results myself. It would have made nice before and after pictures. Unfortunately, I don't have those. Had I known the results would be this big and come this fast, I would have made pictures of myself. In the first week of this WOE I lost 7 pounds. I could literally feel my belly getting tighter. Of course I thought I was nuts, but the scales and mirror definately showed that it was true.

After that first week weight loss slowed down, but kept going. In May this year (7 months WOE) I reached my current weight. Now it seems pretty stable. I am very pleased.

Re: New, results after one year McDougall

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:52 am
by astirle
That is such a wonderful story, thanks for sharing!
Congratulations :)

Re: New, results after one year McDougall

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 5:54 pm
by bluegenes
Great story!!! Thanks so much!!! :)

Re: New, results after one year McDougall

PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 6:10 pm
by petmomful
Wonderful story! I am on the same path and I feel so good! It is great to hear how others are doing! :D

Re: New, results after one year McDougall

PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 2:46 pm
by katie3
Hi Dampy,

Thank you for sharing your experience! Would you share amounts of fatty plant foods you tend to eat daily? I'm finding adding them in is helping me, as well, but wanted to know more about amounts that have worked for you.

I'm close to your beginning BMI (5'4", 123 pounds, BMI 21) and would like to be closer to a BMI of 19.

Thank you for any details you can share!

Re: New, results after one year McDougall

PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 10:46 am
by rjsupersonic
Excellent story thanks for sharing, I am 6 months on the plan and have seen many of the improvements you speak of. It is funny how people equate "skinny" with being unhealthy and "overweight" with normal.

Re: New, results after one year McDougall

PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 7:28 pm
by OOnaOwl
Congratulations! :)
Your story of success is very inspiring to me.
I am close to your age & starting BMI, and your current BMI is what mine used to be before when I ate this way.
Menopause & other things strayed me far off course, back now & excited to move towards renewed health, beauty & vitality once more.
Wishing you continued great health!

Re: New, results after one year McDougall

PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 4:11 am
by Cathmc
Congratulations and many thanks for sharing.

Very inspiring.

Re: New, results after one year McDougall

PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 4:41 am
by Starchyme
Congratulations to you and your husband. Thanks for taking the time to tell your story. Wishing you both continued success.

Re: New, results after one year McDougall

PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 4:41 am
by Starchyme
Congratulations to you and your husband. Thanks for taking the time to tell your story. Wishing you both continued success.

Re: New, results after one year McDougall

PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 4:41 am
by Starchyme
Congratulations to you and your husband. Thanks for taking the time to tell your story. Wishing you both continued success.