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hair and finger nails

PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 10:54 am
by foodaddict
My hair and fingernails are in better condition since I started to eat this diet. :nod:
For the last 10-15 years I had to have my hair really short as it was so thin and didn't grow well but now it has grown to shoulder length after 8 month and I am very pleased with it.

My fingernails can grow long now . before they would break all the time but now I can have then any length I want to . :)

Re: hair and finger nails

PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 6:30 pm
by Timaca
Cool! Thanks for sharing! That's wonderful! :)

Re: hair and finger nails

PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 2:17 am
by foodaddict
actually this morning I noticed a bald spot on my head and I take it back that my hair is great after eating this way. :(

Dont know what is causing it.........

its not first time this happened to me its the 5 time I think that I get this. But on different types diet. I know that I did get this on any diet not just a vegan diet. so cant be diet related or can it........... :?

I heard one person say that it might be a healing reaction that was an alternative health practitioner whom I assume just had bought a nice diploma he didnt have any medical education at all he said he said its not needed and we stopped having contact as I felt like he was just after peoples money...........
yup I was eating meat on the diet when I consulted that person. :nod:

so WFPB diet or not it seems like it can come on any type of diet so Im not blaming the diet I just am sad now that it came all of a sudden. I been eating this way since about 9 month now..........

Re: hair and finger nails

PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 12:27 pm
by foodaddict
Thinking that it might be gluten or perhaps just wheat making my hair fall off..........

Going to test a gluten free diet now...................


Re: hair and finger nails

PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2017 2:42 pm
by judynew
Hi, Foodaddict

I just came across your post and I am having the same experience. At times my hair gets quite thin and then it thickens up again. Not sure why it happens. Right now I'm in a thin patch. I read somewhere that hemp hearts were good for hair and I eat them every day with my oatmeal so it's not that. I wonder if it is because of eating out too often. Since spring has sprung, it seems that everyone wants to get out and about and some weeks I have been eating out way too much. Even though I try to order carefully, it's still not as good as eating at home. I'd be interested to know if your gluten idea has any effect. Another theory of mine is that it is stress related. Hair loss apparently happens about three months after stressful experiences. Need to start keeping a journal :roll:

Re: hair and finger nails

PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2017 4:21 am
by foodaddict
Right now I am trying out a medication for Alopecia as I have that diagnose for the hair loss also I eat food with gluten in it but not wheat. And I am trying out a diet low in Glutamate.

I feel much better with this diet I am eating right now,

And I must say this that the rest of the hair that hasnt fallen off looks great. And for those who has not read my journal I have to say this that 12 years ago 2/3 of my hair fell off :( So this isnt something that is new to me....

So what I think it might be because I am allergic towards wheat or something like that I dont know

any autoimmune disease can come from food intollerance or food allergies etc.

Well and they make glutamate that product they call MSG from wheat and from soy so there is lots of glutamate in it.

it sounds similar to gluten but is something else and right now I cant remember the difference. But there is also glutamate in some type of fruits...........and nuts and beans and peas...........

well anyway :)

Re: hair and finger nails

PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2017 4:53 am
by foodaddict
judynew wrote:Hi, Foodaddict

I just came across your post and I am having the same experience. At times my hair gets quite thin and then it thickens up again. Not sure why it happens. Right now I'm in a thin patch. I read somewhere that hemp hearts were good for hair and I eat them every day with my oatmeal so it's not that. I wonder if it is because of eating out too often. Since spring has sprung, it seems that everyone wants to get out and about and some weeks I have been eating out way too much. Even though I try to order carefully, it's still not as good as eating at home. I'd be interested to know if your gluten idea has any effect. Another theory of mine is that it is stress related. Hair loss apparently happens about three months after stressful experiences. Need to start keeping a journal :roll:

Does your hair get thicker in the winter and then every spring it gets thinner?

As it seems like this can be a normal thing. And the hair grows faster in the summer than it does in the winter.

I have seen on my own hair that it sometimes are full of tiny short hair and then it takes a couple of months before they come back again So I think that the hair probably have growth periods and resting periods and when winter comes the hair is thicker to protect is from the cold and then in spring we shed a lot of hair and then it grows back some how. just thinking if it is an even hair loss that doesn't come in spots it might just be normal.

it can be because of stress perhaps I dont know. and people who stress often eat differently or eat out from the lack of time of properly cooked meals.

Re: hair and finger nails

PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2017 7:35 am
by judynew
Foodaddict, the seasonal cycle may be what is happening. Certainly my hair is thinner now that the weather is warming up a bit. I have never made that connection before, but you could be right.

Re: hair and finger nails

PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 9:01 am
by foodaddict
What i belive right now is that my hair was damaged by the curlers and also by me doing highlights in my hair

sleeping with night curlers :lol:

Plus the hair dye I used. I dont dye the entire hair because I dont want the hair dye to touch my scalp. Just making highlights using a plastic cap

but anyway. this is the explanation I got for it.

my finger nails and skin look fantastic and my face look younger.

So probable cause was not the diet or lack of any nutrition. just silliness from my side wanting to have more curls in my already curly hair like it is not enough of them already :lol: :D

Re: hair and finger nails

PostPosted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 6:19 pm
by petmomful
I have just started using diatomaceous earth for hair and nails. Have you ever tried that?

Re: hair and finger nails

PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 11:34 am
by foodaddict
petmomful wrote:I have just started using diatomaceous earth for hair and nails. Have you ever tried that?

No I have never tried that.