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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:49 am
by heffies
Thanks for the encouragement, Carol. I woke up feeling better this morning--I craved a lot of things this weekend. I had a snow day from my job and we're having experiencing all sorts of blizzards and bad roads here in Michigan, so I was holed up in the house. Luckily, I don't keep tempting foods around except for a few things left over from my SAD days, which were only two weeks ago! I had the peanut butter in my hand Saturday night! My husband talked me down.

Today, I feel lighter and more energetic. I'm going to the gym at noon and should feel ever better after that...just in time to clean the house! Ugh!

PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:47 am
by noodle
Hey, don't knock housecleaning - it's great exercise! :D

Have a great day Heffies!


PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:40 am
by Carol

Good for you. Just take one day at a time. You will get where you want to go and be what you want to be.

And if you happen to have a bad day or enjoy something off plan, then simply get right back on. Oh yeah.....and leave the guilt behind. Indulge in the positive!

Whenever I start to feel deprived or miss the SAD, I remember a quote from McD about his reply to this guy that said he could never give up his meat, fish and dairy because he would so bored. McD simply replied (and I don't have this verbatim) " animal-based diet sure is exciting. You never know when pain or a failed body part will show up". That cracks me up. I laugh every time I think about that remark. HA!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:06 am
by heffies
That's a great quote, Carol! I'll try to remember that one! :?

I'm now starting my third week and I'm feeling it. I miss everything so much! But I've lost NINE pounds!!!!!!! WOOT!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:08 pm
by Carol

We are on the same schedule I think. I lost 9 pounds at the end of my 3rd week. A day into my 4th week I lost another so I am down 10 now.

Have you been searching recipes and trying new things? Have you found that one starch you love so much you can eat it over and over and not tire of it? That's key, I think. Trying knew recipes is fine, but being able to enjoy your old stand by is important. Greant northern beans are my favorite bean for refried or just plain. And potatoes....I'm sure eating a ton of them too! After a McD meal I feel so much better than after my old SAD one. MUCH.

I get bored easily, so I have trouble following Mary's Mini. I can do it for 2 meals of the day, but not the 3rd. For B I had smashed red potatoes, for L I had a baked potato with McD mushroom gravy and some green,yellow,orange veggies. I got hungry mid afternoon and had some corn. For D tonight I'm having some whole wheat penne with diced tomatoes, garlic, fresh basil and white beans (and some spices I'm sure), and maybe a small salad. I made Mary's cilantro dressing, but I'm still trying to acclimate to that chalky taste. It's OK in small doses. So I guess I miss my old EVOO and balsamic vinegar. :-(

Keep me posted on your progress. I have a ton to loose!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:43 pm
by noodle

I hope you don't mind my jumping in here, but I have a salad dressing recipe that you might like to try that uses either red-wine or balsamic vinegar. Hope101 gave it to me, and it is sooooo good :D

1 cup water
3 tsp. corn starch
1 Tbs. powdered vegetable broth.

Wisk the corn starch and powdered broth into the water. Heat until bubbly and it thickens. Add this to:

1/4 cup red wine vinegar
1 Tbs. balsamic vinegar
1 Tbs. dijon mustard (Optional)
1 Tbs. brown sugar (Optional)
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 tsp. salt

I have been making it with all balsamic vinegar - 5 Tbs. instead of the redwine vinegar, and I'm using raw sugar instead of brown sugar.
It turns out to be a real nice consistency, not watery, but not too thick either and I think the flavor is wonderful. I hope you'll give it a try. :)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:19 pm
by heffies
Hi Carol,

Yes, I think we are on the same schedule! I was surprised that I actually lost that much weight. I was very skeptical! I've been sticking to it, though, and I'm proud of myself. Unfortunately, I'm at my highest weight ever, so the nine pounds wasn't noticeable! Soon, though, it will be!

I am searching and trying new things. I've discovered vegetarian sushi and I'm in LOVE! Also, Miso soup is wonderful! I bought some millet tonight to try out. I discovered that I can't stand oatmeal without cream and sugar or butter. I love sweet potatoes! I also love white baked potatoes--that's my most frequent meal. My absolute favorite thing to eat is vegetarian refried beans mixed with brown rice. However, I can't eat it until I'm stronger because both times I made it I ate the whole batch within a couple of hours. Eating a lot isn't bad, but I didn't eat my veggies first. The beans and rice were so good, I liken that to ice cream, which was my absolute favorite SAD food. Anyway, other starches don't inspire me to gorge myself, so I'll reserve the beans and rice for special occasions or for when I go to a Mexican restaurant.

To noodle: that salad dressing recipe looks fantastic! I've been struggling with dressing, too.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:09 am
by Carol
Noodle: Wow, that does look like a tasty dressing. I'm going to make it when I get home from work. Like you, I bet I'll prefer the balsamic....the good and very aged one. I'd been using it by itself, but......not quite doing it for me. Hope101 has great suggestions I've seen. She was also the very first person to respond to my very first post. :-D

Heffies: Refried beans and tortillas are my "overeating opportunity". I make the beans from my crockpot (Great Northern Beans, my favorite). I usually add chopped tomatoes, Frank's Hot Sauce, and whatever else I have and always try to add shredded romaine or green leaf or something green. It's my standby when I'm hungry in between meals. Or, I'll make a couple my meal. That meal I threw together last night was fabulous. My DH said it was his favorite of everything I've made so far, and all I did was through stuff together (no recipe).

PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 4:30 pm
by Carol

That salad dressing recipe if FABULOUS! Can't thank you enough. Thank you! I also used all balsamic. It tastes so much like my homemade balsamic dressing with EVOO. I don't miss not having oil in it.

I'm enjoying another salad tonight. Even my hubby said it tasted just like my oil and vinegar dressing. :D