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Re: Help! I’m NOT enjoying my new food

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:14 pm
by Mrs. Doodlepunk
Not sure Jane, but depending on where you are you might be able to take a class from someone like Chef AJ. I think you might also look into the CHIP program, I have not looked at it myself by they talk about it in FOK, I think, and they might have cooking classes.

But if you are getting Jeff's DVD that will do for starters.

For now, though, keep it simple. Your tastes WILL change. :unibrow:

Re: Help! I’m NOT enjoying my new food

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:42 pm
by serenity
UtahJane wrote:If I get to the point where I'd like to take some professional classes or go to a retreat where they teach you how to cook like this, is there anything that is more hands-on?

Although not hands-on, Dr. McDougall occasionally has a weekend event with various chefs demonstrating a variety of recipes. ... ekend.html

And don't overlook the Food & Recipe forum. Ask a question, and likely some or many members will have experience with whatever technique, gadget, or recipe you have questions about.

Re: Help! I’m NOT enjoying my new food

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:29 am
by Kime
UtahJane wrote:I was not enjoying my steamed veggies very well today at lunch, but when I added some low-sodium tamari, it started to taste yummy. I hope that is a step in the right direction. I would love to enjoy them without adding anything to them, but that hasn't happened yet.

Since you don't have health problems that require low salt you might want to get some Better than Bouillon vegetable base to add to soups and it tastes good on potatoes, too. Don't add too much because you don't want to start using tons of salt to make up for the fat.

There isn't anything wrong with adding something to your vegetables to make them taste better. Do you like onions and mushrooms? If you do sauté them in a little water and then add your vegetables, that helps a lot for me. Garlic is good with this, too. Add some rosemary or thyme or you can go with Mexican spices or curry spices, whatever you like.

Don't continue to eat things you really don't like. Eventually you will find a core group of things you like to eat over and over and then it will be a lot easier. I spent 2 months focusing intently on my recipes before I was really getting going with my core group when I started so don't be discouraged that you haven't found your core group yet. If you keep at it you will find what you are looking for.

Re: Help! I’m NOT enjoying my new food

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:35 am
by Faith in DC
glad to hear that the tamari helped. Now, one of the most fun things I do, is drop in small stores, like wine shops, ethnic markets, anything that looks unusual and read sauce bottles. I love trying out different sauces on my veggies and starch. OH and if you have a Trader Joes (or Harris Teeter) go there first. TJ has a good variety.

Re: Help! I’m NOT enjoying my new food

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:11 pm
by healthtrekker
I thought McDougalling was going to be hard to adapt to -- it wasn't. After about 10 days, I had trouble eating the old way. I grew up in San Antonio eating lots of Mexican food. I love it. I still eat it -- just differently. I make my beans, make corn tortillas, spice up brown rice to resemble the Mexican rice I have always loved and AYE, AYE, AYE, it is good.

I know you have limited cooking skills. At first, I only baked potatoes and nuked frozen veggies. In time, I started to experiment. (I've only been "on plan" since July.) Keep it simple. You don't have to be a great cook to make this work for you.

This plan is very do-able. You will experience success. If you have any questions, post them. Everyone here is really great. Keep us posted on how you're doing.

Re: Help! I’m NOT enjoying my new food

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:23 pm
by Mrs. Doodlepunk
OK, healthtrekker, I have to have recipes for how you make your beans and rice! Please?

Re: Help! I’m NOT enjoying my new food

PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:08 pm
by UtahJane
I thought I'd give an update. Things are A LITTLE better at this point. I’m not sure exactly why, but it might be a combination of little better cooking and changing taste buds or it could be that my standards are just getting lower and lower! ☺ Here are some things I’ve done:

1. I got the Jeff Novick DVD, which I enjoyed. Unfortunately, since I’m not a cook, his non-detailed explanation of what kind and what amount of spices to use for each dish was not very helpful. I still feel at a bit of a loss. Hopefully, I’ll learn, but this is taking me a very long time!

2. I stopped eating salads because I haven’t found a dressing I like.

3. I’m using more salt then before because it was too painful to be virtually salt free (and I have good blood pressure). I try just to salt foods on the table.

4. I’m using more low-sodium tamari, though going easy on it (it is just OK, not a life saver)

5. I like the walnut sauce in the C. Esselstyn book. That helps the veggies, but it is not a final answer as I’m sure I’ll get tired of it.

6. I do find with this food that it tastes better if I eat slowly and chew more. I’m not sure why that is. I used to always wolf down my food, and it tasted great. Now, I find if I slow down, it goes better.

In short, things are better, not quite so painful. I can’t say I have found anything I truly love, but some days things are almost yummy if not somewhat yummy. I keep wanting to find something like butter that makes all veggies taste so much better. OR, hoping my taste buds change so much that I actually enjoy plain veggies! It has been 7 weeks now, and I can’t say I’ve made the change yet, but I keep working at it.

Thanks again for all the encouragement. I’m trying to be honest in my report as it may help someone else who is also struggling and wondering if they are the only one!


Re: Help! I’m NOT enjoying my new food

PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:27 am
by Pacificfords
I had an amazingly difficult time with the transition to more bland foods. The two things I found it almost impossible to give up were cheese and butter. I failed several times before I was able to succeed and make it a lifestyle. It was extraordinary to me how bland everything tasted and I could not find a single thing that I enjoyed as much as eating the way I used to eat. But... honestly - sticking with it does make a huge difference in your taste buds. I am shocked by my diet now when I think about what I used to eat then and what I enjoy now. I love my salads - in fact - I crave them. Flavor is definitely a key element. Learning how to use spice can change your experience! :) Honestly you just have to experiment with spices you like and new spices you may not have tried to see what flavors taste good to you. I follow the McDougall regular plan because the MWL plan was just too extreme for me. In fact, I tried all the plans, a few of them more than once, before I finally found what worked. Different things work for different people. You have to find what works for you. The regular plan allows me a few more freedoms and makes the program work for my entire family and the weight loss has been exceptional. They love it now too. My eight year old HATED salad... now he eats a huge salad every night before his dinner meal and loves it. Give yourself time and the most important thing... focus on your goals. I needed my life to be about something else besides food. Food was in control of me. Now I am in control of it. :) You can do it. There is lots of good advice to be had here, just glean what works for you individually. It is okay if something doesn't work - try something else. I felt so bad when I couldn't stick to MWL, because so many people were SO successful. But now I feel so good... and the cravings change. I promise - if you just stick with it. :)

Re: Help! I’m NOT enjoying my new food

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 8:54 pm
by lmggallagher
Hey Jane:

I started my vegan voyage just a few months back on Esselstyn's book myself and actually within a few weeks started noticing tastes popping all over the place. It did take a while though and I kept thinking olive oil would be a big improvement for each recipe. I am still of a mind if I am invited to someone's home I eat what they serve. That's actually not at all easy every thing seems so smothered in oils and cheeses that I can't taste the actual ingredients of the salad or main course. I actually resent oil dressings these days. I didn't ditch Esselstyn because I didn't like the food, I came over here for the support of other people. The easiest and one of the tastiest recipes from his book got me hooked on all varieties of salsas, which I now even use as salad dressing (mmm peach mango salsa dressing ), it's just brown rice, a can of black beans and a can of salsa. Tasty and fast! Still I love that DVD Fast food clue above and I'm going for that - I am vegan for life :)

Re: Help! I’m NOT enjoying my new food

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:00 pm
by UtahJane
Thanks again EVERYONE for all the support and the suggestions. They are so very helpful in giving me hope that there is HOPE!

I'm happy to say that this week I think I actually enjoyed almost everything I ate. Especially these past few days, I've really enjoyed my meals: just rice, veggies, beans, yams, kale, etc. with a little salt and a little walnut sauce. I don't want to say that I'm home-free, but I do want to say that I'm definitely starting to enjoy much more of my food than I thought possible. I certainly thoroughly enjoy having a piece of fruit after most meals. The fruit tastes so sweet and flavorful, and I enjoy every fiber-filled bite.

Today is my 8-week anniversary on this diet, if that is helpful to other newbies!

Re: Help! I’m NOT enjoying my new food

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 4:35 pm
by marmoset
Hi Jane,

I thought I'd pop in and say hello, and make a few suggestions. :) I find that soups and stews are my favorite ways to eat a lot of veggies. I love soups and stews, and they are super easy to make. Here's one of my favorite (and super easy) recipes -- let me know if you try it and like it.

--Dice 4 large potatoes, 4 large carrots, 1/2 head celery, 2 large onions, and 2 cloves garlic.
--Simmer (covered) in water or vegetable broth (enough to just cover the veggies) for about 20 minutes.
--Add 1 large can crushed or diced tomatoes.
--Add 1 can drained and rinsed chickpeas.
--Dice 2 large zucchini and add to the pot.
--Add additional vegetable broth (probably about 2 more cups) until you have the consistency you like (e.g. more broth-y, or more like a stew).
--Add about 1 Tablespoon Italian seasoning mix, and salt and pepper to taste.
--Simmer for about another 20 minutes or so.
--Add a few handfuls of baby spinach, let wilt.
--Serve and enjoy!

Re: Help! I’m NOT enjoying my new food

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 1:16 pm
by Faith in DC
Hey UtahJane. Glad things are looking up. I do hope you aren't always looking at your plate as a sectioned off circle to put a protein, then one section for startch and one section for veggies. If so, ew. I rarely have plain veggies.

I usually pile down the starch, add the veggies, and then a sauce depending upon what flavor I am after. I also did the soups, stews, and chili meals.

Re: Help! I’m NOT enjoying my new food

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 5:16 pm
by UtahJane
Today is my 10-week anniversary so I thought I’d provide a brief update. In short, things are going very well, much better than I anticipated!

I have settled into a routine. For breakfast I have a large, hot, whole-grain bowl of cereal (I vary the grain frequently) and add fruit to it. I also add low-fat soy milk, flaxseed, and a little stevia.

For lunch and dinner, I usually have rice, beans, and steamed veggies, though I sometimes add some type of potato. The key has been the addition of the “Miraculous Walnut Sauce” featured in Caldwell Esselstyn's book (also posted on the Internet). I really like this sauce on my steamed veggies, and I find I’m really enjoying my meals now. I also occasionally have a veggie sandwich (whole grain bread, lots of mustard, onions, tomatoes, sprouts or whatever veggies sound good). Yum!

To be frank, I can’t be sure how much my taste buds have changed vs. my standards for what is “yummy” been lowered! But I’m not sure it matters as I am enjoying my food. I also try occasional recipes, but because I’m just feeding myself, there is limit on how many I can try in a given time period (or I have way too much food). But I’m slowly trying some of the suggestions people have left (thanks!) and things I find in other places. Unfortunately, most recipes do not turn out as well as my simple rice, beans, and veggie/walnut sauce combo.

I still have not found a salad dressing I love, but I keep experimenting. I would also like to find additional sauces to try on my veggies.

I hope my experience will provide some hope to others who are just starting this journey. Don’t expect to love everything you eat at first. In fact, you may enjoy almost nothing at first. But give it an honest try and slowly you’ll find your way.

Re: Help! I’m NOT enjoying my new food

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 5:33 pm
by pinkrose
UtahJane wrote:Today is my 10-week anniversary so I thought I’d provide a brief update. In short, things are going very well, much better than I anticipated!

I have settled into a routine. For breakfast I have a large, hot, whole-grain bowl of cereal (I vary the grain frequently) and add fruit to it. I also add low-fat soy milk, flaxseed, and a little stevia.

For lunch and dinner, I usually have rice, beans, and steamed veggies, though I sometimes add some type of potato. The key has been the addition of the “Miraculous Walnut Sauce” featured in Caldwell Esselstyn's book (also posted on the Internet). I really like this sauce on my steamed veggies, and I find I’m really enjoying my meals now. I also occasionally have a veggie sandwich (whole grain bread, lots of mustard, onions, tomatoes, sprouts or whatever veggies sound good). Yum!

To be frank, I can’t be sure how much my taste buds have changed vs. my standards for what is “yummy” been lowered! But I’m not sure it matters as I am enjoying my food. I also try occasional recipes, but because I’m just feeding myself, there is limit on how many I can try in a given time period (or I have way too much food). But I’m slowly trying some of the suggestions people have left (thanks!) and things I find in other places. Unfortunately, most recipes do not turn out as well as my simple rice, beans, and veggie/walnut sauce combo.

I still have not found a salad dressing I love, but I keep experimenting. I would also like to find additional sauces to try on my veggies.

I hope my experience will provide some hope to others who are just starting this journey. Don’t expect to love everything you eat at first. In fact, you may enjoy almost nothing at first. But give it an honest try and slowly you’ll find your way.

Wonderful, UJ!!!

Yes, our adaptive capacities are remarkable and your testimonial is impressive! :nod:

Please keep us posted on your progress! :-D

Re: Help! I’m NOT enjoying my new food

PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 1:15 pm
by UtahJane
This is a quick update on my 12-week anniversary on this diet. I’m very happy to report that I’ve begun to enjoy raw veggie salads during the past couple of weeks!! I stopped eating salads because I couldn’t find a non-oil dressing I liked. On Oct. 23 (two months into the diet) I made a salad hoping my taste buds had changed enough. I tried 6 different no-oil dressings (I had been collecting!), but I didn’t like any of them! Eating the salad was a painful experience. Later as I stuck with very small salads and very low expectations, that helped. But this past week, I started making good-sized salads again. I used two different salad dressings (one new and one I had tried before), and I found I was really enjoying the salads. It helped that I added some fruit to the salad and ate it along side my usual cooked food.

I’ve noted before that I have really enjoyed the “Miraculous Walnut Sauce” on my cooked veggies. I was worried I’d become too dependent on it, but one day I forgot to take it to work, and I still very much enjoyed my food (I used some spicy tomatoes from a can instead as I like my food moist and juicy).

I am down almost 14 pounds. I’m going to test my cholesterol at the 3-month mark. It had barely budged at the one-month mark, so I’m looking forward to what I learn.

I’m very surprised and very happy that I am very much enjoying my food. I have a list of snacks I can use when I want a little something extra. Objectively, they don’t taste as great as the old snacks, but I like them, and I don’t feel guilty eating them!

Best wishes to all in their progress. The help and support on this forum is great, but ultimately each person has to find their own way to learn to enjoy the new foods. It may take awhile, but it is doable, even if you are like me and can’t cook!