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Re: Frustrated !

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:52 am
by Earthangel
beansprout100 wrote:Hi there everyone,
I,after a couple of weeks on the diet,following it strictly,and certainly not eating unlimited amounts,stood on the scales this morning to find that I had put on 2lbs.I was running about all over the place yesterday
and burning off what little I thought I had eaten and ...that's right...I put on 2lbs. Now at a quick calculation that's about 4000-5000 calories.All I could think was...what?It all seemed to good to be true and it's beginning to look as if,with all things that fall into that category,it is.Please somebody tell me that this just some kind of 'start up' problem.Also my sleep has gone to hell.Tossing and turning all night.Any ideas?

Pinkrose has great advice. I gained the first week I started too. But I finally lost weight my second week. Before starting this plan, I always had issues with sleeping. But I'm doing lots better now. I'd say take Pinkrose's advice - look at what he eats and try that. I do think it is a "start-up" situation. I think it was for me. Also - look at all the other great posts here.

Hang in there! Good luck to us both! I know we can do it!!!!
