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Upcoming N. Calif. McDougall event...April 11th. 10:00am

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 8:25 am
by f1jim
There will be an informal potluck McDougall brunch and showing of one of Dr. McDougalls DVD's on Saturday April 11th. The meeting will take place in Pacifica, just a few minutes south of San Francisco. A group of us did this a few months back and it was a hit. It's a chance to meet fellow McDougallers, sample and swap recipes, introduce new people to the program, and enjoy one of the DVD's. We are starting the get together at 10:00am and look forward to seeing you there. Bring an apple or a full blown entree, don't sweat it, just be there. Please email or PM me for directions or other information. Come meet Carroveggie, Vanilla Orchid, Funcrunch, F1jim, and others. We would love to hear what's working for others.
See you there.