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New with questions!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:37 am
by tessy1950
I have two questions. I bought the Light Soy Milk and noticed that it has 6gr of sugar. Is that o.k.? And second I am looking for recipes for dried pinto beans please. Thanks

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:45 am
by Faith in DC
does the soymilk have added oil? If so, then it's not legal. The sugar doesn't matter. It's not something you are suppose to 'drink', just use in cooking or on cereal.

Pinto beans, hmm, we have a food place, you might post there. I think mexican when I think pinto bean.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:34 am
by talkingmountain
Hi Tessy & welcome!

The soy milk is probably ok, as long as it doesn't have added oil. However, if it's Silk brand or one of the other brands with a lot of "fake" ingredients, next time try one of the brands that has a simpler ingredient list. My personal favorite "milk" is actually almond milk (Blue Diamond Original Flavor Unsweetened).

Our family's favorite pinto bean recipe is ridiculously simple. Sort & rinse a bag of pinto beans. Cut up an onion & crush a few cloves of garlic. Put it all in a large crockpot. Cover with about 2-3 times the height of the beans in water, and cook on low overnight & thru the next day (add more water in the a.m. if needed). Good by themselves, or add various spices & veggies as suit you.

Tons of great recipes at, & you can search by "pinto beans" to see what she has. The vast majority of them are McDougall-friendly.