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New to forum

PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 1:22 am
by scottp
Hi, I joined the forum a little over a week ago and started writing an introduction. It quickly got pretty long and I decided I needed to summarize. So a week later, here it is.

I started McDougalling about 5 years ago because of a weight problem and High Blood Pressure. I was able to quickly lower my BP and get off of my meds. I also lost about 30 lbs in 4 months. Then for various reasons I "fell off the wagon" and gained it all back.

A year later I got serious again and this time I lost almost 50 lbs. in 5 months. Again I slowly slipped back to the SAD diet and gradually gained the weight back plus some. (This time the weight took about 2 years to come back.)

Over the last year I have made repeated attempts to return to the McDougall way as I know it is the best way to eat for optimum health. But this time I really struggled even getting started.

So in December I determined I needed help and I signed up for and attended the 10 day program in January of this year. It was all I hoped for and then some. I weighed in at 298 at the beginning of the program and before I left I had lost 9 lbs.

Since returning I have lost an additional 17 lbs. I have been amazed at how quickly it is melting off of me this time. I know I won't sustain this rate over the long haul but so far it has been nothing short of amazing.

One of the lessons I have learned from my experience is that I need the support of like minded folks. This is why I'm joining this forum.

I am looking forward to traveling this journey with you all.

Thanks in advance for your support. :-)


PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 9:36 am
by Lin
Welcome Scott,
It's always nice to have another join our ranks!

I too, need the support of like minded people, and so I come here to this message board and I get it. We're all here to help and encourage one another.

I wish you much success on your journey to ultimate health.


PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 9:56 am
by Carol

Welcome aboard! I, too, need support. Just reading through the hundreds of notes provides so much incentive. I also find these folks invaluable for food/recipe type questions and support. Just last week someone provided a fabulous recipe for salad dressing. I wasn't eating my salads because I typically don't care for no-fat dressings.

This list is VERY responsive. Even if you are having a down day, they are all wonderfully supportive and uplifting.

I started mid January myself after a 22 year lapse. But I'm back! :)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 10:29 am
by Doris
Welcome!! You will find that this message board is very supportive and is a great place to come for encouragement. I could not make it on my own. Just reading the posts, some sharing success, some sharing difficulties, and all of the posts offering encouagement and hope make this a wonderful place to visit and post. I wish you the best in your McDougall Journey. :)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 2:31 pm
by happyalyssa
Welcome (back) Scott!

The people here have been a lifesaver for me, hopefully you'll find lots of support as well :)


PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 5:11 pm
by hope101
Welcome, Scott. That is so wonderful that you have had such immediate success. :thumbsup: I have to admit I am slightly jealous of you being able to go to the program. From everything I have heard it is a wonderful experience.

I don't think there is a person here who hasn't slipped at some point on this journey, so you are in good company here. You are human, after all. This is a very supportive place, so come often. :D

Thanks for the welcome

PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 7:23 pm
by scottp
Thanks for the warm welcome. :)

And now I have a question. Can someone tell me about Roberta's Corner? I see daily meal logs and exercise logs. Are these what you hope to do during the day or are they yesterday's info?


PostPosted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 8:26 pm
by happyalyssa
These are what you do for the day. Often times I'll include my breakfast and lunch then edit my post to include dinner & a snack.